How Many Times Does This Have to Happen Before We Enact Sensible Laws? We Need Tranny Control Now

I have never hated or harassed a victim of gender dysphoria in my life.
These individuals are freaking out because they are severely deranged & are enabled in their mental psychosis by virtue signaling deep thinkers on the left.

Of course you blame me, it's what proggies do when their batshit crazy ideas inevitably muck things up

If you're like me I just ignore them.... but watch carefully if they're around children
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GFY ya Pussy.
I know you hate gays and trans (even though your shit, LOLLOLLOL, suggests otherwise) you are just too much of a pussy to acknowledge the fact.
Hey - STOP with the deranged political bullshit.


True transgender individuals (of which there are very few) have a deadly serious medical condition.

MEDICAL. Not political.

STOP dragging them into your deranged politics.

You are CAUSING THEM HARM by doing so.

Trans individuals need deep psychological counseling from an early age. NOT surgery.
So once again, it turns out the mass shooter is another tranny.
How many times do we have to see this before people face the facts- gender dysphoria is a severe mental derangement that needs treatment, not enabling?
Stop coddling these pervs & sickos.

I demand Tranny Control now!

Meanwhile, the lefty lapdogs on here have already taken marching orders to blame Republicans.
Or white supremacy, domestic terrorism, climate change, purebloods, DT, the patriarchy or Putin if this doesn't work.

WTF are you prattling about?
Just because there's a few evil people that are trans doesn't mean that you can rob us of our human rights. How many red necks and hicks shoot up schools and shit? Thousands??? Give it the fuck up. You try to control me in a violent and inhuman way I will sue and press charges.
'Trans' people are a scant minority so, just a couple of evil trans represent a huge percentage.
I have never hated or harassed a victim of gender dysphoria in my life.
These individuals are freaking out because they are severely deranged & are enabled in their mental psychosis by virtue signaling deep thinkers on the left.

Of course you blame me, it's what proggies do when their batshit crazy ideas inevitably muck things up
Yes, the lie that trans people are harassed or belittled has been the basis for confusing our children as to their natal gender.
Mostly about the time your mother tried to get me drunk so I'd bang here.
I told her there's not enough beer in the world for that.

The rest was about your sister.

Any more questions?
Plenty, monkey brain. But, I don't make a habit interacting with the terminally stupid. First, talking about another members family is firmly against the rules, magaturd. Clean up your fucking act. Now, why don't you take your nuts out of your male lover's mouth, and I don't know .. answer the fucking question.
Plenty, monkey brain. But, I don't make a habit interacting with the terminally stupid. First, talking about another members family is firmly against the rules, magaturd. Clean up your fucking act. Now, why don't you take your nuts out of your male lover's mouth, and I don't know .. answer the fucking question.

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