How many would show up to a Biden rally in Rexburg, ID?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Just one....
Trump in S. Bronx….WTF?
Notoriously Bronx is as blue as San Francisco and Lost Angeles…Trump seems to have made some dark friends in the boroughs. Could Biden hold a rally in Rexburg, ID or the like without making a fool of himself?,_Idaho#:~:text=Rexburg%20has%20been%20referred%20to,San%20Francisco%2C%20America's%20liberal%20bastion.
Oh he could have a rally, with the Lame Stream Media in attendance and that is about it.

Democrats have another serious problem on their hands. Whether Biden wins or loses they'll need someone else to run in 2028. They have literally no one. Every Democrat with any kind of national recognition is a communist.
Hmmm….it seems like Trump ’crosses over’ and Biden doesn’t…I wonder how long it’ll be before fence-sitters like Harpy Eagle come to grips with that?

This shit is hilarious. In a city of more than 8 million people maybe 8000 showed up for the spectacle that is the Cult of Trump and you people are literally having an orgasm over it.

Seems you are trying to convince yourself far more than people like me.

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