How many times have we heard "there was no election fraud"!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
139,000,000 results .... hmm...

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16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution
139,000,000 results .... hmm...

View attachment 456419
16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings. :)
139,000,000 results .... hmm...

View attachment 456419
16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings. :)
YOU are so stupid! I simple did a search "How many election Trump lawsuits still active as of 2/12/21"
Came up with this web site that states 22 lawsuits still active dummy!
Why do you make so foolish idiotic statements with out any proof?

Welcome to the 2020 Election Litigation Tracker, a joint project of Election Law at Ohio State and SCOTUSblog. During the 2020 election season, we will provide up-to-date information on major election law cases as they make their way through every level of the court system. Our goal is to serve as a resource on election law and administration for the general public, lawyers, educators, journalists and policymakers. You can read all of our previous election-related coverage here. [Disclaimer: SCOTUSblog and Election Law at Ohio State are nonpartisan and do not endorse, support or oppose any candidate, campaign or party.]

139,000,000 results .... hmm...

View attachment 456419
16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings. :)
YOU are so stupid! I simple did a search "How many election Trump lawsuits still active as of 2/12/21"
Came up with this web site that states 22 lawsuits still active dummy!
Why do you make so foolish idiotic statements with out any proof?

Welcome to the 2020 Election Litigation Tracker, a joint project of Election Law at Ohio State and SCOTUSblog. During the 2020 election season, we will provide up-to-date information on major election law cases as they make their way through every level of the court system. Our goal is to serve as a resource on election law and administration for the general public, lawyers, educators, journalists and policymakers. You can read all of our previous election-related coverage here. [Disclaimer: SCOTUSblog and Election Law at Ohio State are nonpartisan and do not endorse, support or oppose any candidate, campaign or party.]

Snort...Umm..well, hate to break it to you but...the person who won legitimately is sitting in the seat. So..what are the chances that any of those "still active" lawsuits will be successful? Sigh..holding on to false hope. Sad.
He lost. He's done. He ain't coming back. Why do you make so many foolish posts holding out false hope that your savior will still be anointed to sit on the throne for another four years?
How long have you been unable to understand what the adults are saying?

There is no evidence of voter fraud or other irregularities that could substantially impact the election
It’s intentional lies. They know what reality is.
What is worse it is the reiterated lies by a delusional group of people who liken themselves to the rise of the South.
139,000,000 results .... hmm...

View attachment 456419
16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution
Aren't you glad the left was not harping on election fraud when Your guy lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college vote?
139,000,000 results .... hmm...

View attachment 456419
16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings. :)
YOU are so stupid! I simple did a search "How many election Trump lawsuits still active as of 2/12/21"
Came up with this web site that states 22 lawsuits still active dummy!
Why do you make so foolish idiotic statements with out any proof?

Welcome to the 2020 Election Litigation Tracker, a joint project of Election Law at Ohio State and SCOTUSblog. During the 2020 election season, we will provide up-to-date information on major election law cases as they make their way through every level of the court system. Our goal is to serve as a resource on election law and administration for the general public, lawyers, educators, journalists and policymakers. You can read all of our previous election-related coverage here. [Disclaimer: SCOTUSblog and Election Law at Ohio State are nonpartisan and do not endorse, support or oppose any candidate, campaign or party.]

Snort...Umm..well, hate to break it to you but...the person who won legitimately is sitting in the seat. So..what are the chances that any of those "still active" lawsuits will be successful? Sigh..holding on to false hope. Sad.
He lost. He's done. He ain't coming back. Why do you make so many foolish posts holding out false hope that your savior will still be anointed to sit on the throne for another four years?
Well no, Beijing's little bitch in the White House didn't win but the rest of us are stuck with him at least until the next impeachment. Even if the lawsuits highlight the corruption there is no remedy. But just because your fraud gets to sit in the White House and work to destroy the nation, that doesn't mean that people are not going to call out his illegitimacy every damned day. After all, the Times already out the conspiracy showing that this election was manipulated.
139,000,000 results .... hmm...

View attachment 456419
16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings. :)
YOU are so stupid! I simple did a search "How many election Trump lawsuits still active as of 2/12/21"
Came up with this web site that states 22 lawsuits still active dummy!
Why do you make so foolish idiotic statements with out any proof?

Welcome to the 2020 Election Litigation Tracker, a joint project of Election Law at Ohio State and SCOTUSblog. During the 2020 election season, we will provide up-to-date information on major election law cases as they make their way through every level of the court system. Our goal is to serve as a resource on election law and administration for the general public, lawyers, educators, journalists and policymakers. You can read all of our previous election-related coverage here. [Disclaimer: SCOTUSblog and Election Law at Ohio State are nonpartisan and do not endorse, support or oppose any candidate, campaign or party.]

Snort...Umm..well, hate to break it to you but...the person who won legitimately is sitting in the seat. So..what are the chances that any of those "still active" lawsuits will be successful? Sigh..holding on to false hope. Sad.
He lost. He's done. He ain't coming back. Why do you make so many foolish posts holding out false hope that your savior will still be anointed to sit on the throne for another four years?
Well no, Beijing's little bitch in the White House didn't win but the rest of us are stuck with him at least until the next impeachment. Even if the lawsuits highlight the corruption there is no remedy. But just because your fraud gets to sit in the White House and work to destroy the nation, that doesn't mean that people are not going to call out his illegitimacy every damned day. After all, the Times already out the conspiracy showing that this election was manipulated.
139,000,000 results .... hmm...

View attachment 456419
16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings. :)
YOU are so stupid! I simple did a search "How many election Trump lawsuits still active as of 2/12/21"
Came up with this web site that states 22 lawsuits still active dummy!
Why do you make so foolish idiotic statements with out any proof?

Welcome to the 2020 Election Litigation Tracker, a joint project of Election Law at Ohio State and SCOTUSblog. During the 2020 election season, we will provide up-to-date information on major election law cases as they make their way through every level of the court system. Our goal is to serve as a resource on election law and administration for the general public, lawyers, educators, journalists and policymakers. You can read all of our previous election-related coverage here. [Disclaimer: SCOTUSblog and Election Law at Ohio State are nonpartisan and do not endorse, support or oppose any candidate, campaign or party.]

Snort...Umm..well, hate to break it to you but...the person who won legitimately is sitting in the seat. So..what are the chances that any of those "still active" lawsuits will be successful? Sigh..holding on to false hope. Sad.
He lost. He's done. He ain't coming back. Why do you make so many foolish posts holding out false hope that your savior will still be anointed to sit on the throne for another four years?
Well no, Beijing's little bitch in the White House didn't win but the rest of us are stuck with him at least until the next impeachment. Even if the lawsuits highlight the corruption there is no remedy. But just because your fraud gets to sit in the White House and work to destroy the nation, that doesn't mean that people are not going to call out his illegitimacy every damned day. After all, the Times already out the conspiracy showing that this election was manipulated.
You don't know how to use a search engine? Very well. The Secret Bipartisan Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election | Time
139,000,000 results .... hmm...
67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings.

That must be why Trump has actually WON 2/3rds of the cases where the court actually ever got to and LOOKED at the evidence!

What about it, Jack? All your brethren are all chickenshit cowards------- I can prove the election was a fraud, are you ready to go into structured debate and prove me wrong? ITEM BY ITEM.

C'mon, Jack, show us all how all of it never happened and is all a great lie like the lying nutsacks at the House.
Last edited:
139,000,000 results .... hmm...
67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings.

That must be why Trump has actually WON 2/3rds of the cases where the court actually ever got to and LOOKED at the evidence!

What about it, Jack? All your brethren are all chickenshit cowards------- I can prove the election was a fraud, are you ready to go into structured debase and prove me wrong? ITEM BY ITEM.

C'mon, Jack, show us all how all of it never happened and is all a great lie like the lying nutsacks at the House.
^^fake news^^
All your brethren are all chickenshit cowards------- I can prove the election was a fraud, are you ready to go into structured debate and prove me wrong? ITEM BY ITEM.
^^fake news^^

CLUCK CLUCK goes the head chicken. All I can say is PROVE IT! I can absolutely prove the election was stolen, why won't any of you LW nutsacks take the challenge and go ITEM BY ITEM with me showing how all of it never happened and none of (as reported) is true?


According to NBC verification reports, Epoch Media Group and Falun Gong's outreach work together with Shen Yun, a dance group known for its ubiquitous advertising and disturbing performances. Falun Gong 's brainwashing strategy is more novel and professional, combining ancient Chinese meditation practice, mysticism and often ultra-conservative cultural worldview. But in fact, there is a subtle influence on the worship of personal leaders and extreme thinking. Its leaders opposed homosexuality, feminism and popular music, and claimed to be a god who can float and walk on the wall. The ownership and operation of "The Epoch Times" are completely formulated by Falun Gong development policies.

  • Former President Donald Trump and his allies have won one lawsuit related to the results of the 2020 election. It did not prove that widespread voter fraud contributed to President Joe Biden’s win.
  • The database the Epoch Times relied on includes election-related lawsuits dating back to March 2020. Not all of them list the Trump campaign as a complainant, and some aren’t directly related to the general presidential election.
  • Experts told us that just because a case is dismissed on procedural grounds does not mean it wasn’t duly considered. The Epoch Times revised its Feb. 7 headline after we reached out.
  • President Joe Biden was sworn into office Jan. 20. All 50 states and the District of Columbia certified the results affirming his win, some following recounts and audits.
  • Trump and his allies filed dozens of lawsuits in state and federal courts to challenge the election results. Not one of them proved that voter fraud affected the election outcome.
139,000,000 results .... hmm...

View attachment 456419
16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution
On record through broadcasts: Stacy Abrams, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, CNN, NY Times and many Dems claimed election fraud exists prior to 2020 election.-oops
During the election Dem voting commissioners found and admitted many cases of fraud, one even brought forth & admitted the Dominion switched votes, but called it a glitch.
Even NSM had to stop their rediculous word play and correct themselves by habit saying no voter fraud to saying not enough to chnage the election as if 5hey could ever know by censoring the victims and whistleblower witnesses voices.
139,000,000 results .... hmm...

View attachment 456419
16 prosecutors tell Barr there’s no evidence of election fraud

So why is this happening....NOW?

GA Secretary of State refers 35 cases of election law violations for criminal prosecution

If there were any "Good Guys" at our Intel Agencies....none of this would have happened
139,000,000 results .... hmm...
67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings.

That must be why Trump has actually WON 2/3rds of the cases where the court actually ever got to and LOOKED at the evidence!

What about it, Jack? All your brethren are all chickenshit cowards------- I can prove the election was a fraud, are you ready to go into structured debate and prove me wrong? ITEM BY ITEM.

C'mon, Jack, show us all how all of it never happened and is all a great lie like the lying nutsacks at the House.
Note that despite all the noise about fraud, only three (3) of these lawsuits materially
dealt with voter illegalities (citizens voting twice, votes from deceased persons, etc.).
Interestingly, all three of these cases are still open.

Further, just three (3) lawsuits addressed voting machine inaccuracies (purposeful or
accidental). One of these was dismissed (due to jurisdiction), one was ruled against

(although no discovery was granted), and one is still open (discovery was granted).

There is a difference between some inaccuracies and massive voter fraud.

The left could claim that projection is what right wingers are best at. No one claimed election fraud the previous election where Trump lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college. The left had no reason to project what they were not doing. Imagine if the left had made a big deal about election fraud back then. Doesn't it seem more likely that fraud was more likely to occur where a candidate lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college?

Projection also seemed like right wing modus operandi when the republicans had nothing but repeal for the black guy's shovel ready jobs only to harp on the weak recovery that resulted from that lack of shovel ready jobs that would have boosted gdp had there been bipartisan support from the right wing.


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