Ban Plastics!

What has that to do with the point of this thread. But to answer you, there is no "belief" involved when it comes to human caused global warming. It is an absolute fact.
If you believe that "AGW," and consensus reality, as propagated by the billionaire funded foundations, is "absolute fact," and you don't even know what gain of function is?


There really isn't a need for us to get into it.

These topics are, intimately connected. It goes all the way back to before, or around the Great Depression TBH.

I cannot educate you on an agenda, which billionaire foundations have already worked for. . . literally over a century now, to condition the population to view our epistemological reality as. There really is no point to waste your time or mine.

I don't even want to get into it.

I just was testing you, to see where your mind was at.
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That's right. Completely ban them. Make them extinct. There are other materials we can use. They may not be as cheap to make. But if alternatives are necessary enough, pay the price! I knew that plastics were bad beforehand. But recently I watch a PBS documentary called, "We are all plastic people now." I wish that youtube carried this documentary. But the last time I checked, they didn't. If there is anyplace where you can find it, I suggest you do so and watch it. In it I found out that plastics are far worse than I thought they were. They're downright toxic!

There are many bad chemicals in plastics. One of them is are called PFAS. Which are referred to as "forever chemicals." I don't know how many of the chemicals that leech out of plastics are endocrine disrupters. Could it be all of them? I couldn't find out. Though some of them are no doubt worse than others. And when it comes to something as absolutely vital as hormones, there probably is no such thing as a "safe" level of endocrine disrupters.

We've had plastic contaminated foods for several generations now ... we're living longer more healthy lives ... we've always known the negative aspects of preserving foods with this material ... ewwwwww ... where ya been? ...

One-time plastic wrapped foods is why we can live in cities ... otherwise we'll have to disperse into agricultural lands, to be closer to where food is grown ... food spoils unless it's protected ...

Recycling would be a joke except for all that actually believed it ...

... but it burns ... burns right nice ... lots of them kilo-watt-hours on the grid ... foolishness burning virgin oil, use it as plastic first then burn it ... use our atmosphere as a sewer system ...
We need autopdies of people to see how much plastic is in their system...lawsuits should follow.
We've had plastic contaminated foods for several generations now ... we're living longer more healthy lives ... we've always known the negative aspects of preserving foods with this material ... ewwwwww ... where ya been? ...

One-time plastic wrapped foods is why we can live in cities ... otherwise we'll have to disperse into agricultural lands, to be closer to where food is grown ... food spoils unless it's protected ...

Recycling would be a joke except for all that actually believed it ...

... but it burns ... burns right nice ... lots of them kilo-watt-hours on the grid ... foolishness burning virgin oil, use it as plastic first then burn it ... use our atmosphere as a sewer system ...
So you are good with killing folk.

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