How has France's "multiculturalism" worked out for them, with growing Muslim "No-Go" zones, murders?

Your ignorance is astounding!
Your learned stupidity is incredible!

Ironic coming from the ignoramus who claimed that there are only "100,000-200,000 Muslims living in France".

I was talking to the poster who first called me an American, then an ex-pat. :)

How does that excuse your ignorance?
It explains your learned stupidity

Some years ago, France's "enlightened" politicians threw the doors open for immigration of foreign Muslims in particular, while providing no requirement for immigrant to assimilate into French society. They apparently felt that having different cultures living side by side would somehow enrich the life experience, or something.

So how's that working out for them? There are hundreds of neighborhoods, districts, and even entire cities where Muslims have taken over, and French people (including cops) are afraid to even go into any more. Plus the occasional mass murder of anyone who dares to criticize Muslims, lampoon the Muslim prophet, etc.

A very sobering video:
Multiculturalisme et islam en France reportage de CBN - YouTube

The French seem to have a habit of letting murderous, fanatical dictatorships walk right into their country and take it over a piece at a time, with little resistance from the French military or any other part of the French government. Won't the French ever take the hint?
You're right, everyone who came to America by boat, or is the descendant of one who did, should go home. We can't afford to take the chances France has. This multicultural thing just didn't work out.
Hell hath no wrath like a sarcastic liberal making a point no matter how inane it might be. America supports religious freedoms, and immigrants. Up to the point that either just become Trojan horses for those that would destroy...YOU, ME or anyone else that isn't muslim. Then it just gets STUPID and self defeating.
Bripat's solution is to allow no Muslims to enter, and deport those already here. Ask him...
Again, no they didn't come here from somewhere else. I was born here, as were most Americans. Most of the Muslims in France were born in the Middle East. That is where they belong, not in a civilized country.
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

We're discussing religion here, so your aspersion about "gooks" and "japs" aren't relevant.

The Bible doesn't order Jews and Christians to kill people because they are non-believers. The Koran does. Jesus said "turn the other cheek." Jesus didn't kill anyone, rape anyone, sell anyone into slavery, have sex with 9-year-old girls, or commit any of the other atrocities that Muhammad is well-known for. That's the difference between a religion and a murderous cult like Islam.
You really need to read the Bible, the Jews slaughtered many people; men, women, children, slaves, infants, and even livestock, on God's command. As for the Christian slaughters the Muslims have a word for that. Payback is a bitch eh?
That's old school. Here's an update:

farrakhan jews - YouTube
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

Holy crap, time for an update!


  1. It's just an isolated incident by a crazy person!
  2. It was a crime by a person who just happens to be Muslim!
  3. Christians kill people!
  4. People are murdered every day!
  5. All religion is bad, these savages are no worse!
  6. You're a racist!
  7. Some of my best friends are Muslims!
  8. If you don't like it, you're a Nazi!
  9. Christians are cannibals!

There were also accused of being Incestuous and Atheists. That is why Rome had no problems covering them in pitch and using them as human torches. Some things Rome got right.

So you're going to hold Christians responsible for the accusations of Romans who hated them? Islam is guilty by that measure, don't you think?
Islam is guilty of the same kind of nonsense of nearly all other religions, all of which are made up nonsense, to a one.
Your learned stupidity is incredible!

Ironic coming from the ignoramus who claimed that there are only "100,000-200,000 Muslims living in France".

I was talking to the poster who first called me an American, then an ex-pat. :)

How does that excuse your ignorance?
It explains your learned stupidity

The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

We're discussing religion here, so your aspersion about "gooks" and "japs" aren't relevant.

The Bible doesn't order Jews and Christians to kill people because they are non-believers. The Koran does. Jesus said "turn the other cheek." Jesus didn't kill anyone, rape anyone, sell anyone into slavery, have sex with 9-year-old girls, or commit any of the other atrocities that Muhammad is well-known for. That's the difference between a religion and a murderous cult like Islam.
You really need to read the Bible, the Jews slaughtered many people; men, women, children, slaves, infants, and even livestock, on God's command. As for the Christian slaughters the Muslims have a word for that. Payback is a bitch eh?
That's old school. Here's an update:

farrakhan jews - YouTube
That was boring the first four times you posted it.
Again, no they didn't come here from somewhere else. I was born here, as were most Americans. Most of the Muslims in France were born in the Middle East. That is where they belong, not in a civilized country.
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

We're discussing religion here, so your aspersion about "gooks" and "japs" aren't relevant.

The Bible doesn't order Jews and Christians to kill people because they are non-believers. The Koran does. Jesus said "turn the other cheek." Jesus didn't kill anyone, rape anyone, sell anyone into slavery, have sex with 9-year-old girls, or commit any of the other atrocities that Muhammad is well-known for. That's the difference between a religion and a murderous cult like Islam.
You really need to read the Bible, the Jews slaughtered many people; men, women, children, slaves, infants, and even livestock, on God's command.

Those are simply historical accounts. Nowhere in the Bible does God order Jews in general or Christians in general to slaughter no believers or apostates.

As for the Christian slaughters the Muslims have a word for that. Payback is a bitch eh?

So you think those people in France deserved to get slaughtered? Statements like that are why libturds are held in such universal disrespect.

BTW, Muslims slaughtered Christians for 500 years before they started trying to defend themselves. You see, Christians don't believe in spreading their religion by the sword. Muslims do. The Quran says so about 200 times.
Some years ago, France's "enlightened" politicians threw the doors open for immigration of foreign Muslims in particular, while providing no requirement for immigrant to assimilate into French society. They apparently felt that having different cultures living side by side would somehow enrich the life experience, or something.

So how's that working out for them? There are hundreds of neighborhoods, districts, and even entire cities where Muslims have taken over, and French people (including cops) are afraid to even go into any more. Plus the occasional mass murder of anyone who dares to criticize Muslims, lampoon the Muslim prophet, etc.

A very sobering video:
Multiculturalisme et islam en France reportage de CBN - YouTube

The French seem to have a habit of letting murderous, fanatical dictatorships walk right into their country and take it over a piece at a time, with little resistance from the French military or any other part of the French government. Won't the French ever take the hint?
You're right, everyone who came to America by boat, or is the descendant of one who did, should go home. We can't afford to take the chances France has. This multicultural thing just didn't work out.
Hell hath no wrath like a sarcastic liberal making a point no matter how inane it might be. America supports religious freedoms, and immigrants. Up to the point that either just become Trojan horses for those that would destroy...YOU, ME or anyone else that isn't muslim. Then it just gets STUPID and self defeating.
Bripat's solution is to allow no Muslims to enter, and deport those already here. Ask him...

Yep. Admitting Muslims is self-defeating. They are bent on destroying our culture.
So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

Holy crap, time for an update!


  1. It's just an isolated incident by a crazy person!
  2. It was a crime by a person who just happens to be Muslim!
  3. Christians kill people!
  4. People are murdered every day!
  5. All religion is bad, these savages are no worse!
  6. You're a racist!
  7. Some of my best friends are Muslims!
  8. If you don't like it, you're a Nazi!
  9. Christians are cannibals!

There were also accused of being Incestuous and Atheists. That is why Rome had no problems covering them in pitch and using them as human torches. Some things Rome got right.

So you're going to hold Christians responsible for the accusations of Romans who hated them? Islam is guilty by that measure, don't you think?
Islam is guilty of the same kind of nonsense of nearly all other religions, all of which are made up nonsense, to a one.

Not true. Name one other religion that tells its adherents to spread the faith by the sword? Name one other religion that orders its adherents to murder non-believers and apostates.
The time will come when this will truly implode. I think the attack this week is only a small event compared to what is likely to happen.
Mark my words, by the end of this year French troops will enter the "No Go" areas and their will be full on battles on the streets of France. Real military battles.
And THAT is what happens if you allow Muslims into your country without assimilation requirements. A Muslim population results in radicalism and violence. Period.

You don't go to war on your own citizens because of a bunch of fanatics.

That is correct. You send the military in and drive the fanatics out of there and shut down those no go zones. Give the nation back to the French citizens who are law abiding and want the law of the land to prevail. Seems like you are beginning to understand. Good!
And where exactly would you like these Islamic Sand ******* to go?

I do not use the N word and do not refer to Muslims by slang names such as the one you just slung here. I believe the only place for them to go is an Islamic state nation where they will feel more "at home" - preferably the one they immigrated from, PMH. How's that? Any objections from our resident elitist?
Those are simply historical accounts. Nowhere in the Bible does God order Jews in general or Christians in general to slaughter no believers or apostates.
Read the fucking Bible will you dummy. Then post.

1 Samuel 15:2-3, God commanded Saul and the Israelites, “This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'" God ordered similar things when the Israelites were invading the promised land (Deuteronomy 2:34; 3:6; 20:16-18). Why would God have the Israelites exterminate an entire group of people, women and children included?

Read more: Why did God command the extermination genocide of the Canaanites women and children included
The time will come when this will truly implode. I think the attack this week is only a small event compared to what is likely to happen.
Mark my words, by the end of this year French troops will enter the "No Go" areas and their will be full on battles on the streets of France. Real military battles.
And THAT is what happens if you allow Muslims into your country without assimilation requirements. A Muslim population results in radicalism and violence. Period.

You don't go to war on your own citizens because of a bunch of fanatics.

That is correct. You send the military in and drive the fanatics out of there and shut down those no go zones. Give the nation back to the French citizens who are law abiding and want the law of the land to prevail. Seems like you are beginning to understand. Good!
And where exactly would you like these Islamic Sand ******* to go?

I do not use the N word and do not refer to Muslims by slang names such as the one you just slung here. I believe the only place for them to go is an Islamic state nation where they will feel more "at home" - preferably the one they immigrated from, PMH. How's that? Any objections from our resident elitist?
You first. You want to live in Jesusland, so name it? And it can't be the USA, we let faggots marry here.
Some years ago, France's "enlightened" politicians threw the doors open for immigration of foreign Muslims in particular, while providing no requirement for immigrant to assimilate into French society. They apparently felt that having different cultures living side by side would somehow enrich the life experience, or something.

So how's that working out for them? There are hundreds of neighborhoods, districts, and even entire cities where Muslims have taken over, and French people (including cops) are afraid to even go into any more. Plus the occasional mass murder of anyone who dares to criticize Muslims, lampoon the Muslim prophet, etc.

A very sobering video:
Multiculturalisme et islam en France reportage de CBN - YouTube

The French seem to have a habit of letting murderous, fanatical dictatorships walk right into their country and take it over a piece at a time, with little resistance from the French military or any other part of the French government. It happened in the 1940s, and it's happening again now. Won't the French ever take the hint?

The larger question is, what is worse, an Islamic France or France with the current government and people?

It's a toss up really.
I have never heard of...Jewish suicide bombers. Or Christians blowing up planes filled with muslims for Jesus or Hindus crashing airplanes into buildings. No Taoists attacking shopping malls just to kill unarmed people to avenge imagined wrongs. I am beginning to despise islam, it's like a cousin to Nazism that's a thousand years old hiding behind a veil of religion. No more, It is a cult rife with facist nihilists haters, let's end the so called religious protections and put these creeps under a spotlight and end their reign of terror. Once and for ALL.
Those are simply historical accounts. Nowhere in the Bible does God order Jews in general or Christians in general to slaughter no believers or apostates.
Read the fucking Bible will you dummy. Then post.

1 Samuel 15:2-3, God commanded Saul and the Israelites, “This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.'" God ordered similar things when the Israelites were invading the promised land (Deuteronomy 2:34; 3:6; 20:16-18). Why would God have the Israelites exterminate an entire group of people, women and children included?

Read more: Why did God command the extermination genocide of the Canaanites women and children included

God ordered Saul, not all believers, to punish the Amalekites, not all non-believers nor apostates. God specifically did not order Jews to murder anyone simply because there were non-believers or because they were apostates.

It's an historical event, not a commandment. Muhammad gives commandments to all Muslims to slaughter non-believers and apostates.
You should live in France in your women's underpants.
I should live in what should be America, but I don't because of you and your kind.

Then move to North Korea. They appear to have what you are looking for over there.
It's my country not yours little man. If you don't like living in a Liberal Nation founded by Liberals then get the fuck out. No one is stopping you.

Wrong. It's my country and you are just visiting. It won't be long before your stay will end and no one will be more surprised than you, I'm sure. Your belief that the Communists are going to reward you because you are an elitist is not based on reality. When the tanks roll in you and your kind will be the first to go before a firing squad. For now they have a name for you. Useful idiots. It will be me and my Christian brothers and sisters who will prevail in the end and see God deliver judgment on this nation and then? Drive the enemy out once and for all. In that day? The term "liberal" will be a thing of the past. Count on it.

p.s. why are you so emotional? You liberals are so delicate! My goodness. It's just a message board. Get a grip on yourself, PMH.
Christianity is for fools, slaves, and children so I'm sure you believe in it deeply. And I'm a Liberal and a Capitalist little dummy. If anyone goes it will be your kind, off the live in Jesusland.

What about opium of the masses? Wouldn't that be another fav of yours? You're a liberal who defends communists and never misses a chance to step up to the plate for them. Interesting how communists have enriched themselves by taking up Capitolism themselves (while putting America down for it) - a brand of it anyhow - the Chinese, the Russians, you. How does it feel to be a hypocrite? A bit guilty or has all trace of conscience already vacated that heart of yours?
I have never heard of...Jewish suicide bombers. Or Christians blowing up planes filled with muslims for Jesus or Hindus crashing airplanes into buildings. No Taoists attacking shopping malls just to kill unarmed people to avenge imagined wrongs. I am beginning to despise islam, it's like a cousin to Nazism that's a thousand years old hiding behind a veil of religion. No more, It is a cult rife with facist nihilists haters, let's end the so called religious protections and put these creeps under a spotlight and end their reign of terror. Once and for ALL.
What you haven't heard of it because you haven't looked it up: Religious terrorism a primer on terrorism and religion
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What about opium of the masses? Wouldn't that be another fav of yours? You're a liberal who defends communists and never misses a chance to step up to the plate for them. Interesting how communists have enriched themselves by taking up Capitolism themselves (while putting America down for it) - a brand of it anyhow - the Chinese, the Russians, you. How does it feel to be a hypocrite? A bit guilty or has all trace of conscience already vacated that heart of yours?
So far I haven't defended the Communists once. Now what?

And yes, that is a very true thing that you paraphrased.

  • Religious distress is at the same time the expression of real distress and the protest against real distress. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is the opium of the people. The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions.Karl Marx, Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
I have never heard of...Jewish suicide bombers. Or Christians blowing up planes filled with muslims for Jesus or Hindus crashing airplanes into buildings. No Taoists attacking shopping malls just to kill unarmed people to avenge imagined wrongs. I am beginning to despise islam, it's like a cousin to Nazism that's a thousand years old hiding behind a veil of religion. No more, It is a cult rife with facist nihilists haters, let's end the so called religious protections and put these creeps under a spotlight and end their reign of terror. Once and for ALL.
What you haven't heard of is because you haven't looked it up: Religious terrorism a primer on terrorism and religion
You haven't looked this up: farrakhan jews - YouTube
Nope. And spamming the board is not allowed, so don't.

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