How Middle Class Republicans Conservatives are being CONNED by the Super Rich.

A lot of people are so interested in social issues that they ignore the economic issues.

The modern GOP was smart enough to capitalize on these grand differences in social politics.

True and that is why I blame the GOP for the lion's share of this mess. They only reason I don't vote Democrat is because all of their proposals call for even higher spending.
oooooooooooooooooooooooo.....more Absolutes; no (actual) list.

How bold of you.

I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class?

Mostly the GOP has kept wages low and pushed the majority of tax paying onto the middled class.
No matter what the rate is for the rich (high or low) they usually hire accountants that ensure the super rich pay little if any actual tax.

But the current big con are the conservative PACS that take money from the working class Conservative Republicans and give nothing back to them.
Such as Americans For Prosperity - sounds great and I'm in favor of prosperity - but the Koch brothers are the only ones getting rich from this PAC... NOT the middle class majority.

It's NOT a real Free Market at work stupid!

I hear the worn out, lame comments from the GOP and Conservatives all the time that it's just the "Free Market" or it's "Supply and Demand" and you got to lower taxes so the wealthy can create jobs. If all that is true...

Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts?

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts.

Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich.

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.

Middle Class Consumers and Buyers are the fuel that creates the Wealth and Job Growth!

GOP love to repeat the old Reaganomics tax plan of 1981.

FYI - 1980 Tax Rates was 70% 50% 215,400

* Reduce Government spending.
* Reduce Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax.
* Reduce Government regulation.
* Control the money supply to reduce inflation.

Reagan said this would create "Trickle Down Economics" which sorta works if the economic conditions are a certain way such as businesses hiring more people that yields incomes.

When Ronald Reagan was president in the 80's he actually came in with a bad recession and taxes were super high
I am always puzzled at how socialists hate the free market. For one thing Bush tax cuts created jobs, then the dimwits took control of congress, dimwits caused housing market failure and there you go. Blame the real culprits, the dimwits, or shutup.
Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts?

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts.
Bush & the Republicans were creating jobs until the Democrats took control of congress in 2007 & destroyed jobs & the economy. Unlike the democrat lies, don't just take my word for it, check the chart. Since the Republicans took back the House in 2011 to block Democrats neurotic control of business, jobs are once again on the rise. Democrats have destroyed all the jobs & the economy. Now since January 2011 America, Jobs & the Economy are making a comeback.


This is amazing; I've never seen something so black and white in my life.

Correct, But democrats can't comprehend it until their masters make a new manipulated fake chart & spin it into lib speak saying Obama / Dems created jobs & Bush / Repubs are evil. :lol:
I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class?

You are a very boring and regurgitating fool.

We here at USMB expect idiotic claims to come with links to prove what we say.

I have posted factual links and post that basically support what FreeWorld is posting about and I never seem to get replies from the far right crowd And I've done it often.
Save yourself some time, and go to the(ir).....

How Middle Class Republicans Conservatives are being CONNED by the Super Rich.
I don't know who you'd call "Middle Class Republicans".

I always see Republicans divided into two camps: (real) Conservatives....who, for all-intents-and-purposes, stay disengaged....and, the White Wingers....the most-vocal & least-educated.


....BOTH of those camps are more-than-adept at displaying their confusion & intellectual-laziness.....and, Rupert Murdoch does everything-he-CAN to.....

And the left has got idiots like you.
Bush & the Republicans were creating jobs until the Democrats took control of congress in 2007 & destroyed jobs & the economy. Unlike the democrat lies, don't just take my word for it, check the chart. Since the Republicans took back the House in 2011 to block Democrats neurotic control of business, jobs are once again on the rise. Democrats have destroyed all the jobs & the economy. Now since January 2011 America, Jobs & the Economy are making a comeback.


All of the politicos are at fault for the economic malaise we are in. Mainly for not setting up oversight on the exotic financials that were being conducted in the last decade. It is not who is in office when it occurred but who was in there before and let it happen. The sudden increase of of gas to $4.00+ was the catalyst that started the decline and caused that shaky house of cards to fall and the loss of jobs as seen in your chart. With the arrival of $4.00 gas again (yes it is here and $5.00 may be here July 4th) the strain on our feeble recovery may cause another recession.

As to why middle class Americans vote Republican, there are many answers. Some vote that way because of national defense or social issues. The many dimensions of the economic landscape of America is beyond the comprehension of many Americans. They rely on the talking heads to lead them. Yes the news media sways a lot of people in which way to vote. They parade so called experts every hour into your living room telling you this is the way it is and you need to do this to help the country. People are being indoctrinated.
A lot of people are so interested in social issues that they ignore the economic issues.

The modern GOP was smart enough to capitalize on these grand differences in social politics.

Could you explain this in a little more detail?
Thanking you in advance...

Sure...plenty of people are voting more based on social issues rather than in their own economic interests.

Unless you're very well off, (and I mean stupid weathy, not merely very affluent) if you're supportive of the GOP (or to a lesser extent the DNC) you're voting against your own economic interests.
Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts?

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts.

Bush & the Republicans were creating jobs until the Democrats took control of congress in 2007 & destroyed jobs & the economy. Unlike the democrat lies, don't just take my word for it, check the chart. Since the Republicans took back the House in 2011 to block Democrats neurotic control of business, jobs are once again on the rise. Democrats have destroyed all the jobs & the economy. Now since January 2011 America, Jobs & the Economy are making a comeback.
You forgot another White Winger Absolute....Stimulus Spending had no impact on the
Obama Economic Recovery.


[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow Exposes Republican Hypocrisy For What It Is......BS.flv[/ame]​
Last edited:
Everyone is conned by the super rich, however people are voting for corporatist politicians, so really is it the 'super rich' or super stupidity and naivety? :tongue:
I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class? We don't ask them to do anything for us dumbass. That's why we believe in small government and independence. Don't try it, it's hard to do, you might starve to death.

Mostly the GOP has kept wages low and pushed the majority of tax paying onto the middled class. Moron, minimum wage increases have never solved anything.
No matter what the rate is for the rich (high or low) they usually hire accountants that ensure the super rich pay little if any actual tax. Then change the laws crybaby.

But the current big con are the conservative PACS that take money from the working class Conservative Republicans and give nothing back to them.
Such as Americans For Prosperity - sounds great and I'm in favor of prosperity - but the Koch brothers are the only ones getting rich from this PAC... NOT the middle class majority.

It's NOT a real Free Market at work stupid! Then get the government out of it so there's no kick backs.

I hear the worn out, lame comments from the GOP and Conservatives all the time that it's just the "Free Market" or it's "Supply and Demand" and you got to lower taxes so the wealthy can create jobs. If all that is true... It is.

Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts? He had very low numbers for a very long time.

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts. link

Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich. link

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy. link. But they did get to opt out of that great obamacare.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.Then you need a better job.

Middle Class Consumers and Buyers are the fuel that creates the Wealth and Job Growth!

GOP love to repeat the old Reaganomics tax plan of 1981.

FYI - 1980 Tax Rates was 70% 50% 215,400

* Reduce Government spending.
* Reduce Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax. Did you know that Clinton did that and increased revenues?
* Reduce Government regulation.
* Control the money supply to reduce inflation.

Reagan said this would create "Trickle Down Economics" which sorta works if the economic conditions are a certain way such as businesses hiring more people that yields incomes.

When Ronald Reagan was president in the 80's he actually came in with a bad recession and taxes were super high

You are a very boring and regurgitating fool.

We here at USMB expect idiotic claims to come with links to prove what we say.

I have posted factual links and post that basically support what FreeWorld is posting about and I never seem to get replies from the far right crowd And I've done it often.

Wages are where they were in 1980 for working Americans and that is despite an 86% increase in worker productivity and a 90% growth in the US economy since 1980. So yes, the middle class/working class is getting screwed. And yes, many middle class conservatives have drank the kool-aid as noted by the absence of a good debate dealing with facts.

Wealth is as concentrated as it was just prior to 1929 and economic history shows how well that worked for America.

It's time for the middle class/working class to get it share of the economic pie.

Then talk to your employer and get a raise.

Also since 1980, benefits offered by employers has gone up.

You may not recall, but not every place offered health ins, now it's common.

Oh, and please none of this cry baby crap about not being able to ask for a raise.
I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class?

Mostly the GOP has kept wages low and pushed the majority of tax paying onto the middled class.
No matter what the rate is for the rich (high or low) they usually hire accountants that ensure the super rich pay little if any actual tax.

But the current big con are the conservative PACS that take money from the working class Conservative Republicans and give nothing back to them.
Such as Americans For Prosperity - sounds great and I'm in favor of prosperity - but the Koch brothers are the only ones getting rich from this PAC... NOT the middle class majority.

It's NOT a real Free Market at work stupid!

I hear the worn out, lame comments from the GOP and Conservatives all the time that it's just the "Free Market" or it's "Supply and Demand" and you got to lower taxes so the wealthy can create jobs. If all that is true...

Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts?

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts.

Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich.

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.

Middle Class Consumers and Buyers are the fuel that creates the Wealth and Job Growth!

GOP love to repeat the old Reaganomics tax plan of 1981.

FYI - 1980 Tax Rates was 70% 50% 215,400

* Reduce Government spending.
* Reduce Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax.
* Reduce Government regulation.
* Control the money supply to reduce inflation.

Reagan said this would create "Trickle Down Economics" which sorta works if the economic conditions are a certain way such as businesses hiring more people that yields incomes.

When Ronald Reagan was president in the 80's he actually came in with a bad recession and taxes were super high
I am always puzzled at how socialists hate the free market. For one thing Bush tax cuts created jobs, then the dimwits took control of congress, dimwits caused housing market failure and there you go. Blame the real culprits, the dimwits, or shutup.

So did we have truly free markets under BushII? BushI? Reagan? When was the last time we had free markets? And can you show that Bush's tax cuts directly provided jobs?

Face it, you're just expousing Trickle Down Economics. And it was a failed policy.

You are a very boring and regurgitating fool.

We here at USMB expect idiotic claims to come with links to prove what we say.

I have posted factual links and post that basically support what FreeWorld is posting about and I never seem to get replies from the far right crowd And I've done it often.

Wages are where they were in 1980 for working Americans and that is despite an 86% increase in worker productivity and a 90% growth in the US economy since 1980. So yes, the middle class/working class is getting screwed. And yes, many middle class conservatives have drank the kool-aid as noted by the absence of a good debate dealing with facts.

Wealth is as concentrated as it was just prior to 1929 and economic history shows how well that worked for America.

It's time for the middle class/working class to get it share of the economic pie.

Then talk to your employer and get a raise.

Also since 1980, benefits offered by employers has gone up.

You may not recall, but not every place offered health ins, now it's common.

Oh, and please none of this cry baby crap about not being able to ask for a raise.

Many, many people kneel down before the boss, hat in hand to plead for a raise only to be told that, "If you're not happy with your pay then quit. I can find plenty of people to replace you".

I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class? We don't ask them to do anything for us dumbass. That's why we believe in small government and independence. Don't try it, it's hard to do, you might starve to death.

Mostly the GOP has kept wages low and pushed the majority of tax paying onto the middled class. Moron, minimum wage increases have never solved anything.
No matter what the rate is for the rich (high or low) they usually hire accountants that ensure the super rich pay little if any actual tax. Then change the laws crybaby.

But the current big con are the conservative PACS that take money from the working class Conservative Republicans and give nothing back to them.
Such as Americans For Prosperity - sounds great and I'm in favor of prosperity - but the Koch brothers are the only ones getting rich from this PAC... NOT the middle class majority.

It's NOT a real Free Market at work stupid! Then get the government out of it so there's no kick backs.

I hear the worn out, lame comments from the GOP and Conservatives all the time that it's just the "Free Market" or it's "Supply and Demand" and you got to lower taxes so the wealthy can create jobs. If all that is true... It is.

Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts? He had very low numbers for a very long time.

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts. link

Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich. link

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy. link. But they did get to opt out of that great obamacare.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.Then you need a better job.

Middle Class Consumers and Buyers are the fuel that creates the Wealth and Job Growth!

GOP love to repeat the old Reaganomics tax plan of 1981.

FYI - 1980 Tax Rates was 70% 50% 215,400

* Reduce Government spending.
* Reduce Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax. Did you know that Clinton did that and increased revenues?
* Reduce Government regulation.
* Control the money supply to reduce inflation.

Reagan said this would create "Trickle Down Economics" which sorta works if the economic conditions are a certain way such as businesses hiring more people that yields incomes.

When Ronald Reagan was president in the 80's he actually came in with a bad recession and taxes were super high

You are a very boring and regurgitating fool.

We here at USMB expect idiotic claims to come with links to prove what we say.

Geesh, can't anyone post an original opinion? It's his opinion so why are you demanding links?


When people lie, it's a lie, not opnion.

When you make such large claims you must back it up with links or get ridiculed.

I hold myself to this standard, the same standard of most of USMB.
I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class?

Mostly the GOP has kept wages low and pushed the majority of tax paying onto the middled class.
No matter what the rate is for the rich (high or low) they usually hire accountants that ensure the super rich pay little if any actual tax.

But the current big con are the conservative PACS that take money from the working class Conservative Republicans and give nothing back to them.
Such as Americans For Prosperity - sounds great and I'm in favor of prosperity - but the Koch brothers are the only ones getting rich from this PAC... NOT the middle class majority.

It's NOT a real Free Market at work stupid!

I hear the worn out, lame comments from the GOP and Conservatives all the time that it's just the "Free Market" or it's "Supply and Demand" and you got to lower taxes so the wealthy can create jobs. If all that is true...

Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts?

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts.

Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich.

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.

Middle Class Consumers and Buyers are the fuel that creates the Wealth and Job Growth!

GOP love to repeat the old Reaganomics tax plan of 1981.

FYI - 1980 Tax Rates was 70% 50% 215,400

* Reduce Government spending.
* Reduce Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax.
* Reduce Government regulation.
* Control the money supply to reduce inflation.

Reagan said this would create "Trickle Down Economics" which sorta works if the economic conditions are a certain way such as businesses hiring more people that yields incomes.

When Ronald Reagan was president in the 80's he actually came in with a bad recession and taxes were super high


Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich.

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.

EIC (and all other needs based aide that is qualified for under those wages) is also corporate welfare, as those programs make up the shortfall between what wages the corporations pay and the actual cost of living (to some extent), and lowers the demand for higher wages and benefits. The corporations benefit from these programs through lower overhead for labor, higher stockholder profits, and the ability to drive DOWN wage expectations, and nothing is ever mentioned about these programs benefits to big business.
Most people with a 401k or other retirement program that depends on a stock portfolio for its viability DEPEND UPON low wage workers to ensure their retirement.
I'm always puzzled how the under employed "Joe the Plumber" types and unions of police and fire fighters continue to support the Republican Party.

After all... what have they actually done for the conservative working class? We don't ask them to do anything for us dumbass. That's why we believe in small government and independence. Don't try it, it's hard to do, you might starve to death.

Mostly the GOP has kept wages low and pushed the majority of tax paying onto the middled class. Moron, minimum wage increases have never solved anything.
No matter what the rate is for the rich (high or low) they usually hire accountants that ensure the super rich pay little if any actual tax. Then change the laws crybaby.

But the current big con are the conservative PACS that take money from the working class Conservative Republicans and give nothing back to them.
Such as Americans For Prosperity - sounds great and I'm in favor of prosperity - but the Koch brothers are the only ones getting rich from this PAC... NOT the middle class majority.

It's NOT a real Free Market at work stupid! Then get the government out of it so there's no kick backs.

I hear the worn out, lame comments from the GOP and Conservatives all the time that it's just the "Free Market" or it's "Supply and Demand" and you got to lower taxes so the wealthy can create jobs. If all that is true... It is.

Where are the jobs GOP from the Bush Tax Cuts? He had very low numbers for a very long time.

Does anyone remember the Bush Tax Cuts that were supposed to create lots and lots of jobs? :confused:
Because... you know... if you give the rich and super wealthy big tax breaks they will create lots of jobs right?

In fact - the opposite has happened - a sharp DECLINE in jobs after the Bush Tax Cuts. link

Tax Dollar Subsidized Business is NOT Capitalism or the Free Market
What the GOP really wants is the low wage class and the middle class to subsidized the already wealthy and super rich. link

Billion Dollar businesses such as McDonald's as Walmart get super big tax breaks and subsidies a.k.a "Corporate Welfare" paid mostly by the middle class tax payers who don't even benefit from a higher wages or benefits due to a subsidy. link. But they did get to opt out of that great obamacare.

$8 an hour is poverty level for a family in this country.Then you need a better job.

Middle Class Consumers and Buyers are the fuel that creates the Wealth and Job Growth!

GOP love to repeat the old Reaganomics tax plan of 1981.

FYI - 1980 Tax Rates was 70% 50% 215,400

* Reduce Government spending.
* Reduce Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax. Did you know that Clinton did that and increased revenues?
* Reduce Government regulation.
* Control the money supply to reduce inflation.

Reagan said this would create "Trickle Down Economics" which sorta works if the economic conditions are a certain way such as businesses hiring more people that yields incomes.

When Ronald Reagan was president in the 80's he actually came in with a bad recession and taxes were super high

You are a very boring and regurgitating fool.

We here at USMB expect idiotic claims to come with links to prove what we say.

Holy fuck. Its common knowledge.
I have posted factual links and post that basically support what FreeWorld is posting about and I never seem to get replies from the far right crowd And I've done it often.

Wages are where they were in 1980 for working Americans and that is despite an 86% increase in worker productivity and a 90% growth in the US economy since 1980. So yes, the middle class/working class is getting screwed. And yes, many middle class conservatives have drank the kool-aid as noted by the absence of a good debate dealing with facts.

Wealth is as concentrated as it was just prior to 1929 and economic history shows how well that worked for America.

It's time for the middle class/working class to get it share of the economic pie.

Then talk to your employer and get a raise.

Also since 1980, benefits offered by employers has gone up.

You may not recall, but not every place offered health ins, now it's common.

Oh, and please none of this cry baby crap about not being able to ask for a raise.

Many, many people kneel down before the boss, hat in hand to plead for a raise only to be told that, "If you're not happy with your pay then quit. I can find plenty of people to replace you".


There are two sides to that coin. The other is, "I don't care if you're making a profit I or not can make more money elsewhere. Goodbye."
Last edited:
There's no such thing as a "free market" - absolutely, unequivocally, no such thing.

Any time someone starts using that phrase I know I can tune out.

Why? Because for as long as there have been governments (religious and secular) controls and laws have steered the course of free trade, in some situations stifling it all together.

Sorry for that slight derail, but I was irked.

RE: the OP

The middle class gets conned by the super rich because the middle class wants to BECOME the super rich. The Republican brand says to people " with the affluent can be one of us...join the lifestyle..." Of course people do make decisions based on actual principles...but to deny the allure of the brand would be misguided.

...Wages are where they were in 1980 for working Americans and that is despite an 86% increase in worker productivity and a 90% growth in the US economy since 1980. So yes, the middle class/working class is getting screwed...

It's time for the middle class/working class to get it share of the economic pie.

So, in my opinion, people are dreaming if they think it will not be the middle class who will ultimately bear the entire brunt of any tax increases levied upon the rich.

Yeah......we've heard all this, before......

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating."

There is no substitute for "Value for Value". "Something for Nothing" is Total Bullshit, Somebody Always pays. Start by living within your means. This holds for the Individual, the Society, and the Government that claims to serve it.
Feeding Incompetence and Mismanagement only encourages more of it.

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