How low will American democracy go before we implode?

Why I am a conservative radical is very simple, let me try to explain. First I can?t remember a presidential candidate in either of the two major parties that was not bought off by the special interest groups before they were nominated at their convention. Then it becomes a choice of voting for one of the two least evils for president. With less than half of the eligible people voting and many of those who do vote are voting against someone instead of for someone.

I believe the federal system needs a total over haul from the very top right down to the bottom. Our electoral process that we elect the President and our representatives is based on money and power that are held by a very few people. With the mass media talking heads being the tool that influence and shapes the opinions of the American public. Many good American people are turned off by the orchestrated election so they do not participate leaving it to a minority that do.

The accountability and responsibility for any of our nation?s problems is passed from one side to another with little regard for the truth. The American people perception of America?s role in the world and the perception of other people and nations in the world of America?s role in the world, the differences in perception have never been greater. As in the United States the polarization of the American population by the military and political actions taken in Iraq have also polarized much of the rest of the world.

The greed of a few people in power that strive for total control, are to blame for many of our problems today. Building on problems or great wrongs of yesterday we have only compounded the problems of today. The oil deals of the twentieth century are a good example of this. In the absence of common sense, truth, and wisdom, we have been taken over by the a few greedy people. The lack of common sense in our society is a product of so many lies being told around the truth.

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