How long should the so-called oath keepers have to go to jail for? what about the BLM rioters?

Dozens of cops were beaten in order for them to gain access. January 6th rioters seized control of the Capitol. By force. With violence.

That's simply not true for CHOP. Ask any cop, they have no obligation to do jack shit. SCOTUS decided this a while ago in Gonzales which was authored by that shit stain that was Scalia.

With selfie sticks.


You are impressing no one.

How many cops were injured during the Floyd riots?

CHAZ/CHOP was just a part of that, that actually took over control of an aera.
You can't pin other cops being injured in other riots because that has nothing to do with CHOP. There was no coordination, and no conspiracy. Your really shitting the bed here Marty. Your argument must really be pathetic for you to try to use such obviously bullshit arguments. We both know why (although only one of us has the balls to admit it). It's because you are going to have a hard time showing that CHAZ/CHOP engaged in violence against the government.
the GOVERNMENT has the duty to provide services to the people.

Gonzales was about protecting individuals, not providing policing services in general.
Don't be a dipshit. The government has no duty to jack shit. Even if it did, that's not the problem of any of the CHOP protestors.
It's because you are going to have a hard time showing that CHAZ/CHOP engaged in violence against the government.

Not much, they didn't, liar.

Considering ballots are all treated by postmark, and not delivery date, your comparison fails on the merit.

Was Biden's placement into power delayed at all, Yes or No?
Many states require absentee ballots to be received by election day, independent of postmark. So if the post office delays delivery, those votes become ineligible to be counted.

A little delay is no biggie, right?
But it's OK to shoot unarmed women?
Rather than let an angry the MAGA MOB roam the halls of Congress, hunting down Congressmen and Congresswomen?

I mean I wish the MAGA MOB was never set loose on Congress with the Biglie Chip on it's shoulder......and I bet her family does too!
Rather than let an angry the MAGA MOB roam the halls of Congress, hunting down Congressmen and Congresswomen?

I mean I wish the MAGA MOB was never set loose on Congress with the Biglie Chip on it's shoulder......and I bet her family does too!

You democriminal drama queens are so fucking funny!


GIVE ME MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm snowed in and bored.

Plus that whole breaking into the building thing...
Just pointing out how somebody could be considered a lethal threat, without brandishing a firearm.

Look at how many suicide bombers got close to their targets, because they weren't brandishing a weapon. Fatal mistake.
You democriminal drama queens are so fucking funny!


GIVE ME MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm snowed in and bored.

Alrightie, but you got to set me up with some shit like "But it's OK to shoot unarmed women? " to get me warmed up, okay?

Female suicide bombers are women who carry out a suicide attack, wherein the bomber kills herself while simultaneously killing targeted people. Suicide bombers are normally viewed as male political radicals but since the 1960s female suicide attacks have been on the rise. Through 1985–2006, 15% of all suicide attacks were conducted by female suicide bombers

Wafa Idris detonated a 22-pound bomb in the center of Jerusalem outside a shoe store on Jaffa Road, killing her and Pinhas Tokatli (81), and injuring more than 100 others. The attack took place on 27 January 2002 but the identity of the bomber wasn't confirmed until 30 January 2002. Idris carried the bomb in a backpack, rather than strapped to her body.
They never had a chance to overthrow the government. Willingly believing they did is dangerous? Wishful thinking ? It’s wrong

They would need an army.

who are you responding to? Show who said there’s no racists in the USA

There’s a few not many

We want better jobs. Race talk is bad for the country but the far left puts it on us

Blm lies about there opponents views they just call critics racists. To bad for them I’m a proud American with free speech. Blm is anti free speech and uses intimidation tactics. They openly insult my ancestors.. they destroy statues, silence free speech online and at college campuses.
What a hoot , right-wingers being bigots is a message that has to be spread, obviously we know why you are against it.
Define a traitor.

Article III​

Section 3​

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attained.

My opinion is that the penalty should be death . that is anyone involved in shitting and pissing on the capital floors on jan6th ,anyone who forced their way into the capital putting 140 cops in the hospital and anyone who supported jan 6th Traitors and/or Trump.
What made you come to that conclusion.?

If you support equality between man we are on the same side.

Here’s the problem in America there’s practically no racists in the country black or white. What the far left does when somebody says they don’t agree with BLM ….. is to claim racism…. That’s against democracy
If you are against black lives matter, you are a racist , simple as that, Black lives matter is a protest against the number of blacks that are killed by the cops. If you are against that, you are a racist.

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