How many times have A Whole USMB right wingers denied Gerrymandering and voter suppression?

I get so sick of those creeps say "prove it" just because the Supreme Court refused to get involved in GOP Gerrymandering which is just another form of voter suppression.

Well finally, they got so bad, even, get this, Clarence Thomas couldn't stomach it. And Clarence has probably agreed more with David Dukes than Corey Booker.


See that squiggly blue line with a "12"? Republicans removed 50,000 whites and added 35,000 blacks to make it one of the few majority black districts in the state.

This is what's called a Gerrymandered district which right wingers on the USMB say doesn't exist:


Now watch, these A$$ Wholes will say "But Democrats do it to". They can never lead morally because they always have an excuse.

Supreme Court strikes down North Carolina congressional district maps -

Even with Gorsuch participating, the GOP still would have lost. Now you have Democrats all across the south filing briefs. North Carolina won't be the last. Republicans want to destroy this country. We must fight back.

You conflate Gerrymandering with voter suppression.

The media conducts voter suppression 24/7.

You have no problem with that.
Gerrymandering is a form of voter suppression. Otherwise, the court wouldn't care.

Did that really have to be explained?
And the worst cases ALL were created by Democrats supported and maintained and defended BY democrats.
Gerrymandering is OK when it's done by Democrats. They do it for "good reasons". When the GOP does it (gasp) it's CHEATING!

:rofl: you just can't make this shit up.....

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