How is 'loosely tolerated' profanity defined?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Seems some posters can't post a single thing without spewing endless profanities. I'd assume 'loosely tolerated' means once in a while, but not multiple times every post? :)
If it's against the rules posted, it's against the rules. Not a matter of my personal threshhold.
Seems some posters can't post a single thing without spewing endless profanities. I'd assume 'loosely tolerated' means once in a while, but not multiple times every post? :)

Can't handle it? Go somewhere else.

Fuckin' A, man!

I thought for a while that was the first letter of the NewYorker alphabet!

With respect to the question of "loosely tolerated" sorta means we don't really give a shit what you say keepin' a loose rein on a horse...or like using a term "loosely"...could mean anything. Read the rules.

Freedom of speech is maximized here. There's just a few things you can't say and get away with. "Fuck you!" ain't one of 'em!

Of course, you're allowed the freedom to respect and befriend whomever you choose for whatever reason, be it whether they cuss or not, are liberal or not, are straight or not, can spell impeccably or not, are stupid or not...but, like the cook on the towboat taught me a long time ago, if you can't stand the heat...stay the fuck out of my kitchen!
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Seems some posters can't post a single thing without spewing endless profanities. I'd assume 'loosely tolerated' means once in a while, but not multiple times every post? :)

Delta, just stop with your complaining. You come to this "private" board and start whining about everything you don't like about it. Don't post if it's that bad. Take it to management via pm, not on the open board. You come off like a whiner.
Seems some posters can't post a single thing without spewing endless profanities. I'd assume 'loosely tolerated' means once in a while, but not multiple times every post? :)

I'd like to tell you what I think of all your whining with as many profanities as I can but this is a thread in the announcements section so I'll just tell you to put those who swear more that you like on ignore instead.
Seems some posters can't post a single thing without spewing endless profanities. I'd assume 'loosely tolerated' means once in a while, but not multiple times every post? :)

Think of it like this...

they loosley tolorte whiners and complaners the same way they do endless profanity.

they laughed at it.
Seems some posters can't post a single thing without spewing endless profanities. I'd assume 'loosely tolerated' means once in a while, but not multiple times every post? :)

Can't handle it? Go somewhere else.

Gunny, I truly respect and enjoy the vast majority of your posts.

However, this surprises and saddens me. I thing the poster is referring to those who cannot complete a sentence without attacking others and using profanity while doing so. To me, using profanity is a sign of not being proficient in the English language and showing one's ignorance. Such posters should be warned and, when failing to heed such warnings, be banned from future posting.

I personally report posters who continually and unnecessarily use profanity and make personal attacks.

I think the OP is right to bring this up. :cool:
Seems some posters can't post a single thing without spewing endless profanities. I'd assume 'loosely tolerated' means once in a while, but not multiple times every post? :)

don't worry dude its fucking a ok to curse here

have at it
strollingbones said:
amazing....fucking dont read what you dont wanna read but dont try to raise everyone to your high standards....if you wanna be judge fucking mental so be it...but dont try to force that on others
I agree........ I like sites that dont mind General language....... (No site I am on allows direct attacking (Swearing directly @ someone) which is good)
Aww people who you will never know that swear on the internets damages you. How sad errr pathetic.
Seems some posters can't post a single thing without spewing endless profanities. I'd assume 'loosely tolerated' means once in a while, but not multiple times every post? :)

Can't handle it? Go somewhere else.

Gunny, I truly respect and enjoy the vast majority of your posts.

However, this surprises and saddens me. I thing the poster is referring to those who cannot complete a sentence without attacking others and using profanity while doing so. To me, using profanity is a sign of not being proficient in the English language and showing one's ignorance. Such posters should be warned and, when failing to heed such warnings, be banned from future posting.

I personally report posters who continually and unnecessarily use profanity and make personal attacks.

I think the OP is right to bring this up. :cool:

I usually agree with your posts. Here, however. . .

I drop profanity left and right. In my writing and in every day speech, yet saying that my mastery of the English language is above average would be a horrible fucking understatement.

I've also met some severely clever motherfuckers who have complete God damn sailor mouths.

It's all reinforced a principle I have: Basing your assessment of someone's intellect on anything other than direct evidence of their intellect is stupid.

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