How the Biden Harris Led Government is holding down middle-class


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

A brilliant video by Tate. By the way in before the drug addicted left-wingers post their dumb Anti Tate one or two liners with no substance.

We currently have a situation in America where the ultra rich is getting more powerful every day. And it’s a big difference from the past when we had a very strong middle class and a strong upper class. Today the government led by Democrats is appealing to the brokies. They’re saying don’t support Trump. “Oh He’s a white supremacist. He’s a racist. He’s a sex offender” when those Democrats and Hollywood celebrities love Trump even 10 years ago.

Millions and millions of illegal immigrants are coming into America. And they are affecting a lot of black jobs in this country. Trump was right when he said that he was dead on. And so what the government has been doing is printing trillions of dollars ….they’ve been doing this increasing our debts and bringing in Inflation. Republicans also played a role in this during the coronavirus. During this time, middle-class people have lost wealth and they are competing with millions and millions of illegals and so wages are going down across the country. Prices are going up.

In order to appease the super rich, the uni party(the swamp) who gets billions of dollars from the super rich….. is importing millions of illegals who will accept a slave wage, therefore driving down the wages of regular Americans…. While greatly increasing the net worth of the ultra rich.

Broke people are getting more broke. Kind of wealthy people are even losing their money. It is really only the ultra wealthy including a lot of Democrats and anti-Trumper’s, who are increasing their net worth via the increase of their property values. As we are currently in a state of affairs where the price of a home is higher than it’s ever been.


Brokes in America are growing in numbers. And a lot of brokes are becoming super brokes. In other words poor people are growing in Number and many of them are becoming extremely poor.

God willing these trends will reverse, and we will return to traditional values in this country and our middle class will strength. Only time will tell.

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