How Japan Handles Muslims

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They don't allow Christianity for the most part either. Or Judaism. They're arguably the most xenophobic nation on Earth if you don't count DPRK.
"Japan is teaching the whole world an interesting lesson: there is a direct correlation between national heritage and permission to immigrate: a people that has a solid and clear national heritage and identity will not allow the unemployed of the world to enter its country; and a people whose cultural heritage and national identity is weak and fragile, has no defense mechanisms to prevent a foreign culture from penetrating into its country and its land."

Japan: The Land Without Muslims

Originally published at Middle East and Terrorism under the title, A Country without Muslims. Translated into English by Sally Zahav.
About the Author: Dr. Mordechai Kedar (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.
The author of the book is a zionist Israeli who spent 25 years in the IDF.

So of course his book will be anti-muslim. ...... :cool:
"Japan is teaching the whole world an interesting lesson: there is a direct correlation between national heritage and permission to immigrate: a people that has a solid and clear national heritage and identity will not allow the unemployed of the world to enter its country; and a people whose cultural heritage and national identity is weak and fragile, has no defense mechanisms to prevent a foreign culture from penetrating into its country and its land."

Japan: The Land Without Muslims

Originally published at Middle East and Terrorism under the title, A Country without Muslims. Translated into English by Sally Zahav.
About the Author: Dr. Mordechai Kedar (Ph.D. Bar-Ilan U.) Served for 25 years in IDF Military Intelligence specializing in Arab political discourse, Arab mass media, Islamic groups and the Syrian domestic arena. A lecturer in Arabic at Bar-Ilan U., he is also an expert on Israeli Arabs.
The author of the book is a zionist Israeli who spent 25 years in the IDF.

So of course his book will be anti-muslim. ...... :cool:

Everybody should be anti-muslim. It's the only way to survive.
You must want to live there then? Just don't bring your guns, you aren't allowed to own them there.

You're the one that said our gun laws should be more like Japan. I guess you play pick and choose as to when you support what you do and when you don't. Hypocritical.
They should be like Japan's, but it a fucking racist nation, I don't plan to embrace that either. Learn to pick a good idea regardless of where or when it comes from. That's discernment, a skill of adults.

When we get a gun ban here I don't plan to make us speak Japanese as well you fucking stupid moron.

Since when is Muslim a race retard?

It's called pick and choose. A sign of a hypocrite.
You must want to live there then? Just don't bring your guns, you aren't allowed to own them there.

You're the one that said our gun laws should be more like Japan. I guess you play pick and choose as to when you support what you do and when you don't. Hypocritical.
They should be like Japan's, but it a fucking racist nation, I don't plan to embrace that either. Learn to pick a good idea regardless of where or when it comes from. That's discernment, a skill of adults.

When we get a gun ban here I don't plan to make us speak Japanese as well you fucking stupid moron.

Since when is Muslim a race retard?

It's called pick and choose. A sign of a hypocrite.
Islam isn't a race but Japan is a racist nation. I'm not importing that either. And there is nothing hypocritical about picking and choosing, unless you say you don't do that and no actual adult does. Ideas stand, or fall, on their own, dumbass.
You must want to live there then? Just don't bring your guns, you aren't allowed to own them there.

You're the one that said our gun laws should be more like Japan. I guess you play pick and choose as to when you support what you do and when you don't. Hypocritical.
They should be like Japan's, but it a fucking racist nation, I don't plan to embrace that either. Learn to pick a good idea regardless of where or when it comes from. That's discernment, a skill of adults.

When we get a gun ban here I don't plan to make us speak Japanese as well you fucking stupid moron.

Since when is Muslim a race retard?

It's called pick and choose. A sign of a hypocrite.
Islam isn't a race but Japan is a racist nation. I'm not importing that either. And there is nothing hypocritical about picking and choosing, unless you say you don't do that and no actual adult does. Ideas stand, or fall, on their own, dumbass.

Yet nothing you said showed why you make that claim. Only Muslim was mentioned and you jumped straight to the race card.

We won't get a gun ban here. The funny thing about you saying that is you've shown that you think they should be banned except in certain situations that you happen to be part of yet you don't call yourself a hypocrite. That's what hypocrites do. You say something should be banned but exclude yourself.
You're the one that said our gun laws should be more like Japan. I guess you play pick and choose as to when you support what you do and when you don't. Hypocritical.
They should be like Japan's, but it a fucking racist nation, I don't plan to embrace that either. Learn to pick a good idea regardless of where or when it comes from. That's discernment, a skill of adults.

When we get a gun ban here I don't plan to make us speak Japanese as well you fucking stupid moron.

Since when is Muslim a race retard?

It's called pick and choose. A sign of a hypocrite.
Islam isn't a race but Japan is a racist nation. I'm not importing that either. And there is nothing hypocritical about picking and choosing, unless you say you don't do that and no actual adult does. Ideas stand, or fall, on their own, dumbass.

Yet nothing you said showed why you make that claim. Only Muslim was mentioned and you jumped straight to the race card.

We won't get a gun ban here. The funny thing about you saying that is you've shown that you think they should be banned except in certain situations that you happen to be part of yet you don't call yourself a hypocrite. That's what hypocrites do. You say something should be banned but exclude yourself.
Ban in nearly all cases, dumbass. As for race, that's just another element of Japan I reject.

The problem is you put yourself in the group where the ban wouldn't apply. That's hypocritical. It's saying only certain people should have guns and I just happen to be one of them.

Yet you can't show a damn thing supporting your point about Japan.
They should be like Japan's, but it a fucking racist nation, I don't plan to embrace that either. Learn to pick a good idea regardless of where or when it comes from. That's discernment, a skill of adults.

When we get a gun ban here I don't plan to make us speak Japanese as well you fucking stupid moron.

Since when is Muslim a race retard?

It's called pick and choose. A sign of a hypocrite.
Islam isn't a race but Japan is a racist nation. I'm not importing that either. And there is nothing hypocritical about picking and choosing, unless you say you don't do that and no actual adult does. Ideas stand, or fall, on their own, dumbass.

Yet nothing you said showed why you make that claim. Only Muslim was mentioned and you jumped straight to the race card.

We won't get a gun ban here. The funny thing about you saying that is you've shown that you think they should be banned except in certain situations that you happen to be part of yet you don't call yourself a hypocrite. That's what hypocrites do. You say something should be banned but exclude yourself.
Ban in nearly all cases, dumbass. As for race, that's just another element of Japan I reject.

The problem is you put yourself in the group where the ban wouldn't apply. That's hypocritical. It's saying only certain people should have guns and I just happen to be one of them.

Yet you can't show a damn thing supporting your point about Japan.
I put myself in the group that would be allowed guns because I still have a legitimate reason to own guns while most don't. Fucking grow up.
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