How Safe Is A Safe Room?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
I've heard many stories coming out of Israel and many of them said people were in their safe rooms and then we never heard from them again, while knowing there were terrorists there. Almost no stories about how a safe room saved the people. So, how safe is a safe room? Sounds like these people basically wasted money on something that wound up being worthless.
I've heard many stories coming out of Israel and many of them said people were in their safe rooms and then we never heard from them again, while knowing there were terrorists there. Almost no stories about how a safe room saved the people. So, how safe is a safe room? Sounds like these people basically wasted money on something that wound up being worthless.
Need more info.
Here are some News stories about safe rooms.
Concealment would be the first priority.


7hon MSN
This woman held off Hamas by barricading safe room door with a vacuum cleaner and rolling pin
An Israeli woman and her daughter survived Hamas’ 12-hour siege of their kibbutz by barricading themselves into a safe room ...

15hon MSN
Safe rooms in Israel are everywhere, with steel doors and sparse furnishings. Here's what they're like inside.
Buildings erected in Israel since the 1990s have built-in safe rooms for avoiding missile strikes. Residents showed Insider ...

New York Post2d
British family with baby hid in safe room for 9 hours as Hamas destroyed home, village
A British family living in Israel hid with their 10-day-old baby inside a safe room for nine hours while Hamas burned down their home and destroyed their village near the Gaza Strip, according to ...

The Daily Telegraph4d
‘We hid in our safe room when Hamas killers came knocking pretending to be Israeli soldiers’
They knocked on our doors and pretended to be Israeli soldiers. We locked our house. We stayed in our safe room. It has a steel door and very thick bullet-proof walls – it is only this that has ...
Given the events in Israel and breaches of safe rooms I'm so grateful for our 2nd amendment rights here in the U.S.A.
Absolutely. You know, I'm not a gun person, never was. I used to be a diehard against guns and even donated to the cause. But, after 9/11, I began re-evaluating my position and I began to realize that if America was armed to the teeth, we would be very, very difficult to take over. Our government could completely surrender if we lost a war and yet Americans everywhere would already have guns and fight for our freedom to the bitter end, no matter what the odds and I realized that this was the intention of our founding fathers. We surrender our guns, we surrender our freedom. Outsiders know this and it gives them a lot of incentive to not ever attack us.
I've heard many stories coming out of Israel and many of them said people were in their safe rooms and then we never heard from them again, while knowing there were terrorists there. Almost no stories about how a safe room saved the people. So, how safe is a safe room? Sounds like these people basically wasted money on something that wound up being worthless.
Maginot Line
How about a secret safe room from your wife/girlfriend? You can remove a hidden panel in the wall behind a piece of furniture and then slip into a little man cave. You got your easy chair, refrigerator stocked with your favorite food and beverage, a tv/dvd player, and all the porn you like! Instead of going to your in-law’s house on Sunday afternoon, you instead duck into your safe room for a couple of beers, then head out and go fishing after she leaves and you are in the clear. Awesome. 😁
A lot of Israelites use safe rooms.

This one is sooper clickbait.

Depends on what you consider a safe room to be. If you have a concrete structure that has a locking steal door it’s own separate ventilation and utility system then chances are that is pretty darn safe. If you’re talking a somewhat hidden area with a wooden door then that’s probably less safe. It also depends on how many people know about the room, loose lips sink ships
arent safe rooms mandated in israel? just for missile strikes not for terrorist invasions

you hear the heroic stories..the couple who put their twin infants in the safe room and killed 7 terrorists before they were killed

and the woman who heard the explosions and armed her camp...they fought off the terrorists

and then the tragic stories coming out of gaza as the bombing extracts its toll
I've heard many stories coming out of Israel and many of them said people were in their safe rooms and then we never heard from them again, while knowing there were terrorists there. Almost no stories about how a safe room saved the people. So, how safe is a safe room? Sounds like these people basically wasted money on something that wound up being worthless.
whats there to report if they had no experience because they were in a safe room??

the headline would read ,"nothing happened to the people in their safe room"that doesnt sell adds
Americans understand that the need for a "safe room" In the United States is predicated on the understanding that police would come to your rescue in the event that your home or apartment was invaded by savages. What happens when savages armed with RPG weapons and explosive devices destroy your home and/or apartment and the concrete and rebar is overcome?
Depends on what you consider a safe room to be. If you have a concrete structure that has a locking steal door it’s own separate ventilation and utility system then chances are that is pretty darn safe. If you’re talking a somewhat hidden area with a wooden door then that’s probably less safe. It also depends on how many people know about the room, loose lips sink ships
Apparently safe rooms are common out there so it would be common knowledge to terrorists that most homes have a safe room and there probably isn't much difference in any of them.
I've heard many stories coming out of Israel and many of them said people were in their safe rooms and then we never heard from them again, while knowing there were terrorists there. Almost no stories about how a safe room saved the people. So, how safe is a safe room? Sounds like these people basically wasted money on something that wound up being worthless.

A safe room is only as safe depending on how long it will take people with guns to come and deal with the threat. If the attackers can take their time, they might be able to get in...but the longer it takes, the better off you are.

For example...the family that put their children in their safe room, then the husband and wife engaged the terrorists with rifles....killed 7 terrorists, kept their children alive, but both died defending the house.....but their sacrifice saved their children from being murdered....

Real safe rooms have separate ventilation and are self contained. Certainly survivable for more than a couple days.

The terrorists did seem to have grenades at least....your safe room would have to be able to withstand an explosive device too...
A safe room is only as safe depending on how long it will take people with guns to come and deal with the threat. If the attackers can take their time, they might be able to get in...but the longer it takes, the better off you are.

For example...the family that put their children in their safe room, then the husband and wife engaged the terrorists with rifles....killed 7 terrorists, kept their children alive, but both died defending the house.....but their sacrifice saved their children from being murdered....
Tie a Yellow Ribbon

The gutless Marines at our embassy in Tehran also thought they had a "safe room" there.

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