How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Do you really think the GOP “establishment” is so stupid that it would do the things cited in this piece?

Why not! They did it to us with McCain/Palin and Romney/Ryan. This basically echoes what I've been reading in other sources and there appears to be a consensus this is true. Is there anything the common guy and gal can do to stop it?

Well, this may sound simple but why not become more involved in local political organizations? Sign up for and attend meetings of your local political party. Put yourself forward as a convention delegate. Push for honest candidates at the local level. Get involved!!!

Read more of this story @ How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination
I've often pointed out that political crazies have more energy than sane people, and so they turn out for primaries in large numbers, thus giving them a grossly disproportionate influence on the political process.

So, taking the party back has to be done long before election day. It has to be taken back during the primaries. Sane people need to turn out for primaries.

But there is something else which needs to be done to defeat Trump. Bush has to leave the race. Trump would not even been in the race if Bush had not decided to run. Trump would have gotten nowhere.

It is the revulsion of Bush which made Trump look appealing.

The last thing the American people wanted was to have to choose between another Bush and another Clinton.

Bush needs to leave. If he does, the Trump balloon will quickly deflate.
Yes, Trump may actually win. Everyone should remember that Adolf Hitler was elected as chancellor of Germany in 1933 without a majority of German support. Nationalism, in the manner of Hitler and Trump, can spin out of control.
The GOP proportional system devised to prevent the far right from messing up the selection process will also prevent Trump from taking the nomination.

Do you really think the GOP “establishment” is so stupid that it would do the things cited in this piece?

Why not! They did it to us with McCain/Palin and Romney/Ryan. This basically echoes what I've been reading in other sources and there appears to be a consensus this is true. Is there anything the common guy and gal can do to stop it?

Well, this may sound simple but why not become more involved in local political organizations? Sign up for and attend meetings of your local political party. Put yourself forward as a convention delegate. Push for honest candidates at the local level. Get involved!!!

Read more of this story @ How The Republican Establishment Can Keep Donald Trump From Getting The Nomination
Honest Candidates......

Is there any such thing?
A rare good thread.

What isn't taken into consideration by the author is that as candidates drop out, their support moves to candidates that are still running. Whomever is winning will get the lion's share of the support. A huge domino to fall (if it falls) is when either Christie or Bush drop out. This will tell you more about where the election is going (the polls after) than anything else.
when the sea of RW's announced they would run for POUS I began posting ..

"united we stand, divided we fall "

same goes for today.

I have been making the point for years, the two parties have so corrupted the election process in this country that the people no longer select the candidate. A free press is supposed to protect us from this but those fuckers have abandoned their constitutionally protected powers and joined the corruption. Then Trump jumps in with more money than GOD and completely discombobulates the GOP establishment, its been hilarious to watch.

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