How PARASITISM is driving Americans to the Democratic Party


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
January 27, 2013

Government Thieves and Parasites at the Top of the Income Chain

Posted by Karen De Coster on January 27, 2013 06:46 AM

The parasite class keeps getting richer. And richer. At your expense. New census bureau data shows that seven of the top ten richest counties in terms of median household income are part of the Parasitic Potomac. As the Post reports, the recession has been everywhere ... except D.C. According to the article in the Post (try to abstain from laughing):

The area has the nation’s highest level of adults with college degrees. It also is high in shares of households that have two incomes and married couples who postpone having children until they establish themselves professionally.

“A big sliver of American society that generally does well tends to cluster in Washington,” said William Frey, a demographer with the Brookings Institution. “When people make the argument that $250,000 is middle income, that’s way higher than most of the country regards as middle income. But here in Washington, your next-door neighbor has that kind of income.”

Well, yeah, and why are people attracted to the area, especially the educated and the DINKs (double income, no kids)? Is it perhaps because there are plenty of government contracts and therefore plenty of high-paying jobs? There is that, indeed, because there exists a perpetual stream of thievery to keep the cash cows sustained, due to arbitrary government monetary and fiscal policies that are robbing the future to fund the current criminal crop. No mention in the Washington Post, of course. You have to go to Breitbart to see the word "aristocracy" disclosed.

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