How many Berne bros will act out when the Ds steal his pluarity

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Berne sticks to his communist beliefs.
Bloomberg really is racist and sexist even by his own admission.
Biden has grope videos, gaff videos and brain damage
And the Ds will be screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what they do but this will be the second time that they will screw over the armed and dangerous Berne Bros. The Ds think that this is their least bad choice?
Berne sticks to his communist beliefs.
Bloomberg really is racist and sexist even by his own admission.
Biden has grope videos, gaff videos and brain damage
And the Ds will be screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what they do but this will be the second time that they will screw over the armed and dangerous Berne Bros. The Ds think that this is their least bad choice?

Bernie Bros will be pissed off. It’ll be fun to watch and we welcome them to vote for the antiestablishment POTUS, Trump.
If Sanders loses it will once again be fair and square.

As much as I've become less trust worthy about voting predictions extrapolated from polling (I'd rather just look at the polls) to give us winning odds here is what 538 is saying before results come in.

Our Final Forecast For Super Tuesday Shows Biden’s Surge — And Lots Of Uncertainty

Based on a multitude of polls they are now giving Biden a 2 out 3 chance of winning a plurality of delegates today which is a complete reversal of fortune compared to just before the South Carolina primary where following Klobachar, Steyer and Buttegeig got out of the race and endorsed Biden. Along with a flurry of other endorsements to include Harry Reid.

Biden wasn't my first, second or even third choice but like many if not most Democrats it's time to find someone and I'd prefer that person not come tied to an uncompromising cult. We have that now and I don't like it. Political cults never get anything good done. Trump and Sanders don't need to compromise with anyone, they have a tiny minority of support who will never doubt them, never hold them accountable.
Berne sticks to his communist beliefs.
Bloomberg really is racist and sexist even by his own admission.
Biden has grope videos, gaff videos and brain damage
And the Ds will be screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what they do but this will be the second time that they will screw over the armed and dangerous Berne Bros. The Ds think that this is their least bad choice?
None of Trump's communist, racist, sexist, gaff-laden handicaps nor his retardation, massive lies, and brain damage stopped the pseudocon herd from voting for him. Why should it stop the Biden supporters?
BernieBros are mad and they are going to express it. Especially at the ballot box.

They are seeing the establishment in their party try to deny him. They aren't just going to vote or Biden.
BernieBros are mad and they are going to express it. Especially at the ballot box.

Maybe. I doubt they'll vote for Trump. Sanders is getting fewer votes this year than in 2016 so their numbers are smaller. Which is a good thing as we need at least (though preferably both) sides to not fall prey to some idiot narcissist. I'm hoping we haven't come to the point where the Democrats do what the Republicans did in 2016.

While I would still prefer Sanders over Trump, I do not care to create an environment where the guy I voted for surrounds himself with a bunch of sycophants. We've seen how that poisons our politics.
BernieBros are mad and they are going to express it. Especially at the ballot box.

Maybe. I doubt they'll vote for Trump. Sanders is getting fewer votes this year than in 2016 so their numbers are smaller. Which is a good thing as we need at least (though preferably both) sides to not fall prey to some idiot narcissist. I'm hoping we haven't come to the point where the Democrats do what the Republicans did in 2016.

While I would still prefer Sanders over Trump, I do not care to create an environment where the guy I voted for surrounds himself with a bunch of sycophants. We've seen how that poisons our politics.

Narcissism isn't harmful to America unless his policies don't put America First.

Bernie voters who might lean to him, especially in the Rustbelt, will turn to Trump. They were hurt badly under Obama and Trump will remind them who is fighting for them against China.

Biden will try the "I'm the blue collar guy" bs. Nobody is buying it. Not after the sweetheart deal for his son and Ukraine/China come out in every debate. Once this goes primetime when people are paying attention, it's going to be a rough ride.

Bernie voters were for Trump almost 10% in 2016, I'm guessing it's much higher this time. So put the polls aside until after they choose their nominee and at least one or two debates in the G.E. Trump is popular in broader swath of states for a reason. Just look at Trumps crowds, Bernie does well also in drawing people. Some are trying to convince us that 3 dozen Biden supporters at a rally show this broad support?

I don't buy it.
BernieBros are mad and they are going to express it. Especially at the ballot box.

Maybe. I doubt they'll vote for Trump. Sanders is getting fewer votes this year than in 2016 so their numbers are smaller. Which is a good thing as we need at least (though preferably both) sides to not fall prey to some idiot narcissist. I'm hoping we haven't come to the point where the Democrats do what the Republicans did in 2016.

While I would still prefer Sanders over Trump, I do not care to create an environment where the guy I voted for surrounds himself with a bunch of sycophants. We've seen how that poisons our politics.

Narcissism isn't harmful to America unless his policies don't put America First.

When data is lied about, it's harmful. When ones word can't be trusted because the person only cares about putting himself in the best light it hurts our relationships with our allies.

Bernie voters who might lean to him, especially in the Rustbelt, will turn to Trump. They were hurt badly under Obama and Trump will remind them who is fighting for them against China.

Nice opinion, a little light on details. They agree with each on almost nothing and this time around Trump is Washington just as much as anyone else.

Biden will try the "I'm the blue collar guy" bs. Nobody is buying it. Not after the sweetheart deal for his son and Ukraine/China come out in every debate. Once this goes primetime when people are paying attention, it's going to be a rough ride.

Yeah, that will convince the 20-30% of hadrcore Trumpies to do what exactly?

Bernie voters were for Trump almost 10% in 2016, I'm guessing it's much higher this time. So put the polls aside until after they choose their nominee and at least one or two debates in the G.E. Trump is popular in broader swath of states for a reason. Just look at Trumps crowds, Bernie does well also in drawing people. Some are trying to convince us that 3 dozen Biden supporters at a rally show this broad support?

I don't buy it.

Yeah you're guessing. You're simply stating what you want to happen and you're not relying on anything concrete, just your own wet dreams.

For me I have no idea who is going to win in 2020 and anyone who makes these predictions should be laughed at for tipping their hat that they say things they no absolutely nothing about.
If Sanders loses it will once again be fair and square.

As much as I've become less trust worthy about voting predictions extrapolated from polling (I'd rather just look at the polls) to give us winning odds here is what 538 is saying before results come in.

Our Final Forecast For Super Tuesday Shows Biden’s Surge — And Lots Of Uncertainty

Based on a multitude of polls they are now giving Biden a 2 out 3 chance of winning a plurality of delegates today which is a complete reversal of fortune compared to just before the South Carolina primary where following Klobachar, Steyer and Buttegeig got out of the race and endorsed Biden. Along with a flurry of other endorsements to include Harry Reid.

Biden wasn't my first, second or even third choice but like many if not most Democrats it's time to find someone and I'd prefer that person not come tied to an uncompromising cult. We have that now and I don't like it. Political cults never get anything good done. Trump and Sanders don't need to compromise with anyone, they have a tiny minority of support who will never doubt them, never hold them accountable.
538 is completely unreliable. how did they do with Trump? :dunno:

Only an idiot would vote for a guy that isn't mentally competent any longer. :71:

Biden: 'I Am The Only Candidate Who Can Beat Ronald Reagan'
Biden: 'I Am The Only Candidate Who Can Beat Ronald Reagan'

"HOUSTON, TX—Fresh off his afternoon nap, presidential candidate Joe Biden gave a fiery, high-energy speech in Houston today, claiming to be the only candidate who could beat incumbent Ronald Reagan.

"I am the only candidate who can unite the party to defeat Reagan," he said to scattered applause. "When Super Thursday hits here in a few weeks, we can rally the 150 million Democrats here in the great country of Texas to vote for me so we can get Reagan and his crony Dick Cheney off the Iron Throne there in the Imperial Senate. Go Hoosiers!"

Aides scrambled to turn off Biden's mic but he beat them away with his walker.

"The time has come for the reign of Tippecanoe and Tyler too to end!" he shouted, though by this point he had wandered into a nearby field and no one could hear him."

Joe Biden is a loser...and now he is a senile old man who needs to go away.

If Trump and Biden debate, it’ll be a bloodbath.
I think the current violence against the Ds will be seen as what it is, a warning shot over their bow.
Berne sticks to his communist beliefs.
Bloomberg really is racist and sexist even by his own admission.
Biden has grope videos, gaff videos and brain damage
And the Ds will be screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what they do but this will be the second time that they will screw over the armed and dangerous Bernie Bros. The Ds think that this is their least bad choice?

If, and this is a big if, it is proven, like it was last time, and that is the thing that gets me most, there are a lot, and I mean A LOT of mainstream DNC voters that just do not know the truth about that court ruling that said, yes, many of the caucuses, and primaries were intentionally rigged for Hillary.

SO many dyed in the wool partisan democrats do not know this b/c corporate media kept that news from them.

Anyway, if it is proved, once again, that the DNC manipulated the process to strip Bernie of the nomination, I do think there might be some real riots at the convention.

. . . and, they might riot again when Trump is elected, being joined by their more moderate Democrat cohorts.

The Justice Democrats have worked long and hard for this, I live in the north, and a see A LOT of posts that are friends of friends, indicating that they will come in from Canada should this become crooked like it was last time.

I do not doubt that the situation is much the same on the border between California and Mexico. I was reading some articles about the anniversaries of the Zappatistas just the other day.

Things are coming to a head, and if the DNC does not pay heed to the Justice Democrats, and just let go of their iron grip on power? Just like the neo-cons ceded much of their power to the tea-party and the Freedom caucus. . . then yes, there will be violence.

The nation knows that these folks are a bunch of godless atheists determined to destroy the idea of America and combine it with a global socialists super state. If the moderate Christians in the DNC do not approve of that vision, they are welcome to start their own party or join the GOP.

In America, we are supposed to do things peacefully, and not have the corporate, intellectual, and cultural elites strip power from the people. I would have so expected this type of behavior from the GOP, not the DNC. This is seriously backward.

We are living in strange times.
Berne sticks to his communist beliefs.
Bloomberg really is racist and sexist even by his own admission.
Biden has grope videos, gaff videos and brain damage
And the Ds will be screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what they do but this will be the second time that they will screw over the armed and dangerous Berne Bros. The Ds think that this is their least bad choice?

Take it from Bernie's staffer. "Cities are going to burn..."
. . . according the the prophecy, the prime target will be Trump tower.
Berne sticks to his communist beliefs.
Bloomberg really is racist and sexist even by his own admission.
Biden has grope videos, gaff videos and brain damage
And the Ds will be screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what they do but this will be the second time that they will screw over the armed and dangerous Berne Bros. The Ds think that this is their least bad choice?
None of Trump's communist, racist, sexist, gaff-laden handicaps nor his retardation, massive lies, and brain damage stopped the pseudocon herd from voting for him. Why should it stop the Biden supporters?

Bernie's supporters didn't show up for Hillary on election day the last time the Democrats screwed over Sanders...what makes you think they will this time?
Berne sticks to his communist beliefs.
Bloomberg really is racist and sexist even by his own admission.
Biden has grope videos, gaff videos and brain damage
And the Ds will be screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what they do but this will be the second time that they will screw over the armed and dangerous Berne Bros. The Ds think that this is their least bad choice?

"Bernie Bros" are "Bernie BOT" Russian trolls. You should know that by now.

Are you being harassed by a Bernie Bro or a Bernie bot?
The far left media is responsible for this debacle that's now unfolding for the Democrats. They pushed the idea that America is ready for socialism when the truth is the country is still to the right of center and wants nothing to do with what Sanders is proposing. Outside of liberal strongholds like the two coasts...Sanders will get his skinny ass handed to him by the "fly over" States!

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