How has France's "multiculturalism" worked out for them, with growing Muslim "No-Go" zones, murders?

Yeah, that's a story Muhammad made up because he knew a little bit about the Bible but not enough to steal from it without getting caught.
And the infant babbles on, about what he knows nothing about.

Muhammad made up the entire religion of Islam to justify his own power. He stole liberally from the Torah and the Bible, but he was ignorant so he got some of the details wrong.
What part of all the other religions isn't "made up"? Oh right, they all are and always have been. Just the notions of stupid animals looking for answers to questions which don't have any.

They weren't all made up by single person so he could loot the entire Middle East, rape hundreds of women, enslave entire peoples and have sex with whomever he desired.
No, they were made up by men who did the very same thing, in their times and places. Holy Books are works of fiction, period.

That's a stretch. Islam is the creation of a single individual. It's a cult.
I was born in Boston MA.

Nope. If you aren't Native American then you came from someplace else, according to your logic, and your family should have stayed there.

If you're Native American, then you also came from some place else, probably Asia. In fact, the latest evidence shows that the first "natives" were Caucasians from Europe. You're theory is idiotic.

And using said "logic" I was born in Ireland, Scotland, England, and Germany. My wife says the German part is what makes me an asshole.

That's pretty damn stupid logic. How were you born in multiple places?
Because I couldn't be born here, my family came from somewhere else, according to you that is, who wants everyone to stay where they were born, including your own ancestors.

The fact that your ancestors weren't born here doesn't mean you can't be born here. Learn the difference between where you were born and where your ancestors were born.

Your theory seems to be that if anyone in this country had ancestors from some other country, then we have to let everyone in who wants in.

Nope, but nearly everyone here came from "somewhere else". You seem to want the Sand ******* to go home when for many of them, France is their home.
You seem to be calling for mass extermination of French Muslims
Because I couldn't be born here, my family came from somewhere else, according to you that is, who wants everyone to stay where they were born, including your own ancestors.

The fact that your ancestors weren't born here doesn't mean you can't be born here. Learn the difference between where you were born and where your ancestors were born.

Your theory seems to be that if anyone in this country had ancestors from some other country, then we have to let everyone in who wants in.

Nope, but nearly everyone here came from "somewhere else". You seem to want the Sand ******* to go home when for many of them, France is their home.

Again, no they didn't come here from somewhere else. I was born here, as were most Americans. Most of the Muslims in France were born in the Middle East. That is where they belong, not in a civilized country.
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -
If you're Native American, then you also came from some place else, probably Asia. In fact, the latest evidence shows that the first "natives" were Caucasians from Europe. You're theory is idiotic.

That's pretty damn stupid logic. How were you born in multiple places?
Because I couldn't be born here, my family came from somewhere else, according to you that is, who wants everyone to stay where they were born, including your own ancestors.

The fact that your ancestors weren't born here doesn't mean you can't be born here. Learn the difference between where you were born and where your ancestors were born.

Your theory seems to be that if anyone in this country had ancestors from some other country, then we have to let everyone in who wants in.

Nope, but nearly everyone here came from "somewhere else". You seem to want the Sand ******* to go home when for many of them, France is their home.

Again, no they didn't come here from somewhere else. I was born here, as were most Americans. Most of the Muslims in France were born in the Middle East. That is where they belong, not in a civilized country.
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.
That's old school. Here's an update:

farrakhan jews - YouTube
And the infant babbles on, about what he knows nothing about.

Muhammad made up the entire religion of Islam to justify his own power. He stole liberally from the Torah and the Bible, but he was ignorant so he got some of the details wrong.
What part of all the other religions isn't "made up"? Oh right, they all are and always have been. Just the notions of stupid animals looking for answers to questions which don't have any.

They weren't all made up by single person so he could loot the entire Middle East, rape hundreds of women, enslave entire peoples and have sex with whomever he desired.
No, they were made up by men who did the very same thing, in their times and places. Holy Books are works of fiction, period.

That's a stretch. Islam is the creation of a single individual. It's a cult.
The Mormons are a cult, 15 million. The Muslims are a religion, 1.6 billion. Numbers matter greatly in this case, and there is no stretch.
The fact that your ancestors weren't born here doesn't mean you can't be born here. Learn the difference between where you were born and where your ancestors were born.

Your theory seems to be that if anyone in this country had ancestors from some other country, then we have to let everyone in who wants in.

Nope, but nearly everyone here came from "somewhere else". You seem to want the Sand ******* to go home when for many of them, France is their home.

Again, no they didn't come here from somewhere else. I was born here, as were most Americans. Most of the Muslims in France were born in the Middle East. That is where they belong, not in a civilized country.
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

Holy crap, time for an update!


  1. It's just an isolated incident by a crazy person!
  2. It was a crime by a person who just happens to be Muslim!
  3. Christians kill people!
  4. People are murdered every day!
  5. All religion is bad, these savages are no worse!
  6. You're a racist! (all-purpose deflection/spin)
  7. Some of my best friends are Muslims!
  8. If you don't like it, you're a Nazi!
  9. Christians are cannibals!

Nope. If you aren't Native American then you came from someplace else, according to your logic, and your family should have stayed there.

If you're Native American, then you also came from some place else, probably Asia. In fact, the latest evidence shows that the first "natives" were Caucasians from Europe. You're theory is idiotic.

And using said "logic" I was born in Ireland, Scotland, England, and Germany. My wife says the German part is what makes me an asshole.

That's pretty damn stupid logic. How were you born in multiple places?
Because I couldn't be born here, my family came from somewhere else, according to you that is, who wants everyone to stay where they were born, including your own ancestors.

The fact that your ancestors weren't born here doesn't mean you can't be born here. Learn the difference between where you were born and where your ancestors were born.

Your theory seems to be that if anyone in this country had ancestors from some other country, then we have to let everyone in who wants in.

Nope, but nearly everyone here came from "somewhere else". You seem to want the Sand ******* to go home when for many of them, France is their home.
You seem to be calling for mass extermination of French Muslims
Just the terrorists.
Nope, but nearly everyone here came from "somewhere else". You seem to want the Sand ******* to go home when for many of them, France is their home.

Again, no they didn't come here from somewhere else. I was born here, as were most Americans. Most of the Muslims in France were born in the Middle East. That is where they belong, not in a civilized country.
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

Holy crap, time for an update!


  1. It's just an isolated incident by a crazy person!
  2. It was a crime by a person who just happens to be Muslim!
  3. Christians kill people!
  4. People are murdered every day!
  5. All religion is bad, these savages are no worse!
  6. You're a racist!
  7. Some of my best friends are Muslims!
  8. If you don't like it, you're a Nazi!
  9. Christians are cannibals!

There were also accused of being Incestuous and Atheists. That is why Rome had no problems covering them in pitch and using them as human torches. Some things Rome got right.
Hey! Not ALL Muslims!
Didn't even watch the video, did we?
I am well aware of the Islamic takeover of France. It has been going on for years.
7.5% is a takeover? On what planet?
When you surrender your land to the invaders who set up their own system of government in so called "No Go" zones that is a take over.
Like Whitey here you mean?
The fact that your ancestors weren't born here doesn't mean you can't be born here. Learn the difference between where you were born and where your ancestors were born.

Your theory seems to be that if anyone in this country had ancestors from some other country, then we have to let everyone in who wants in.

Nope, but nearly everyone here came from "somewhere else". You seem to want the Sand ******* to go home when for many of them, France is their home.

Again, no they didn't come here from somewhere else. I was born here, as were most Americans. Most of the Muslims in France were born in the Middle East. That is where they belong, not in a civilized country.
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

We're discussing religion here, so your aspersion about "gooks" and "japs" aren't relevant.

The Bible doesn't order Jews and Christians to kill people because they are non-believers. The Koran does. Jesus said "turn the other cheek." Jesus didn't kill anyone, rape anyone, sell anyone into slavery, have sex with 9-year-old girls, or commit any of the other atrocities that Muhammad is well-known for. That's the difference between a religion and a murderous cult like Islam.
If you're Native American, then you also came from some place else, probably Asia. In fact, the latest evidence shows that the first "natives" were Caucasians from Europe. You're theory is idiotic.

That's pretty damn stupid logic. How were you born in multiple places?
Because I couldn't be born here, my family came from somewhere else, according to you that is, who wants everyone to stay where they were born, including your own ancestors.

The fact that your ancestors weren't born here doesn't mean you can't be born here. Learn the difference between where you were born and where your ancestors were born.

Your theory seems to be that if anyone in this country had ancestors from some other country, then we have to let everyone in who wants in.

Nope, but nearly everyone here came from "somewhere else". You seem to want the Sand ******* to go home when for many of them, France is their home.
You seem to be calling for mass extermination of French Muslims
Just the terrorists.
There's another one for Mac's list.
I should live in what should be America, but I don't because of you and your kind.
I don't live in America.

There are between 100,000-200,000 Muslims living in France. It only took 13 to bring down two WTC buildings in America. That's a lot of terror.

Your ignorance is astounding!
Your learned stupidity is incredible!

Ironic coming from the ignoramus who claimed that there are only "100,000-200,000 Muslims living in France".

I was talking to the poster who first called me an American, then an ex-pat. :)

How does that excuse your ignorance?
Hey! Not ALL Muslims!
Didn't even watch the video, did we?
I am well aware of the Islamic takeover of France. It has been going on for years.
7.5% is a takeover? On what planet?
When you surrender your land to the invaders who set up their own system of government in so called "No Go" zones that is a take over.
Like Whitey here you mean?
Really? there are "No Go" zones in the United States? You my friend are even more paranoid than I thought.
I don't live in America.

There are between 100,000-200,000 Muslims living in France. It only took 13 to bring down two WTC buildings in America. That's a lot of terror.

Your ignorance is astounding!
Your learned stupidity is incredible!

Ironic coming from the ignoramus who claimed that there are only "100,000-200,000 Muslims living in France".

I was talking to the poster who first called me an American, then an ex-pat. :)

How does that excuse your ignorance?
It explains your learned stupidity
Some years ago, France's "enlightened" politicians threw the doors open for immigration of foreign Muslims in particular, while providing no requirement for immigrant to assimilate into French society. They apparently felt that having different cultures living side by side would somehow enrich the life experience, or something.

So how's that working out for them? There are hundreds of neighborhoods, districts, and even entire cities where Muslims have taken over, and French people (including cops) are afraid to even go into any more. Plus the occasional mass murder of anyone who dares to criticize Muslims, lampoon the Muslim prophet, etc.

A very sobering video:
Multiculturalisme et islam en France reportage de CBN - YouTube

The French seem to have a habit of letting murderous, fanatical dictatorships walk right into their country and take it over a piece at a time, with little resistance from the French military or any other part of the French government. Won't the French ever take the hint?
You're right, everyone who came to America by boat, or is the descendant of one who did, should go home. We can't afford to take the chances France has. This multicultural thing just didn't work out.
Hell hath no wrath like a sarcastic liberal making a point no matter how inane it might be. America supports religious freedoms, and immigrants. Up to the point that either just become Trojan horses for those that would destroy...YOU, ME or anyone else that isn't muslim. Then it just gets STUPID and self defeating.
Again, no they didn't come here from somewhere else. I was born here, as were most Americans. Most of the Muslims in France were born in the Middle East. That is where they belong, not in a civilized country.
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

Holy crap, time for an update!


  1. It's just an isolated incident by a crazy person!
  2. It was a crime by a person who just happens to be Muslim!
  3. Christians kill people!
  4. People are murdered every day!
  5. All religion is bad, these savages are no worse!
  6. You're a racist!
  7. Some of my best friends are Muslims!
  8. If you don't like it, you're a Nazi!
  9. Christians are cannibals!

There were also accused of being Incestuous and Atheists. That is why Rome had no problems covering them in pitch and using them as human torches. Some things Rome got right.

So you're going to hold Christians responsible for the accusations of Romans who hated them? Islam is guilty by that measure, don't you think?
Nope, but nearly everyone here came from "somewhere else". You seem to want the Sand ******* to go home when for many of them, France is their home.

Again, no they didn't come here from somewhere else. I was born here, as were most Americans. Most of the Muslims in France were born in the Middle East. That is where they belong, not in a civilized country.
The very same things have been said about the Jews, the Catholics, the Irish, the *******, the Gooks, the Japs, and so on and so on. Now you know.

So what? How does that justify allowing followers of a bloodthirsty cult immigrate to this country?
Bloodthirsty cult? You mean like the Jews, the Catholics, and Gooks, the Japs, and many others, all of which have been said to be such things?

Did you know that at one time the Christians were changed with Cannibalism? Eating People Accusations of Cannibalism Against Christians in the Second Century Andrew McGowan -

We're discussing religion here, so your aspersion about "gooks" and "japs" aren't relevant.

The Bible doesn't order Jews and Christians to kill people because they are non-believers. The Koran does. Jesus said "turn the other cheek." Jesus didn't kill anyone, rape anyone, sell anyone into slavery, have sex with 9-year-old girls, or commit any of the other atrocities that Muhammad is well-known for. That's the difference between a religion and a murderous cult like Islam.
You really need to read the Bible, the Jews slaughtered many people; men, women, children, slaves, infants, and even livestock, on God's command. As for the Christian slaughters the Muslims have a word for that. Payback is a bitch eh?

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