How should Syria/Iran react to Western attack?

Whereas Syria is attacking civilians with chemical weapons, if the US decide to bomb Syria you can be sure they would not target civilians but infrastructure or launching sites etc that would limit or stop the Syrian army's ability to target the civilians.

There is a video on the BBC website posted on there that shows what Syria's military has done to civilians. You can read about the chemical attack here. You can also watch the video that the BBC has posted. In case the video is pulled from the BBC website it is widely available on Youtube and I have saved a copy.

BBC News - Syria crisis: Incendiary bomb victims 'like the walking dead'

listen Glick, if the USA kills Syrian civilians, Syria has the right to respond by killing Israeli civilians.

what's fair is fair.

Bullshit, dipshit. What you are saying is you HOPE Syria responds by killing Israeli citizens. It's like I slap you, but you are too cowardly to slap me back so you slap Caroline instead.
Whereas Syria is attacking civilians with chemical weapons, if the US decide to bomb Syria you can be sure they would not target civilians but infrastructure or launching sites etc that would limit or stop the Syrian army's ability to target the civilians.

There is a video on the BBC website posted on there that shows what Syria's military has done to civilians. You can read about the chemical attack here. You can also watch the video that the BBC has posted. In case the video is pulled from the BBC website it is widely available on Youtube and I have saved a copy.

BBC News - Syria crisis: Incendiary bomb victims 'like the walking dead'

listen Glick, if the USA kills Syrian civilians, Syria has the right to respond by killing Israeli civilians.

what's fair is fair.

Bullshit, dipshit. What you are saying is you HOPE Syria responds by killing Israeli citizens. It's like I slap you, but you are too cowardly to slap me back so you slap Caroline instead.

Is that why israel wants the US to attack Syria for them?
Whereas Syria is attacking civilians with chemical weapons, if the US decide to bomb Syria you can be sure they would not target civilians but infrastructure or launching sites etc that would limit or stop the Syrian army's ability to target the civilians.

There is a video on the BBC website posted on there that shows what Syria's military has done to civilians. You can read about the chemical attack here. You can also watch the video that the BBC has posted. In case the video is pulled from the BBC website it is widely available on Youtube and I have saved a copy.

BBC News - Syria crisis: Incendiary bomb victims 'like the walking dead'

listen Glick, if the USA kills Syrian civilians, Syria has the right to respond by killing Israeli civilians.

what's fair is fair.

There have been some really ignorant and stupid things said on this forum, but I have to really admit, NOTHING as ignorant and stupid as the above quotes.

SOOOOO, if the USA attacks Syria for the use of Chemical Weapons against it's own people, then SYRIA has a RIGHT to ATTACK ISRAEL?!?!?!?!? And, the automatic question would be, how did ISRAEL get into the equation?

Yep, it doesn't really surprise me at all. I'm killing and gassing civilians in my country so I'm going to get my ass kicked. And if you do kick my ass, I'll kill women and children in Israel.

Syria got their ass handed to them by the Israeli's on more than one occassion. No wonder the Syrian dictators feel like they have to kill more women and children.

Only in shitholes like Syria would this be logical. Or Palestine.
Whereas Syria is attacking civilians with chemical weapons, if the US decide to bomb Syria you can be sure they would not target civilians but infrastructure or launching sites etc that would limit or stop the Syrian army's ability to target the civilians.

There is a video on the BBC website posted on there that shows what Syria's military has done to civilians. You can read about the chemical attack here. You can also watch the video that the BBC has posted. In case the video is pulled from the BBC website it is widely available on Youtube and I have saved a copy.

BBC News - Syria crisis: Incendiary bomb victims 'like the walking dead'

listen Glick, if the USA kills Syrian civilians, Syria has the right to respond by killing Israeli civilians.

what's fair is fair.

There have been some really ignorant and stupid things said on this forum, but I have to really admit, NOTHING as ignorant and stupid as the above quotes.

SOOOOO, if the USA attacks Syria for the use of Chemical Weapons against it's own people, then SYRIA has a RIGHT to ATTACK ISRAEL?!?!?!?!? And, the automatic question would be, how did ISRAEL get into the equation?

Yep, it doesn't really surprise me at all. I'm killing and gassing civilians in my country so I'm going to get my ass kicked. And if you do kick my ass, I'll kill women and children in Israel.

Syria got their ass handed to them by the Israeli's on more than one occassion. No wonder the Syrian dictators feel like they have to kill more women and children.

Only in shitholes like Syria would this be logical. Or Palestine.

It is typical of the mentality. Mostly expected unfortunately, but it doesn't anger or faze me.

And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
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The U.S said when they will attack ?? I thought they still haven't made a decision
Whereas Syria is attacking civilians with chemical weapons, if the US decide to bomb Syria you can be sure they would not target civilians but infrastructure or launching sites etc that would limit or stop the Syrian army's ability to target the civilians.

There is a video on the BBC website posted on there that shows what Syria's military has done to civilians. You can read about the chemical attack here. You can also watch the video that the BBC has posted. In case the video is pulled from the BBC website it is widely available on Youtube and I have saved a copy.

BBC News - Syria crisis: Incendiary bomb victims 'like the walking dead'

listen Glick, if the USA kills Syrian civilians, Syria has the right to respond by killing Israeli civilians.

what's fair is fair.

What a disgusting and vile statement. You are one nasty jihadist !

You know full well that any U.S attack will be aimed at Syria's military bases, airfields, etc.... Unlike your friends in Syria, the U.S has no desire to kill civilians.

What the fuck does that have to do with Israeli civilians??
It is typical of the mentality. Mostly expected unfortunately, but it doesn't anger or faze me.

And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.

thank you Glick, for showing us the great danger in mixing religion with politics.

The Bible says that God will punish the Jews, and spread them throughout the world, and all their suffering will be due to their misdeeds and disobeying God.

So that means YOU think the Holocaust was God's punishment? Looks like it.
It is typical of the mentality. Mostly expected unfortunately, but it doesn't anger or faze me.

And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.

thank you Glick, for showing us the great danger in mixing religion with politics.

The Bible says that God will punish the Jews, and spread them throughout the world, and all their suffering will be due to their misdeeds and disobeying God.

So that means YOU think the Holocaust was God's punishment? Looks like it.

My goodness you are so demented
How should Syria/Iran react to Western attack?

Iran should just keep on keeping on with spinning up fissionable material, both Iran and Syria should ask ( and just may get them if an attack occurs) SA-300's anti aircraft batteries from Putin....that would stop any thoughts of Israel attacking irans nuclear sites and protect syria from any no fly zone of further incursions from/of amercian air power.
Like you kinda just did ??

Syria should attack Israel if the USA attacks Syria.

and toastman should stop stalking me and trolling all my posts like a horny schoolgirl.

So responding to your posts is stalking you ? Interesting

And yes, we know you want to see a whole bunch of dead Israelis, yet you have this avatar as if you're trying to fool someone :lol:
Like you kinda just did ??

Syria should attack Israel if the USA attacks Syria.

and toastman should stop stalking me and trolling all my posts like a horny schoolgirl.

Let me ask you two question
what do you think will happen to Syria if they attacks Israel?


Why is it that you keep saying that Syria should attack Israel if the U.S attacks Syria instead of saying that Syria should attack another ally of the U.S
How should Syria/Iran react to Western attack?

Iran should just keep on keeping on with spinning up fissionable material, both Iran and Syria should ask ( and just may get them if an attack occurs) SA-300's anti aircraft batteries from Putin....that would stop any thoughts of Israel attacking irans nuclear sites and protect syria from any no fly zone of further incursions from/of amercian air power.

perhaps all Muslim nations should have good STA missiles to keep the USA from attacking them

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