How liberal or conservative are these positions?

believe in the right to bear arms.
Democrat, They have never oppose gun ownership just said it needs regulation to keep from undesirable hands.. The Conservative view is to arm Mentally Ill and Felons..

I support a strong economy, military, and space program.
Democrat. The last President to balance the books, Democrat. Democrats have shown in actions far more fiscal discipline than the GOP. Democrats know investing in Education pays back 9 times in tax revenue. How much money did the GOP waste in Middle East wars against former buddies

I don't give two damns about your personal lives.
Democrats are the live and let live... Which party wants to regulate the bedroom, women's wombs, public bathrooms, question some people's religious beliefs...

Not a big fan of Trump but I have criticized illegal immigration. Why give them access to social programs when many of our citizens are homeless? I have no program with giving illegal immigrants who are not violent gang members a chance to gain citizenship.
This is a moderate view, moderate GOP and Dems are close enough here on this issue... This is centrist.

I am tired of war. I am tired of warmongering and hateful politicians.
Democrat, even the Moderate GOP seemed to be dragged to War by the Righter wing of the party... But Look who wants war with Iran? A war which the US has no way to pay for and no exit strategy.

I would prefer to keep America safe without mass surveillance and incarceration.
This should is a weird one. Both sides leaders have supported this while there is objections from there base. But lets be honest which party will throw your rights out the door for security quickest. That would be GOP/Conservatives... Who supports torture?

Definitely opposed to the war on drugs. Been doing this for the last 20-30 years and haven't won.
Democrats the closest on this one.. Liberal View.

I will point out, in the 80s the GOP would have been a center right party in Europe with the Democrats center left to center. Today the GOP would be right and Dem would be slightly right of center.
I read your first three replies, they were all lies, so I'm going to assume the rest were.

fucking idiotic nonsense leftist believe is shocking at times.

So have you a quote from a senior Democrat denying the right to bear arms... The GOP has arm the criminal policy...

Democrats balance budgets, pay for a Military good enough for defense and actually believe in the space program.

As for personal live, you didn't even refute it with any actual evidence...

Actually you have no evidence to back what you said up...

There have been a few (at least) democratic politicians and organizations whose goal is to get rid of the 2nd Amendment.

That is not evidence...

So have you a quote from a senior Democrat denying the right to bear arms...
believe in the right to bear arms.
Democrat, They have never oppose gun ownership just said it needs regulation to keep from undesirable hands.. The Conservative view is to arm Mentally Ill and Felons..

I support a strong economy, military, and space program.
Democrat. The last President to balance the books, Democrat. Democrats have shown in actions far more fiscal discipline than the GOP. Democrats know investing in Education pays back 9 times in tax revenue. How much money did the GOP waste in Middle East wars against former buddies

I don't give two damns about your personal lives.
Democrats are the live and let live... Which party wants to regulate the bedroom, women's wombs, public bathrooms, question some people's religious beliefs...

Not a big fan of Trump but I have criticized illegal immigration. Why give them access to social programs when many of our citizens are homeless? I have no program with giving illegal immigrants who are not violent gang members a chance to gain citizenship.
This is a moderate view, moderate GOP and Dems are close enough here on this issue... This is centrist.

I am tired of war. I am tired of warmongering and hateful politicians.
Democrat, even the Moderate GOP seemed to be dragged to War by the Righter wing of the party... But Look who wants war with Iran? A war which the US has no way to pay for and no exit strategy.

I would prefer to keep America safe without mass surveillance and incarceration.
This should is a weird one. Both sides leaders have supported this while there is objections from there base. But lets be honest which party will throw your rights out the door for security quickest. That would be GOP/Conservatives... Who supports torture?

Definitely opposed to the war on drugs. Been doing this for the last 20-30 years and haven't won.
Democrats the closest on this one.. Liberal View.

I will point out, in the 80s the GOP would have been a center right party in Europe with the Democrats center left to center. Today the GOP would be right and Dem would be slightly right of center.
I read your first three replies, they were all lies, so I'm going to assume the rest were.

fucking idiotic nonsense leftist believe is shocking at times.

So have you a quote from a senior Democrat denying the right to bear arms... The GOP has arm the criminal policy...

Democrats balance budgets, pay for a Military good enough for defense and actually believe in the space program.

As for personal live, you didn't even refute it with any actual evidence...

Actually you have no evidence to back what you said up...
every gun law comes from the left, that makes them anti 2nd, but you knew that.

no they don't, the debt exploded every time a dem was Pres. and the congress gets more of a raise than the military and we have Vets killing themselves since they can't take the pain while waiting for the VA to give a fuck about them.

You force me to get ins, invade my privacy by forcing me to prove that I have it. again, you knew this.

I have tons of proof, you just don't care about the truth.

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