How many times have we heard "there was no election fraud"!

139,000,000 results .... hmm...
67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings.

That must be why Trump has actually WON 2/3rds of the cases where the court actually ever got to and LOOKED at the evidence!

What about it, Jack? All your brethren are all chickenshit cowards------- I can prove the election was a fraud, are you ready to go into structured debate and prove me wrong? ITEM BY ITEM.

C'mon, Jack, show us all how all of it never happened and is all a great lie like the lying nutsacks at the House.
Note that despite all the noise about fraud, only three (3) of these lawsuits materially
dealt with voter illegalities (citizens voting twice, votes from deceased persons, etc.).
Interestingly, all three of these cases are still open.

Further, just three (3) lawsuits addressed voting machine inaccuracies (purposeful or
accidental). One of these was dismissed (due to jurisdiction), one was ruled against

(although no discovery was granted), and one is still open (discovery was granted).

There is a difference between some inaccuracies and massive voter fraud.

The left could claim that projection is what right wingers are best at. No one claimed election fraud the previous election where Trump lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college. The left had no reason to project what they were not doing. Imagine if the left had made a big deal about election fraud back then. Doesn't it seem more likely that fraud was more likely to occur where a candidate lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college?

Projection also seemed like right wing modus operandi when the republicans had nothing but repeal for the black guy's shovel ready jobs only to harp on the weak recovery that resulted from that lack of shovel ready jobs that would have boosted gdp had there been bipartisan support from the right wing.
NO having "shovel ready jobs" was never an issue.
The following statements and actions were!
How can any president want higher gas prices? Or skyrocketing utilities, or 450,000 people out of work or $100 billion in Fed/State/local property taxes gone? How can any person let alone a President want thousands of miles of open ocean be polluted by a 1 million barrel oil tanker accident vs 700 barrels traveling one mile in a protected pipeline with 16 monitors per mile on dry land? All of the below are actions and statements taken by Obama and will be replicated by Biden. Disasterous for the country.
Now if you are truly an honest and intellectually capable person critique the attached and tell me all of these examples are wrong. Remember there are links associated.
139,000,000 results .... hmm...
67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings.

That must be why Trump has actually WON 2/3rds of the cases where the court actually ever got to and LOOKED at the evidence!

What about it, Jack? All your brethren are all chickenshit cowards------- I can prove the election was a fraud, are you ready to go into structured debate and prove me wrong? ITEM BY ITEM.

C'mon, Jack, show us all how all of it never happened and is all a great lie like the lying nutsacks at the House.
Note that despite all the noise about fraud, only three (3) of these lawsuits materially
dealt with voter illegalities (citizens voting twice, votes from deceased persons, etc.).
Interestingly, all three of these cases are still open.

Further, just three (3) lawsuits addressed voting machine inaccuracies (purposeful or
accidental). One of these was dismissed (due to jurisdiction), one was ruled against

(although no discovery was granted), and one is still open (discovery was granted).

There is a difference between some inaccuracies and massive voter fraud.

The left could claim that projection is what right wingers are best at. No one claimed election fraud the previous election where Trump lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college. The left had no reason to project what they were not doing. Imagine if the left had made a big deal about election fraud back then. Doesn't it seem more likely that fraud was more likely to occur where a candidate lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college?

Projection also seemed like right wing modus operandi when the republicans had nothing but repeal for the black guy's shovel ready jobs only to harp on the weak recovery that resulted from that lack of shovel ready jobs that would have boosted gdp had there been bipartisan support from the right wing.
NO having "shovel ready jobs" was never an issue.
The following statements and actions were!
How can any president want higher gas prices? Or skyrocketing utilities, or 450,000 people out of work or $100 billion in Fed/State/local property taxes gone? How can any person let alone a President want thousands of miles of open ocean be polluted by a 1 million barrel oil tanker accident vs 700 barrels traveling one mile in a protected pipeline with 16 monitors per mile on dry land? All of the below are actions and statements taken by Obama and will be replicated by Biden. Disasterous for the country.
Now if you are truly an honest and intellectually capable person critique the attached and tell me all of these examples are wrong. Remember there are links associated.View attachment 456602View attachment 456602
Fracking sites release a toxic stew of air pollution that includes chemicals that can cause severe headaches, asthma symptoms, childhood leukemia, cardiac problems, and birth defects. In addition, many of the 1,000-plus chemicals used in fracking are harmful to human health—some are known to cause cancer.

Fracking has been linked to preterm births, high-risk pregnancies, asthma, migraine headaches, fatigue, nasal and sinus symptoms, and skin disorders over the last 10 years, according to a new study.

139,000,000 results .... hmm...
67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings.

That must be why Trump has actually WON 2/3rds of the cases where the court actually ever got to and LOOKED at the evidence!

What about it, Jack? All your brethren are all chickenshit cowards------- I can prove the election was a fraud, are you ready to go into structured debate and prove me wrong? ITEM BY ITEM.

C'mon, Jack, show us all how all of it never happened and is all a great lie like the lying nutsacks at the House.
Note that despite all the noise about fraud, only three (3) of these lawsuits materially
dealt with voter illegalities (citizens voting twice, votes from deceased persons, etc.).
Interestingly, all three of these cases are still open.

Further, just three (3) lawsuits addressed voting machine inaccuracies (purposeful or
accidental). One of these was dismissed (due to jurisdiction), one was ruled against

(although no discovery was granted), and one is still open (discovery was granted).

There is a difference between some inaccuracies and massive voter fraud.

The left could claim that projection is what right wingers are best at. No one claimed election fraud the previous election where Trump lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college. The left had no reason to project what they were not doing. Imagine if the left had made a big deal about election fraud back then. Doesn't it seem more likely that fraud was more likely to occur where a candidate lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college?

Projection also seemed like right wing modus operandi when the republicans had nothing but repeal for the black guy's shovel ready jobs only to harp on the weak recovery that resulted from that lack of shovel ready jobs that would have boosted gdp had there been bipartisan support from the right wing.
NO having "shovel ready jobs" was never an issue.
The following statements and actions were!
How can any president want higher gas prices? Or skyrocketing utilities, or 450,000 people out of work or $100 billion in Fed/State/local property taxes gone? How can any person let alone a President want thousands of miles of open ocean be polluted by a 1 million barrel oil tanker accident vs 700 barrels traveling one mile in a protected pipeline with 16 monitors per mile on dry land? All of the below are actions and statements taken by Obama and will be replicated by Biden. Disasterous for the country.
Now if you are truly an honest and intellectually capable person critique the attached and tell me all of these examples are wrong. Remember there are links associated.View attachment 456602View attachment 456602
Fracking sites release a toxic stew of air pollution that includes chemicals that can cause severe headaches, asthma symptoms, childhood leukemia, cardiac problems, and birth defects. In addition, many of the 1,000-plus chemicals used in fracking are harmful to human health—some are known to cause cancer.

Fracking has been linked to preterm births, high-risk pregnancies, asthma, migraine headaches, fatigue, nasal and sinus symptoms, and skin disorders over the last 10 years, according to a new study.

Screen Shot 2021-02-13 at 8.26.37 AM.png
Note that despite all the noise about fraud, only three (3) of these lawsuits materially
dealt with voter illegalities (citizens voting twice, votes from deceased persons, etc.).
Interestingly, all three of these cases are still open.
Further, just three (3) lawsuits addressed voting machine inaccuracies (purposeful or
accidental). One of these was dismissed (due to jurisdiction), one was ruled against

(although no discovery was granted), and one is still open (discovery was granted).

Of the 81 lawsuits filed so far,
  • 11 lawsuits have either been withdrawn or combined with another lawsuit.
  • 23 lawsuits were dismissed due to lack of standing, timing of the suit, or jurisdiction.
  • Of the remaining 47 lawsuits, 25 are still pending.
  • That leaves 22 lawsuits that have been ruled upon, where the court heard the arguments, examined the evidence, and then formally ruled on the matter
    • 15 of the lawsuits were decided in favor of President Donald Trump, while
    • 7 of the lawsuits were lost.

MIND YOU, all of the evidence was not out at the time of the initial challenges before the EC deadline certification, and because the evidence spreads between so many states, no one court ever had all of the evidence. And new evidence is still being discovered.

There are easily 88 different ways the democrats stole the election. I can prove it, and I'm just a nobody, so for the media and government to claim it is all baseless points to a MASSIVE COVERUP.
Your guy lost the popular vote twice. Your guy must have cheated the first time. See how easy that is. Aren't you glad the left does not use the same tactics as the right?
'How many times have we heard "there was no election fraud"!'

At least as many times as the election 'fraud' lie has been advanced.

And again: there was no election 'fraud.'
Your guy lost the popular vote twice. Your guy must have cheated the first time. See how easy that is.

Danny, the pop vote means absolutely NOTHING at the national level, and Trump certainly didn't cheat nor collude the first time, but if you want to maintain the election wasn't STOLEN this time through massive fraud and that a bloser like Biden with no campaign, no message, nor following WHIPPED Trump's ass by 7 MILLION votes despite Trump GAINING millions in support (odd, Trump LOST the pop vote in 2016 by 2.8 million and Biden supposedly WON the pop vote by 7 million (a diff of nearly 10 million people) yet Joe got not one more EC vote!), I maintain that I can absolutely PROVE IT WAS STOLEN, since you seem certain it was not, then maybe unlike the other eight LW cowards I've asked unwilling to back it up, maybe YOU'LL take up my challenge to shoot down all 88 points of election fraud I can make and DOCUMENT in Structured Debate with me?

Or are you just another chickenshit election fraud-denying liberal?

139,000,000 results .... hmm...
67 by my last count. And those include Supreme Court rulings.

That must be why Trump has actually WON 2/3rds of the cases where the court actually ever got to and LOOKED at the evidence!

What about it, Jack? All your brethren are all chickenshit cowards------- I can prove the election was a fraud, are you ready to go into structured debate and prove me wrong? ITEM BY ITEM.

C'mon, Jack, show us all how all of it never happened and is all a great lie like the lying nutsacks at the House.
Note that despite all the noise about fraud, only three (3) of these lawsuits materially
dealt with voter illegalities (citizens voting twice, votes from deceased persons, etc.).
Interestingly, all three of these cases are still open.

Further, just three (3) lawsuits addressed voting machine inaccuracies (purposeful or
accidental). One of these was dismissed (due to jurisdiction), one was ruled against

(although no discovery was granted), and one is still open (discovery was granted).

There is a difference between some inaccuracies and massive voter fraud.

The left could claim that projection is what right wingers are best at. No one claimed election fraud the previous election where Trump lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college. The left had no reason to project what they were not doing. Imagine if the left had made a big deal about election fraud back then. Doesn't it seem more likely that fraud was more likely to occur where a candidate lost the popular vote and only won because of the electoral college?

Projection also seemed like right wing modus operandi when the republicans had nothing but repeal for the black guy's shovel ready jobs only to harp on the weak recovery that resulted from that lack of shovel ready jobs that would have boosted gdp had there been bipartisan support from the right wing.
'How many times have we heard "there was no election fraud"!'

At least as many times as the election 'fraud' lie has been advanced.

And again: there was no election 'fraud.'

Interesting. I just downloaded the practical data at the site above and it was about 2.5 GB! And that is only a small sampling of the total raw data in the affected states, just how does any of these courts, much less TV media let alone any of the yahoos here digest, study and disprove even 2.5GB of raw data to KNOW there was no fraud?
Your guy lost the popular vote twice. Your guy must have cheated the first time. See how easy that is.

Danny, the pop vote means absolutely NOTHING at the national level, and Trump certainly didn't cheat nor collude the first time, but if you want to maintain the election wasn't STOLEN this time through massive fraud and that a bloser like Biden with no campaign, no message, nor following WHIPPED Trump's ass by 7 MILLION votes despite Trump GAINING millions in support (odd, Trump LOST the pop vote in 2016 by 2.8 million and Biden supposedly WON the pop vote by 7 million (a diff of nearly 10 million people) yet Joe got not one more EC vote!), I maintain that I can absolutely PROVE IT WAS STOLEN, since you seem certain it was not, then maybe unlike the other eight LW cowards I've asked unwilling to back it up, maybe YOU'LL take up my challenge to shoot down all 88 points of election fraud I can make and DOCUMENT in Structured Debate with me?

Or are you just another chickenshit election fraud-denying liberal?

I think you have your sine and cosine crossed to a different tangent.
Your guy lost the popular vote twice. Your guy must have cheated the first time. See how easy that is.

Danny, the pop vote means absolutely NOTHING at the national level, and Trump certainly didn't cheat nor collude the first time, but if you want to maintain the election wasn't STOLEN this time through massive fraud and that a bloser like Biden with no campaign, no message, nor following WHIPPED Trump's ass by 7 MILLION votes despite Trump GAINING millions in support (odd, Trump LOST the pop vote in 2016 by 2.8 million and Biden supposedly WON the pop vote by 7 million (a diff of nearly 10 million people) yet Joe got not one more EC vote!), I maintain that I can absolutely PROVE IT WAS STOLEN, since you seem certain it was not, then maybe unlike the other eight LW cowards I've asked unwilling to back it up, maybe YOU'LL take up my challenge to shoot down all 88 points of election fraud I can make and DOCUMENT in Structured Debate with me?

Or are you just another chickenshit election fraud-denying liberal?

I think you have your sine and cosine crossed to a different tangent.

So Danny, by your 'funny' and no reply, I can put you down in the column with the other 9 leftards I've asked here all denouncing the election fraud as mere conspiracy theory yet unable to back up their claims unwilling to go toe to toe in hard debate vetting facts line by line as just another opinionated leftwing bullshitter with absolutely no proof at all?

You know, Dan, just kinda GO WITH THE FLOW of the prevailing popular MSM lies so long as they favor your desires?
Your guy lost the popular vote twice. Your guy must have cheated the first time. See how easy that is.

Danny, the pop vote means absolutely NOTHING at the national level, and Trump certainly didn't cheat nor collude the first time, but if you want to maintain the election wasn't STOLEN this time through massive fraud and that a bloser like Biden with no campaign, no message, nor following WHIPPED Trump's ass by 7 MILLION votes despite Trump GAINING millions in support (odd, Trump LOST the pop vote in 2016 by 2.8 million and Biden supposedly WON the pop vote by 7 million (a diff of nearly 10 million people) yet Joe got not one more EC vote!), I maintain that I can absolutely PROVE IT WAS STOLEN, since you seem certain it was not, then maybe unlike the other eight LW cowards I've asked unwilling to back it up, maybe YOU'LL take up my challenge to shoot down all 88 points of election fraud I can make and DOCUMENT in Structured Debate with me?

Or are you just another chickenshit election fraud-denying liberal?

I think you have your sine and cosine crossed to a different tangent.

So Danny, by your 'funny' and no reply, I can put you down in the column with the other 9 leftards I've asked here all denouncing the election fraud as mere conspiracy theory yet unable to back up their claims unwilling to go toe to toe in hard debate vetting facts line by line as just another opinionated leftwing bullshitter with absolutely no proof at all?

You know, Dan, just kinda GO WITH THE FLOW of the prevailing popular MSM lies so long as they favor your desires?

Your guy must have cheated and committed election fraud to win the election having lost the popular vote. See how easy that is. Aren't you glad the left is not right wingers.
Your guy must have cheated and committed election fraud to win the election having lost the popular vote. See how easy that is.

That wasn't easy, just a pathetically stupid attempt at another cop out.

Just another way of saying that none of you idiots have a shred of evidence to show that Biden won fair and square or that the fraud evidence is baseless.
Your guy must have cheated and committed election fraud to win the election having lost the popular vote. See how easy that is.

That wasn't easy, just a pathetically stupid attempt at another cop out.

Just another way of saying that none of you idiots have a shred of evidence to show that Biden won fair and square or that the fraud evidence is baseless.
Biden won the popular vote and electoral college vote. Only right wingers are alleging there was any massive fraud. Here is who right wingers voted for as the greatest of their great:

President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims
Biden won the popular vote and electoral college vote.
Only right wingers are alleging there was any massive fraud. Here is who right wingers voted for as the greatest of their great:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

WHAT A CARD. The WHOLE ISSUE is whether Biden REALLY DID win the vote and the EC or whether we are just being TOLD that! And all the evidence says NO.

Only leftwingers alleged Russia helped elect Trump. You spent THREE YEARS and millions of dollars trying to PROVE that. Not even a dime nor interest to assure THIS election was fair.

It shouldn't even be an issue to ASK whether an election is fair! They should be so aboveboard, straight up and supervised that there is NO QUESTION.

Instead, we have at least 88 issues of likely fraud.

Your last claim isn't even relevant.

Again, if you have proof that all the allegations of fraud are baseless, why won't you defend them? There is simply NO WAY Biden won without a LOT of election cheating.
Biden won the popular vote and electoral college vote.
Only right wingers are alleging there was any massive fraud. Here is who right wingers voted for as the greatest of their great:
President Trump has made more than 20,000 false or misleading claims

View attachment 457577 WHAT A CARD. The WHOLE ISSUE is whether Biden REALLY DID win the vote and the EC or whether we are just being TOLD that! And all the evidence says NO.

Only leftwingers alleged Russia helped elect Trump. You spent THREE YEARS and millions of dollars trying to PROVE that. Not even a dime nor interest to assure THIS election was fair.

It shouldn't even be an issue to ASK whether an election is fair! They should be so aboveboard, straight up and supervised that there is NO QUESTION.

Instead, we have at least 88 issues of likely fraud.

Your last claim isn't even relevant.

Again, if you have proof that all the allegations of fraud are baseless, why won't you defend them? There is simply NO WAY Biden won without a LOT of election cheating.
Right wingers "voted for fraud" not the "gospel Truth".

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