How should the US "Compete" with China?

Unless you are an aficionado of the great moments of Chinese Communist history, you probably won't have heard of Wuhan (it is the site of Chairman Mao's legendary swim across the Yangtze).

But perhaps more than any other Chinese city, it tells the story of how China's remarkable three decades of modernisation and enrichment, its economic miracle, is apparently drawing to a close, and why there is a serious risk of a calamitous crash.

In Wuhan I interviewed a mayor, Tang Liangzhi, whose funds and power would make London's mayor, Boris Johnson, feel sick with envy. He is spending £200bn over five years on a redevelopment plan whose aim is to make Wuhan - which already has a population of 10 million - into a world mega city and a serious challenger to Shanghai as China's second city.

The rate of infrastructure spending in Wuhan alone is comparable to the UK's entire expenditure on renewing and improving the fabric of the country. In this single city, hundreds of apartment blocks, ring roads, bridges, railways, a complete subway system and a second international airport are all being constructed.

BBC News - Will China shake the world again?
Yeah see you're part of the problem. You're so fucking ignorant of tax and regulatory law that you have no idea what business involves. Try taking your hands out of your pants and opening a book or two on the topic.
Now go fuck yourself, asshole.

Right and you provided so much insight into tax law you summed it up as "be nice to business".

Fuck off turd munch

It would be like explaining physics to a hamster. You're just too fucking ignorant and stupid to get any of this.

No it would be like you explaining anything you say. You cant because all you have is talking points and when somenoe asks you to explain...the hand shoved in your ass that makes your mouth move cant answer. So you try your hand at insults to throw people off your trail of ignorance.

But Hamsters you can talk about ...even the one running around in your colon. Dumb ass
Spend more on infrastructure, science, r&d and consider adopting Japans Educational system. Get back our manufacturing and put into place pro-American trade agreements.

The Soviet Union spent more on infrastructure, science, r&d and education than any other country. How well did that work out?

They were fine until they implemented "free market" reforms through Perestroika. Putin has gotten them back on their feet. But market liberalization and privatization really did a number on them.
The idea that government isn't the solution to a problem is just unfathomable to you, isn't it?

Government has a very real place within our economy. Trade, ect. The fact that your side doesn't understand this means you're dangerous.

The fact that you think government is going to take care of you means you're a sheep. Or in your native language, I should say, "baa."

Learn something about economics and history before you post. Thanks.
There's not a successful country on earth that doesn't invest in education, science and infrastructure! Not a country on earth that's successful without the government controlling trade.

You pure capitalist would bring back child labor if you could.
Government has a very real place within our economy. Trade, ect. The fact that your side doesn't understand this means you're dangerous.

The fact that you think government is going to take care of you means you're a sheep. Or in your native language, I should say, "baa."

Learn something about economics and history before you post. Thanks.

There's nothing factually accurate in your blind faith in what the liberals lawyers are telling you about economics or history.
Why do republicans constantly say shit they dont understand and cant explain?

The answer to every question is less govt, free markets and less taxes. But when you ask details they pull out their random name generator and hope no one notices their lack of substance.
Why do republicans constantly say shit they dont understand and cant explain?

The answer to every question is less govt, free markets and less taxes. But when you ask details they pull out their random name generator and hope no one notices their lack of substance.

They need to learn about the 19th century and why we have a lot of these regulations. Next they need to tell me how a economic system would work without government?:badgrin:
Why do republicans constantly say shit they dont understand and cant explain?

The answer to every question is less govt, free markets and less taxes. But when you ask details they pull out their random name generator and hope no one notices their lack of substance.

No, Republicans say things you don't understand and can't explain. Big difference.
How should the US "Compete" with China?
By returning manufacturing stateside, making employees cheaper by providing healthcare and freezing the minimum wage. And then by not buying Chinese goods: a PR campaign for "buy American made".
How should the US "Compete" with China?
By returning manufacturing stateside, making employees cheaper by providing healthcare and freezing the minimum wage. And then by not buying Chinese goods: a PR campaign for "buy American made".
You don't make your own socks and underwear, let alone computers and cell phones. Good luck with your plan. You'd have to turn the place into a literal prison to control it like that. No thanks.

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