How long should the so-called oath keepers have to go to jail for? what about the BLM rioters?

This quote sums up every right-winger in this country. What a hoot!
Piglousy wanted anything But a peaceful demonstration. About 20 agitators were planted after everyone was inside.
This was to sow the seeds for another lengthy witch hunt
Back in the old days, they didn't bother with jail sentences for was a firing squad.

I'm glad we have evolved away from that.
Traitor is anyone violating their oaths like every politician in dc
If you are against black lives matter, you are a racist , simple as that, Black lives matter is a protest against the number of blacks that are killed by the cops. If you are against that, you are a racist.
If you believe the number of blacks killed by cops is statistically disproportionate then you are not mentally functioning
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Pictured Above is Jessica Watkins who is a so-called insurrectionist. So she is going to take our country over? So that’s it, those are the big bad wolf? We’re supposed to be scared of them? Come on now looks more like she and her cohorts had some mental issues. Appears that some of these “insurrectionists” couldn’t handle a job at McDonald’s let alone take over a country.

This can’t be reality right folks. I would hope that we could all see that the idea that these few dozen people had any sort of an ability to overturn the election is fraudulent. Bc in order to overtake a country one needs tanks and jets, A military. The idea that these “oath keepers “were somehow capable of overthrowing the election is absurd. They are about as much of a threat as the angry old white man who is still racist against blacks…

She faces a 20 year maximum prison sentence that she’s already been convicted guilty of the crime she was charged with. As far as I know she illegally walked into the Capitol building on Jan . I don’t think she attacked anyone. As a Catholic the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. Maybe she should get a few weeks in jail?

What about the BLM rioters burn down the Minnesota police station? That’s a government building it’s the same thing folks it is a official government building. And that was literally burn down. But guess what a January 6 the government building was not burned down. So what’s going on here this is clearly hypocrisy where are the trials for the BLM rioters?

The other end of it was considering some sort of a blanket immunity for BLM rioters and the January 6 rioters. Thinking of a way to bring the country together. Have Donald Trump and Joe Biden shake hands with each other. Seriously it’s about unity it’s about common sense the most violent offenders where the BLM rioters or January 6 rioters who are for example in fist fights with cops violently attacking people they should go to jail for more than a year but simply entering a government building illegally that does not warrant a 20 year prison sentence.

Were BLM folks convicted of seditious conspiracy?
Does the government have the legal right to let a bunch of thugs take control of a portion of a city? They were out of line, as well as breaking the law by letting it continue themselves.
The ultimate stupidity, jan6th, is justified by what happened with BLM. Can anyone suggest anything more stupid than that.
Many states require absentee ballots to be received by election day, independent of postmark. So if the post office delays delivery, those votes become ineligible to be counted.

A little delay is no biggie, right?
Get your ballot in on time and stop expecting people to wait on and wait for you.
Thinker 101

Article III​

Section 3​

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attained.

My opinion is that the penalty should be death . that is anyone involved in shitting and pissing on the capital floors on jan6th ,anyone who forced their way into the capital putting 140 cops in the hospital and anyone who supported jan 6th Traitors and/or Trump.
The problem with all your conjoured hysteria is that this bunch had No Ability to take over government. Your attempts to dismiss that fact as irrelevant IS irrelevant. You live in “what if” land
If you are against black lives matter, you are a racist , simple as that, Black lives matter is a protest against the number of blacks that are killed by the cops. If you are against that, you are a racist.

Glad to see your direct TV-to-brain DNC talking point download cable is functioning well.
My opinion is that the penalty should be death . that is anyone involved in shitting and pissing on the capital floors on jan6th ,anyone who forced their way into the capital putting 140 cops in the hospital and anyone who supported jan 6th Traitors and/or Trump.
In my opinion you should be hung by your testicles over a pit of poisonous snakes.
The problem with all your conjoured hysteria is that this bunch had No Ability to take over government. Your attempts to dismiss that fact as irrelevant IS irrelevant. You live in “what if” land

Treason is a very specific crime with an extremely narrow focus. None of the MAGA faithful committed treason on J6 that I'm aware of.

Sedition? Absolutely.
No but supporters of Trump and Jan 6th are traitors to this country and I believe that the penalty for that should be the death sentence,
So everyone that voted for trump should be put to death?
So everyone that voted for trump should be put to death?

Yeah, that's a little extreme.

Treason is war against the United States. Neither Trump nor his MAGA insurrectionists who attacked the capitol commited Treason.

And sedition doesn't carry the death penalty.
Yeah, that's a little extreme.

Treason is war against the United States. Neither Trump nor his MAGA insurrectionists who attacked the capitol commited Treason.

And sedition doesn't carry the death penalty.

He’s one of yours, maybe you should let him know.

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