How many democrats would obey obamas direct command


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
its just a question that I think needs answering. I think if you answer NO it's only because you have been embarrassed into answering it that way. The way some of you people talk within "my president" it just reminds me of the way people talked about most authoritarian leaders. I don't even refer to my boss as "my boss" with angelic glee and if I saw someone do that in real life I would just laugh at this person.
Do you mean Democrats like Chuck Schumer (D-NY) who are league with the Mullahs?
I would do anything Obama asks, including sexual stuff, because he is my God, and I worship him

I have no brains, and am brainwashed, and stupid.

I want Communism, gays, and Muslims to take over America.

I just renewed my membership to the Kenyan Fake Birth Certificate Forgery Society.

Must.....destroy.....Christianity....!!!!!.....(bleep blorp)
I'm not like toxicmedia
Obama is not God

No, Obama is the messiah! The 12th imam that will lead all to Allah, the most righteous!

Infidels like the op do not understand what a great day this is! It is the day that the Great Satan shall be thrown in the deep abyss and I will follow every order the Great Barack HUSSEIN Obama, also nicknamed stinky by his wife, shall give me!!

America shall transform! Sharia law is at hand! Thank you, prophet Obama! Allah is great!!
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd probably touch his penis if he asked. I don't know if I'd go all out handjob.

I'd be like, "Dude, I totally touched a President's penis."
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd probably touch his penis if he asked. I don't know if I'd go all out handjob.

I'd be like, "Dude, I totally touched a President's penis."
Stay away from Hillary and Monica's boyfriend.
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd probably touch his penis if he asked. I don't know if I'd go all out handjob.

I'd be like, "Dude, I totally touched a President's penis."
Stay away from Hillary and Monica's boyfriend.

I was actually thinking after making that post that I can completely understand Monica's decision. How many women wouldn't blow a sitting President? I wouldn't wash the stain from the dress either. Hell, she should have kept the cigar. :D
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd probably touch his penis if he asked. I don't know if I'd go all out handjob.

I'd be like, "Dude, I totally touched a President's penis."
Stay away from Hillary and Monica's boyfriend.

I was actually thinking after making that post that I can completely understand Monica's decision. How many women wouldn't blow a sitting President? I wouldn't wash the stain from the dress either. Hell, she should have kept the cigar. :D
She did keep the dress... Where do you think the DNA evidence came from????
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd probably touch his penis if he asked. I don't know if I'd go all out handjob.

I'd be like, "Dude, I totally touched a President's penis."

A story you can tell grandchildren one day. Gather round kiddies and let me tell you the story of how Pap-Pap played with the President's peep. lol
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd probably touch his penis if he asked. I don't know if I'd go all out handjob.

I'd be like, "Dude, I totally touched a President's penis."
Stay away from Hillary and Monica's boyfriend.

I was actually thinking after making that post that I can completely understand Monica's decision. How many women wouldn't blow a sitting President? I wouldn't wash the stain from the dress either. Hell, she should have kept the cigar. :D
She did keep the dress... Where do you think the DNA evidence came from????

That's what I'm saying. How did the cigar... ahem... fall through the cracks? :eusa_shifty:
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd probably touch his penis if he asked. I don't know if I'd go all out handjob.

I'd be like, "Dude, I totally touched a President's penis."
Stay away from Hillary and Monica's boyfriend.

I was actually thinking after making that post that I can completely understand Monica's decision. How many women wouldn't blow a sitting President? I wouldn't wash the stain from the dress either. Hell, she should have kept the cigar. :D
She did keep the dress... Where do you think the DNA evidence came from????

That's what I'm saying. How did the cigar... ahem... fall through the cracks? :eusa_shifty:
Face it when you said you would play with Obozo's pecker, you are beyond redemption.
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd probably touch his penis if he asked. I don't know if I'd go all out handjob.

I'd be like, "Dude, I totally touched a President's penis."
Stay away from Hillary and Monica's boyfriend.

I was actually thinking after making that post that I can completely understand Monica's decision. How many women wouldn't blow a sitting President? I wouldn't wash the stain from the dress either. Hell, she should have kept the cigar. :D
She did keep the dress... Where do you think the DNA evidence came from????

That's what I'm saying. How did the cigar... ahem... fall through the cracks? :eusa_shifty:
Face it when you said you would play with Obozo's pecker, you are beyond redemption.

I'm actually proud of myself for derailing this thread into a discussion on whether or not you'd touch a Presidential pecker just for the story. :thup:
Liberals standing in line to stroke the president's penis tend to forget why they were there as they jam themselves into the nearest dark hole. The one in line in front of them.
its just a question that I think needs answering. I think if you answer NO it's only because you have been embarrassed into answering it that way. The way some of you people talk within "my president" it just reminds me of the way people talked about most authoritarian leaders. I don't even refer to my boss as "my boss" with angelic glee and if I saw someone do that in real life I would just laugh at this person.

Once again - you demonstrate you are an idiot.

Why would anyone obey any President's 'direct command'?

The President has no authority to order me personally to do anything.
Liberals standing in line to stroke the president's penis tend to forget why they were there as they jam themselves into the nearest dark hole. The one in line in front of them.

You seem obsessed with the idea of stroking the Presidents penis.

How many years have you been having these obsessions? Since 2008? Or earlier?
I'm not a Democrat, but I do have an obligation to obey any legal direct command by him. If he told me to shoot a kid then I would be just as legally obligated to tell him to fuck off. If he told me to shoot a terrorist charging the fence then it would be a crime for me not to.
I'm not a Democrat, but I'd probably touch his penis if he asked. I don't know if I'd go all out handjob.

I'd be like, "Dude, I totally touched a President's penis."
Stay away from Hillary and Monica's boyfriend.

I was actually thinking after making that post that I can completely understand Monica's decision. How many women wouldn't blow a sitting President? I wouldn't wash the stain from the dress either. Hell, she should have kept the cigar. :D
She did keep the dress... Where do you think the DNA evidence came from????
Didn't she try to sell that dress on eBay?.....all I have to say is EEEEEYOUUUUAH!
How do you say no to the President?

I'm not talking about opposing his policies, I'm talking about him asking you to do something personally, like come to the white house.

Who says no?

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