How much of your success was because of Government? ....

I'd still prosper, the government wouldn't.......

No you wouldn't. Think about it for a minute.

No government built roads, no military, no police. No public safety, no property rights protection, no contract law enforcement. Anyone can just come up and steal anything from anyone and get away with it as long as the owner isn't watching.

In such a situation, we would have no industrial economy because there wouldn't be the kind of public peace and order needed for anyone to build a factory. Nobody would have a job because you can't create a company that employs people in a situation of chaos. It would be everyone for himself, people falling into gangs and preying on each other. You wouldn't even have money because that, too, is issued by the government. Trade would consist of barter only.

You wouldn't prosper in a situation like that. Nobody would except those who could command the biggest, meanest gangs. And even then, because there wouldn't be enough public order to support farming, either, the food supply would collapse and most people would starve to death.

Every civilization that ever existed on this earth only survived because of government, got it, thanks...... :cuckoo:

Anyway, did you fail to recognize i actually gave the gubment 15% of the credit in the OP? .... :eusa_whistle:
I'd still prosper, the government wouldn't.......

No you wouldn't. Think about it for a minute.

No government built roads, no military, no police. No public safety, no property rights protection, no contract law enforcement. Anyone can just come up and steal anything from anyone and get away with it as long as the owner isn't watching.

In such a situation, we would have no industrial economy because there wouldn't be the kind of public peace and order needed for anyone to build a factory. Nobody would have a job because you can't create a company that employs people in a situation of chaos. It would be everyone for himself, people falling into gangs and preying on each other. You wouldn't even have money because that, too, is issued by the government. Trade would consist of barter only.

You wouldn't prosper in a situation like that. Nobody would except those who could command the biggest, meanest gangs. And even then, because there wouldn't be enough public order to support farming, either, the food supply would collapse and most people would starve to death.

There will always be some form of government..... People aren't arguing against a sense of structure - they're arguing against this currant tyrannical structure...

Your "they build us roads" bullisht is just that - the federal government doesn't build roads - the state government does...

Our federal government is a useless oppressive tyrannical gang that does nothing more than ponder how they can create an Orwellian society....

Quite frankly I really don't give a shit what the state governments do because our Tenth Amendment creates competition amongst the states - so the states with the best policies will always be the most successful...

As it stands today the federal government rules over all of us and tells the states to pretty much fuck off if they don't agree with their policies.....
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I'd still prosper, the government wouldn't.......

No you wouldn't. Think about it for a minute.

No government built roads, no military, no police. No public safety, no property rights protection, no contract law enforcement. Anyone can just come up and steal anything from anyone and get away with it as long as the owner isn't watching.

In such a situation, we would have no industrial economy because there wouldn't be the kind of public peace and order needed for anyone to build a factory. Nobody would have a job because you can't create a company that employs people in a situation of chaos. It would be everyone for himself, people falling into gangs and preying on each other. You wouldn't even have money because that, too, is issued by the government. Trade would consist of barter only.

You wouldn't prosper in a situation like that. Nobody would except those who could command the biggest, meanest gangs. And even then, because there wouldn't be enough public order to support farming, either, the food supply would collapse and most people would starve to death.

There will always be some form of government..... People aren't arguing against a sense of structure - they're arguing against this currant tyrannical structure...

Your "they build us roads" bullisht is just that - the federal government doesn't build roads - the state government does...

Our federal government is a useless oppressive tyrannical gang that does nothing more than ponder how they can create an Orwellian society....

Quite frankly I really don't give a shit what the state governments do because our Tenth Amendment creates competition amongst the states - so the states with the best policies will always be the most successful...

As it stands today the federal government rules over all of us and tells the states to pretty much fuck off if they don't agree with their policies.....

Clowns like him love it that way......
And your inflated government salary TAKES from those who don't work for the government and hinders their ability to spend or invest which fucks this economy.

I don't know what is it you do (I'm sure nothing) but I'm certain a person with your job title in the private sector works 99% harder, is 99% more efficient (due to competition) but makes about 60% of what you make...

Then you have the fucking audacity to have a 99% avatar and talk about how the middle class is dying??

The same assholes that bailed out your labor union bailed out the banks and stuck the private sector with the bill...

Your taxes pay your own salary - hence you don't pay any taxes if you work for the government..

I see these useless government worker "fucks" every morning taking the commuter train to DC in the morning. They sleep/snore all the way up, arrive at their desks - do absolutely JACK SHIT for the economy all day except create red tape - log off, ride home, and call it a day.

Unproductive fucks.

Bingo, and they get away with it because they're protected by a) unions and b) lack of competition since the government has no competition they can be just as lazy as they want. It's not like you can tell the government to go fuck off and choose one of your liking that serves you better..

Also, have you noticed government employees treat people like shit?? ever been to the DMV or in my case Secretary of States office? Instead of "Hi, how are you doing what can I do for you" its seriously "what do you want."

Oh and these assclowns are being paid 40% more than those in the private sector doing the same job..

Aren't people who work in the DMV employed by the state?
Because they wouldn't own it, the government would own it......

Do you think when someone drives over a bridge to get to work that they are thinking about who owns that bridge? No. They're just happy it's there.

Not until Elizabeth Warren and Obama started spewing this class warfare bullshit anyway....

If taxpayers paid for it, the fucking thing should be there, but you think we should be happy and thank the almighty government for it......

Guess what?

The Government is US. The Government represents the voters and taxpayers. It is not us vs them....they represent our interests. If they don't, we vote them out

Private industry does not represent us
Every civilization that ever existed on this earth only survived because of government, got it, thanks

Exactly. Without government, civilization is impossible.

Anyway, did you fail to recognize i actually gave the gubment 15% of the credit in the OP? .... :eusa_whistle:

No, in fact I quoted it. You pulled that figure out of your ass, and it's ridiculously low. Your success is totally dependent on government. You would have zero percent of it without government.
America was built upon government subsidies. A transcontinental railroad? Sure it was built by Chinese and Irish immigrants. But it was only possible due to huge land grants to the competing railroads.

Electrifying the Depression Era South? Could never have happened without the TVA. Las Vegas would STILL be a sleepy little desert town without the government funded Hoover Dam.

It's funny how the contemporary Conservative isn't Conservative at all. They're Anarchists!

They hate the politics of their opposition so much, they're perfectly willing to throw the entire American system of economic activity out with the bathwater.
America was built upon government subsidies. A transcontinental railroad? Sure it was built by Chinese and Irish immigrants. But it was only possible due to huge land grants to the competing railroads.

Electrifying the Depression Era South? Could never have happened without the TVA. Las Vegas would STILL be a sleepy little desert town without the government funded Hoover Dam.

It's funny how the contemporary Conservative isn't Conservative at all. They're Anarchists!

They hate the politics of their opposition so much, they're perfectly willing to throw the entire American system of economic activity out with the bathwater.

The trancsontinental railroad.
Thanks for citing the FAILED FUCKING AMTRAK system, asswipe.
Perfect example of miserable government failure.
Do you think when someone drives over a bridge to get to work that they are thinking about who owns that bridge? No. They're just happy it's there.

Not until Elizabeth Warren and Obama started spewing this class warfare bullshit anyway....

If taxpayers paid for it, the fucking thing should be there, but you think we should be happy and thank the almighty government for it......

Guess what?

The Government is US. The Government represents the voters and taxpayers. It is not us vs them....they represent our interests. If they don't, we vote them out

Private industry does not represent us

Guess what?

The taxpayers support and fund the government and idiots like Warren and Obama need to let go of their holier than thou attitude and thank the taxpayers for providing them the opportunity to do what they do. Instead, they think successful taxpayers owe them more than what they already give them, which is ass backward .......
Every civilization that ever existed on this earth only survived because of government, got it, thanks

Exactly. Without government, civilization is impossible.

Anyway, did you fail to recognize i actually gave the gubment 15% of the credit in the OP? .... :eusa_whistle:

That sooper dooper government education cheated you out of the ability to detect sarcasm....
America was built upon government subsidies. A transcontinental railroad? Sure it was built by Chinese and Irish immigrants. But it was only possible due to huge land grants to the competing railroads.

Electrifying the Depression Era South? Could never have happened without the TVA. Las Vegas would STILL be a sleepy little desert town without the government funded Hoover Dam.

It's funny how the contemporary Conservative isn't Conservative at all. They're Anarchists!

They hate the politics of their opposition so much, they're perfectly willing to throw the entire American system of economic activity out with the bathwater.

The trancsontinental railroad.
Thanks for citing the FAILED FUCKING AMTRAK system, asswipe.
Perfect example of miserable government failure.

If not for the railroads we would have remained a bunch of segmented states with little commerce

Railroads were a key to turning us into a great nation
America was built upon government subsidies. A transcontinental railroad? Sure it was built by Chinese and Irish immigrants. But it was only possible due to huge land grants to the competing railroads.

Electrifying the Depression Era South? Could never have happened without the TVA. Las Vegas would STILL be a sleepy little desert town without the government funded Hoover Dam.

It's funny how the contemporary Conservative isn't Conservative at all. They're Anarchists!

They hate the politics of their opposition so much, they're perfectly willing to throw the entire American system of economic activity out with the bathwater.

The trancsontinental railroad.
Thanks for citing the FAILED FUCKING AMTRAK system, asswipe.
Perfect example of miserable government failure.

Wow! The string that goes from the transcontinental railroad to AMTRAK is a pretty thin one to hang an argument on! Only a contemporary Conservative could possibly make a stab at such spin.
Im not sure I've had much success yet, but thats mostly because Im young. Still have years ahead of me.
Not until Elizabeth Warren and Obama started spewing this class warfare bullshit anyway....

If taxpayers paid for it, the fucking thing should be there, but you think we should be happy and thank the almighty government for it......

Guess what?

The Government is US. The Government represents the voters and taxpayers. It is not us vs them....they represent our interests. If they don't, we vote them out

Private industry does not represent us

Guess what?

The taxpayers support and fund the government and idiots like Warren and Obama need to let go of their holier than thou attitude and thank the taxpayers for providing them the opportunity to do what they do. Instead, they think successful taxpayers owe them more than what they already give them, which is ass backward .......

We belong to a society and government is the face of that society. We benefit manyfold operating as part of a great nation rather than as a bunch of individuals trying to succeed on our own. Successful taxpayers have received more and benefit more from our society and are expected to contribute more.
Guess what?

The Government is US. The Government represents the voters and taxpayers. It is not us vs them....they represent our interests. If they don't, we vote them out

Private industry does not represent us

Guess what?

The taxpayers support and fund the government and idiots like Warren and Obama need to let go of their holier than thou attitude and thank the taxpayers for providing them the opportunity to do what they do. Instead, they think successful taxpayers owe them more than what they already give them, which is ass backward .......

We belong to a society and government is the face of that society. We benefit manyfold operating as part of a great nation rather than as a bunch of individuals trying to succeed on our own. Successful taxpayers have received more and benefit more from our society and are expected to contribute more.

Reasonably stated RW...

The rhetoric some on the left are putting out, including the President, that we should all basically bow down and let them confiscate more of what we earn is troublesome. They're treating this like a one way street and it certainly isn't.....
There will always be some form of government..... People aren't arguing against a sense of structure - they're arguing against this currant tyrannical structure...

The language that is being used is arguing against government generally, whether they realize it or not. If they don't, it needs to be pointed out.

the federal government doesn't build roads - the state government does...

State government is still government.

Our federal government is a useless oppressive tyrannical gang that does nothing more than ponder how they can create an Orwellian society....

Now that's an interesting thing to claim. Let's say we were to abolish, not government in general, but the federal government, leaving each state as an independent nation.

I believe that Hamilton, Jay, and Madison had something to say about the likely consequences of that: Federalist Papers: FEDERALIST No. 6

If we abolish only the federal government, leaving the state governments in place, we will not have quite the same level of disaster as if we abolish all government, but we will have a continent that is more or less constantly at war, and subject to being overrun by its neighbors, those neighbors being either stronger, more populous states, or Canada or Mexico.
None. Government over regulates my main business. And it was Republicans that passed all of the legislation.
None. Government over regulates my main business. And it was Republicans that passed all of the legislation.

And it's democrats that want to tax it more, you're screwed either way......

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