How long should the so-called oath keepers have to go to jail for? what about the BLM rioters?

Brother this is really straightforward. It’s a clear-cut case of a hyprocrisy . January 6 was one day with a few hundred people and maybe 15 of them use violence? . Compared to the far left BLM riots hundreds of different events over multiple months costing billions of dollars worth of damage , upwards of 20 murders.

Nobody has said that those January 6 rioters were heroes. But here’s the thing and it’s really important to talk about things from a commonsense perspective and just look at the facts and once and for all eliminate the far left propaganda. BLM supporters burn American flags the people on January 6 were carrying American flags with them. In both cases there was illegal activity…. BLM supporters burn down a police building some illegally entered a police building. On January 6 some trump supporters got into fist fights with cops I don’t know which ones they were… I’ve made my position crystal clear the ones who got in the fist fights with cops should serve more time in jail than the one who simply illegally entered the building.

So the January 6 commission is a joke they should’ve had an investigation into BLM but no they didn’t. So it’s clearly a case of injustice brother. And again this idea that BLM is right to protest civil rights and justices no they’re not they are terrorists. They’re anti-American…. Trump supporters don’t go around destroying statues of African people of history who might have owned slaves so the BLM people not only destroy statues of Confederates… They’ve destroyed statues of people who have even work against slavery they destroyed statues of great heroic people of history. This is a huge problem.
Why are you defending these incredibly embarrassing people? They've only brought shame on you.
Sounds like the problem is with the local government then. Your entire post is complaining about the actions of the local government, not the protestors.

It’s not semantics. You can’t prove someone took control from the government while admitting they let them take control. That won’t work in a court of law. Instant acquittal.

The local government ignored it's duty to provide policing services in the area in question. The insurrectionists DECLARED the area under their control.

Semantics are semantics, and you are playing the usual pathetic SJW gotcha deflect game.
Many charges were dropped because the police unconstitutionally rounded up people and charged them for merely engaging in constitutionally protected freedom of speech.

The rioters that caused property damage were sentenced to significant terms.

They were dropped because the lefty governments have no stomach for going after lefty protests.

Some of them were, most got away with it. And even then the lefties bitched the ones caught were being over prosecuted.

Look at the idiots whining about the 2 molotov cocktail former lawyers from NY.
inspired and incited riot on Jan 6th.
There’s the “connect the dots” BS you have to do to demonize your political opponent. No proof, just hopeful fan fiction. The only proof is the calls for peace by Trump, which you ignore. Address them, he called for peace. Deal with it.

Unless you want to say Biden/Harris and the MSM “inspired and incited” the George Floyd riots with their constant references to racism in our nation and police.

Or Obama “inspired and incited” the murder of multiple Dallas police officers at the hands of a BLM member after he demonized police as racist

Or Bernie Sanders “inspired and incited” the Democrat who shot up the GOP softball game right after Sanders called GOP murderers.

You don’t do that, so you have no credibility in your claim. Individuals are responsible for their actions in all 4 cases, and none of the politicians mentioned directly called for violence, so they didn’t cause what happened.

I’m consistent and honest, you clearly aren’t. You think the 3 Democrat examples are lone wolfs, but Trump is involved and guilty. Gosh, anyone notice a trend in these examples as far as which side of the aisle the innocent and guilty are on? LOL
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Pictured Above is Jessica Watkins who is a so-called insurrectionist. So she is going to take our country over? So that’s it, those are the big bad wolf? We’re supposed to be scared of them? Come on now looks more like she and her cohorts had some mental issues. Appears that some of these “insurrectionists” couldn’t handle a job at McDonald’s let alone take over a country.

This can’t be reality right folks. I would hope that we could all see that the idea that these few dozen people had any sort of an ability to overturn the election is fraudulent. Bc in order to overtake a country one needs tanks and jets, A military. The idea that these “oath keepers “were somehow capable of overthrowing the election is absurd. They are about as much of a threat as the angry old white man who is still racist against blacks…

She faces a 20 year maximum prison sentence that she’s already been convicted guilty of the crime she was charged with. As far as I know she illegally walked into the Capitol building on Jan . I don’t think she attacked anyone. As a Catholic the punishment doesn’t fit the crime. Maybe she should get a few weeks in jail?

What about the BLM rioters burn down the Minnesota police station? That’s a government building it’s the same thing folks it is a official government building. And that was literally burn down. But guess what a January 6 the government building was not burned down. So what’s going on here this is clearly hypocrisy where are the trials for the BLM rioters?

The other end of it was considering some sort of a blanket immunity for BLM rioters and the January 6 rioters. Thinking of a way to bring the country together. Have Donald Trump and Joe Biden shake hands with each other. Seriously it’s about unity it’s about common sense the most violent offenders where the BLM rioters or January 6 rioters who are for example in fist fights with cops violently attacking people they should go to jail for more than a year but simply entering a government building illegally that does not warrant a 20 year prison sentence.
You missed the trails them, don't worry you can research them in the archives of the locality they occurred.
The local government ignored it's duty to provide policing services in the area in question. The insurrectionists DECLARED the area under their control.

Semantics are semantics, and you are playing the usual pathetic SJW gotcha deflect game.
You are apparently the SJW here because this is a thread about oathkeepers and you are playing deflection by talking about CHAZ. That is, by your own definition, pathetic.

If the local government let them do it, you can’t accuse them of taking control from government. Pretend it’s just “playing semantics” but the meaning of words matters in law.
They were dropped because the lefty governments have no stomach for going after lefty protests.

Some of them were, most got away with it. And even then the lefties bitched the ones caught were being over prosecuted.

Look at the idiots whining about the 2 molotov cocktail former lawyers from NY.
Wrong. The police used mass arrest as a technique to suppress freedom of speech.

You are an authoritarian thug, so it makes you upset that unconstitupnal charges were dropped.
There’s the “connect the dots” BS you have to do to demonize your political opponent. No proof, just hopeful fan fiction.

Unless you want to say Biden/Harris and the MSM “inspired and incited” the George Floyd riots

Or Obama “inspired and incited” the murder of multiple Dallas police officers at the hands of a BLM member after he demonized police as racist

Or Bernie Sanders “inspired and incited” the Democrat who shot up the GOP softball game right after Sanders called GOP murderers.

You don’t do that, so you have no credibility in your claim.
In any of those instances did Biden/Harris or Obama or Bernie call a huge gathering of followers where they stoked the flames by hatefully airing all their grievances against the police or GOP Ball players before sending them off to riot, and cause mayhem and death.

Your argument is an extremely weak conflation.
You missed the trails them, don't worry you can research them in the archives of the locality they occurred.
Do you know if the woman pictured in the original post punched or attacked a police officer or was she just illegally walking into the building?

As for the so-called plot to overthrow or overturn the election results ….isn’t that worth is about as much as the paper it’s put on? Like how is this seriously even a conversation where you have these 10 or 12 people who look like they can’t even get a job at Kentucky fried chicken? …. why are we entertaining this as a serious idea that these people could’ve overthrow the government?

This is a joke brother it’s a disgrace. Ok I get it on January 6 there was a handful of Trump supporters that committed violence some of them had an absurd idea apparently to try and overthrow the government …but that idea would never have been able to work. It appears these “oath keepers” are mentally ill. Because they never stood a chance to overturn the election.

On the other hand you have thousands of BLM supporters across the country who have no problem vandalizing, destroying property even attacking people to achieve their political aims .

Let me go ahead and add something anytime violence is committed by left wingers or right wingers I condemn it and we should all condemn it. We should also condemn race dividers like a Black Lives Matter the name alone is unacceptable we don’t have a group called white lives matter. The whole BLM, 400 years of slave argument is a joke and it’s counterproductive we have tens of millions of white people living with a very low wage.

Democrats keep talking about decency and humanity. Well they need to stand up to blm… and they need to really make a difference in this country and make sure that white Americans and black Americans are proud of their ancestors , have something to be proud of when it comes to their history and we have to have mutual respect when it comes to respecting our history’s.
You are apparently the SJW here because this is a thread about oathkeepers and you are playing deflection by talking about CHAZ. That is, by your own definition, pathetic.

If the local government let them do it, you can’t accuse them of taking control from government. Pretend it’s just “playing semantics” but the meaning of words matters in law.

If you followed the conversation it's about J6 being overblown, and CHAZ/CHOP being hidden, just what you are doing, and what you jumped into. So be a good little SJW lemming and keep pushing the party line, comrade.

They took control of government functions in the area, displacing local government authority, something the government has no authority itself to do.

I got OCD cuck, I can keep this up FOREVER if I so choose.
Wrong. The police used mass arrest as a technique to suppress freedom of speech.

You are an authoritarian thug, so it makes you upset that unconstitupnal charges were dropped.

All in the same, one minute peaceful, the next minute breaking something, then pretending to be peaceful after for the cameras.

You are a commie enabler, and a liar.

Please make this planet a better place by being 6 feet under it as soon as possible.
In any of those instances did Biden/Harris or Obama or Bernie call a huge gathering of followers where they stoked the flames by hatefully airing all their grievences against the police or GOP Ball players before sending the off to riot, and cause mayhem and death.

Your argument is an extremely weak conflation.
So a politician calling for a public protest = “riot, and cause mayhem and death”?

Is that your claim?
Do you know if the woman pictured in the original post punched or attacked a police officer or was she just illegally walking into the building?

As for the so-called plot to overthrow or overturn the election results ….isn’t that worth is about as much as the paper it’s put on? Like how is this seriously even a conversation where you have these 10 or 12 people who look like they can’t even get a job at Kentucky fried chicken? …. why are we entertaining this as a serious idea that these people could’ve overthrow the government?

This is a joke brother it’s a disgrace. Ok I get it on January 6 there was a handful of Trump supporters that committed violence some of them had an absurd idea apparently to try and overthrow the government …but that idea would never have been able to work. It appears these “oath keepers” are mentally ill. Because they never stood a chance to overturn the election.

On the other hand you have thousands of BLM supporters across the country who have no problem vandalizing, destroying property even attacking people to achieve their political aims .

Let me go ahead and add something anytime violence is committed by left wingers or right wingers I condemn it and we should all condemn it. We should also condemn race dividers like a Black Lives Matter the name alone is unacceptable we don’t have a group called white lives matter. The whole BLM, 400 years of slave argument is a joke and it’s counterproductive we have tens of millions of white people living with a very low wage.

Democrats keep talking about decency and humanity. Well they need to stand up to blm… and they need to really make a difference in this country and make sure that white Americans and black Americans are proud of their ancestors , have something to be proud of when it comes to their history and we have to have mutual respect when it comes to respecting our history’s.
The Dems and Repubs use mob violence to support or destroy a narrative that is not a joke since the dupes can be frenzied into a murderous rage.
The summer of Anti-Fa/BLM was far worse, but lefties mostly sympathize with violent protest targeted at the "right" target, which was Trump.

Nah. Let’s compare since you are determined to do so. Let’s say that ANTIFA and BLM win. They destroy Portland. Burn it to the Ground. It becomes unlivable.

What happens to the Nation? Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely Nothing. The nation as a whole pretty much ignores one dead city. Folks in Kansas might be upset, a little, but mostly they keep working and paying bills.

Now. Let’s say the January 6 idiots got their way? What happens to the nation? We stop being the United States that day. It ends. We become a totalitarian dictatorship. Best case scenario we descend into Civil War.

That is the problem with your but what about them argument. First. They are arrested and charged. Second. The actions and consequences of the two things are very different.
So a politician calling for a public protest = “riot, and cause mayhem and death”?

Is that your claim?
Specifically my claim is that the Trumpyberra is practically and morally responsible for what happened at the Capitol on Jan 6th 2021. Furthermore, those politicians whom you tried to deflect too, did nothing of the same nature as the Trumpyone.
If you followed the conversation it's about J6 being overblown, and CHAZ/CHOP being hidden, just what you are doing, and what you jumped into. So be a good little SJW lemming and keep pushing the party line, comrade.

They took control of government functions in the area, displacing local government authority, something the government has no authority itself to do.

I got OCD cuck, I can keep this up FOREVER if I so choose.
CHAZ/CHOP has nothing to do with oathkeepers. You’re just playing distraction since the oathkeepers were just convicted and you don’t want to talk about violent right wing thugs.
It’s called whataboutism.

You already admitted they didn’t “take control”, so you can stop contradicting yourself anytime.
Now. Let’s say the January 6 idiots got their way?
I think you’re being quite dishonest as far as evaluating January 6th as a credible threat. If I show up at the White House with a super soaker water gun, what if I was successful?? I tried to overthrow the government! The horror!

The facts:
- these rioters were few in numbers
- few were violent, many wandering aimlessly around or even let in (and thrown in prison without trial for years for doing so)
- none had any sort of dominant weaponry, gun, etc..
- they lasted a short time and were easily taken down once the police decided to do so (oddly there was minimal security that day despite the Democrat mayor and govt security getting requests)
- after a mere few hours congress resumed as if it never happened.

Compared to the arson, murder, mass violence for months, with buildings a businesses burned to the ground all summer, January 6th was a pillow fight, a comical “attempt “ by morons who had no chance of success. The only reason you and the left are pretending it was a credible threat is to fear monger. You also continue to recite misinformation that Trump ordered it or had any direct involvement. You’re being dishonest and manipulative, and it’s honestly pathetic
Specifically my claim is that the Trumpyberra is practically and morally responsible for what happened at the Capitol on Jan 6th 2021.
So you admit you’re a hack incapable of standards. No wonder you’re a Democrat.
Furthermore, those politicians whom you tried to deflect too, did nothing of the same nature as the Trumpyone.
The results of their rhetoric resulted in far worse death than Trumps, which resulted with one rioter dying. Odd how you don’t value innocent lives lost and mass shooting attempts over broken doors and moved podiums.

I’d say that’s some very immoral priorities, but consistent with someone who views politics over morality and humanity.. which the left does too often
Nah. Let’s compare since you are determined to do so. Let’s say that ANTIFA and BLM win. They destroy Portland. Burn it to the Ground. It becomes unlivable.

What happens to the Nation? Nothing. Nothing. Absolutely Nothing. The nation as a whole pretty much ignores one dead city. Folks in Kansas might be upset, a little, but mostly they keep working and paying bills.

Now. Let’s say the January 6 idiots got their way? What happens to the nation? We stop being the United States that day. It ends. We become a totalitarian dictatorship. Best case scenario we descend into Civil War.

That is the problem with your but what about them argument. First. They are arrested and charged. Second. The actions and consequences of the two things are very different.

It spreads, and to the people of Portland, it's game over.

The Jan 6th people had no mechanism to actually overthrow the government, which was run by Trump at the time. are you saying they were going to overthrow Trump?

And this does nothing to the State governments, nor the US military, nor the actual federal agencies conducting policy. It delayed a vote for a few hours.

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