How many women?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
How many women accused Clinton of raping them? As I recall he was elected President twice even though they all claimed he raped them. And the left? they actively attacked these women and called them liars. Now remind me why suddenly the left believes women that do NOT even claim rape and demand that a person is guilty with out a trial? Remind me doesn't our legal system work on the "Innocent till proven guilty" motto?
How many women accused Clinton of raping them? As I recall he was elected President twice even though they all claimed he raped them. And the left? they actively attacked these women and called them liars. Now remind me why suddenly the left believes women that do NOT even claim rape and demand that a person is guilty with out a trial? Remind me doesn't our legal system work on the "Innocent till proven guilty" motto?
Not in the political world there it depends on if we support the person being accused it's guilty till proven innocent if we don't and innocent till proven guilty if we do.
How many women accused Clinton of raping them? As I recall he was elected President twice even though they all claimed he raped them. And the left? they actively attacked these women and called them liars. Now remind me why suddenly the left believes women that do NOT even claim rape and demand that a person is guilty with out a trial? Remind me doesn't our legal system work on the "Innocent till proven guilty" motto?
The double standard of the Democrats is pretty amazing, isn't it?
News flash ! Bill Clinton ain’t running for office . Maybe you should take a time machine to 25 years ago.

Oh, I think there was one woman who accused him of rape . Same as with Donald Trump .
News flash ! Bill Clinton ain’t running for office . Maybe you should take a time machine to 25 years ago.

Oh, I think there was one woman who accused him of rape . Same as with Donald Trump .

He was impeached for lying about doing this shit to women. What happened to that liar trump???
How many women accused Clinton of raping them? As I recall he was elected President twice even though they all claimed he raped them. And the left? they actively attacked these women and called them liars. Now remind me why suddenly the left believes women that do NOT even claim rape and demand that a person is guilty with out a trial? Remind me doesn't our legal system work on the "Innocent till proven guilty" motto?
The double standard of the Democrats is pretty amazing, isn't it?

Lol! No . The double standard is righties getting on their high horse the last two weeks when all the Hollywood stories hit . But now it’s one of you guys and you sure change your tune .
News flash ! Bill Clinton ain’t running for office . Maybe you should take a time machine to 25 years ago.

Oh, I think there was one woman who accused him of rape . Same as with Donald Trump .

He was impeached for lying about doing this shit to women. What happened to that liar trump???

He lied about an affair . No allegations of sexual misconduct.

If affairs bother you so much , you must not be a trump fan.
How many women accused Clinton of raping them? As I recall he was elected President twice even though they all claimed he raped them. And the left? they actively attacked these women and called them liars. Now remind me why suddenly the left believes women that do NOT even claim rape and demand that a person is guilty with out a trial? Remind me doesn't our legal system work on the "Innocent till proven guilty" motto?
It's called learning from one's and others' past mistakes and wrongs.

If you commit a wrong and I knew then or have come now to know what you did is wrong, does that give me license to now commit the same wrong or handle the matter as you wrongly did? I think not.

An appeal to hypocrisy is a logical fallacy in which one attempts to discredit an opponent’s position by showing that the person making the argument has been unable to act in accordance with the position being argued for. By showing the person to be acting in a hypocritical manner, it is hoped that the audience will no longer take the argument seriously and that the argument will be dismissed. Rather than looking at the validity of the argument itself, the reputation of the person making the argument is looked at instead. Another term for this type of logical fallacy is “tu quoque,” which translates from Latin into English as “you too,” and suggests that the person is being inconsistent in what he says and in what he does. (Source)​
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How many women accused Clinton of raping them? As I recall he was elected President twice even though they all claimed he raped them. And the left? they actively attacked these women and called them liars. Now remind me why suddenly the left believes women that do NOT even claim rape and demand that a person is guilty with out a trial? Remind me doesn't our legal system work on the "Innocent till proven guilty" motto?

Dear RetiredGySgt
The real test to me is does anyone on either side care about helping the victims in these cases who are claiming rape or legal abuse?

If both sides are only in it for political points , image and deflection then they are still enabling exploitation of rape without really solving the cause of the problem or the effects.

I still hope that with all the rape and harassment cases coming out, so will the issue of legal and political abuse.
I'm wondering how much of that covering for Billy boy....which Hollywood was in on too....helped exaccerbate what went on in Hollywood...after all they saw first hand how to handle the situation,,,,,
How many women accused Clinton of raping them? As I recall he was elected President twice even though they all claimed he raped them. And the left? they actively attacked these women and called them liars. Now remind me why suddenly the left believes women that do NOT even claim rape and demand that a person is guilty with out a trial? Remind me doesn't our legal system work on the "Innocent till proven guilty" motto?

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
How many women accused Clinton of raping them? As I recall he was elected President twice even though they all claimed he raped them. And the left? they actively attacked these women and called them liars. Now remind me why suddenly the left believes women that do NOT even claim rape and demand that a person is guilty with out a trial? Remind me doesn't our legal system work on the "Innocent till proven guilty" motto?

I don't know- how many women accused Clinton of raping them? Did you approve of Clinton being elected even you believed these women?

Are you holding Roy Moore to the same standard?
He was impeached for lying about doing this shit to women. What happened to that liar trump???
Who did Trump rape? Who did he molest? All I've ever heard him accused of is some aggressive touching of the kind he's readily admitted. He openly stated that men who are endowed with celebrity or power have unspoken license with some women to "feel their asses, fondle their tits, or grab them by the pussy." Trump was simply telling the truth.

He did say that about "some women," not all women, and anyone who has been around a bit knows that to be true. When I was younger I had a close friend who was a rock musician (drummer) with a very popular band that played the Greenwich Village circuit and I saw that what Trump said is perfectly true. Some girls, even some older women, called "groupies," eagerly make themselves available to these minor celebrities to do with as they please.

I saw it. When the band took a break girls who they'd never seen before would mob them, and some of these guys were scrawny looking characters who could play a guitar but otherwise couldn't get laid without marriage. I watched an interview of a Black rap "artist" named Snoop Dog who said every time he does a show he has ". . . White bitches line up to suck my dick."

In line with the celebrity access factor, I heard that Cosby's lawyer has been focused on asking Cosby's "victims" why they were willing to be "interviewed" by Cosby in a hotel room. That approach seems to have a positive effect on jurors.

Returning to Trump, has he been accused of any forcefully improper conduct with any credible females?
News flash ! Bill Clinton ain’t running for office . Maybe you should take a time machine to 25 years ago.

Oh, I think there was one woman who accused him of rape . Same as with Donald Trump .

I noticed little Timmy always has an angle. None worth a shit, but they serve to soften the blow.

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