How To Get Away With An Illegal Wire Tap

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Things are getting interesting.

Obama in typical Obama fashion found a way to thumb his nose at our laws and our liberties, and went through a 3rd party most likely using Clapper's contacts in British Intelligence and wire tapped Trump Tower in that fashion so that he could shield himself with "Plausible Deniability" and not leave the bread crumbs tracing him back to the scene of the crime within our own intelligence community.

This is the current revelation from "unnamed intelligence" sources in the intelligence community as heard on Fox News at the writing of this post.
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Boy Oh Boy Oh

Nuthin gits past yousens RWNJ traitors.

I'm sure I speak for all really stooopid RWNJ traitors who are so invested in their own lies they will cheerfully throw their own mothers off this here train ...

Speaking for them I say, IGNORE the FACT that the cheeto could easily prove every single word.

No sir-eee. You assholes should stick to your idiotic conspiracies.

Carry on Dunderheads.
Carry on.
I guess that's why The Justice Department asked for more time once it was revealed that Obama Bin Lying used foreign intelligence contacts to wire tap Trump Tower and cover his tracks.

Now we have to get MI6 or 007 or something like that involved.

Thanks Obama!
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Did you guys miss Spicey today? It's not "wiretapping" anymore. Now it's an extremely vague "actions about surveillance and other activities." Whatever that means. :dunno:
Malik Obama (Obama Bin Lying's Brother) has never given up on his testimony that his mother conspired to fraudulently claim Obama Bin Lying was a US citizen.

He has no motivation for claiming this but his conscience. So I guess the ORIGINAL BIRTHERS are actually Obama's Brother and Mother, Right?

The Birthers never give up, do they?
Aside the fact you seem to be illiterate, I don't think anyone knows what an RWNJ is.

Is that Right Winger in New Jersey?

Boy Oh Boy Oh

Nuthin gits past yousens RWNJ traitors.

I'm sure I speak for all really stooopid RWNJ traitors who are so invested in their own lies they will cheerfully throw their own mothers off this here train ...

Speaking for them I say, IGNORE the FACT that the cheeto could easily prove every single word.

No sir-eee. You assholes should stick to your idiotic conspiracies.

Carry on Dunderheads.
Carry on.
Just now on Fox News, Judge Napolitano said:

'The Justice Department may not have what the House Intelligence Committee is asking for. Sources have reported to Fox News that The White House did not use US Intelligence to monitor Trump, but used the British intelligence agency GCHQ. The NSA has 24x7 access to every communication in America and can download those transcripts. They don't have time to read it all, but British Intelligence GCHQ also has access to all of this data and can review it at any time. Sources have reported to Fox that the GCHQ conducted the surveillance and reported the contents of the conversations to the West Wing.'

They just said that Obama used a foreign intelligence service in order to spy on Trump in order to get around the paper trail involved with a FISA warrant. Napolitano just made that accusation on TV.

Obama's wiretaps on Trump Tower conducted by International Intelligence, in an effort to circumvent U.S. surveillance law, courts
Did you guys miss Spicey today? It's not "wiretapping" anymore. Now it's an extremely vague "actions about surveillance and other activities." Whatever that means. :dunno:

"White House Says Trump’s Wiretap Claim Was Meant More Broadly"

The nut head was trying to get the attention off of Sessions lying under oath, and they probably knew that Roger Stone was getting cornered..

I hope they don't let this slide like they have done so many times..

This time he may have gone too far.
Did you guys miss Spicey today? It's not "wiretapping" anymore. Now it's an extremely vague "actions about surveillance and other activities." Whatever that means. :dunno:

"White House Says Trump’s Wiretap Claim Was Meant More Broadly"

The nut head was trying to get the attention off of Sessions lying under oath, and they probably knew that Roger Stone was getting cornered..

I hope they don't let this slide like they have done so many times..

This time he may have gone too far.
Trump is the most embarrassing figure to ever occupy the White House. We should all be ashamed we let it come to this... no matter what our politics are.
The hypocrisy is off the charts!

Trump ran on a platform of more surveillance, stop n frisk , torture etc..

I guess it's ok to violate other people's rights but if anything happens to him ....its crime of the century!
How To Get Away With An Illegal Wire Tap

Your title has a few errors.

How To Get Away With a False Allegation of An Illegal Wire Tap

There. That's better.
Just now on Fox News, Judge Napolitano said:

'The Justice Department may not have what the House Intelligence Committee is asking for. Sources have reported to Fox News that The White House did not use US Intelligence to monitor Trump, but used the British intelligence agency GCHQ. The NSA has 24x7 access to every communication in America and can download those transcripts. They don't have time to read it all, but British Intelligence GCHQ also has access to all of this data and can review it at any time. Sources have reported to Fox that the GCHQ conducted the surveillance and reported the contents of the conversations to the West Wing.'

They just said that Obama used a foreign intelligence service in order to spy on Trump in order to get around the paper trail involved with a FISA warrant. Napolitano just made that accusation on TV.

Obama's wiretaps on Trump Tower conducted by International Intelligence, in an effort to circumvent U.S. surveillance law, courts

In other words, Obama conspired with a Foreign Nation to attempt to alter the outcome of our election.

Remember kids, Liberals always accuse others of what they are guilty of in order to hide their guilt.

And how about Hillary and her Russian Gang Bang? She met with all kinds of Russian Agents....errr.... "Ambassadors" during her orgies....err ...campaign,

Sorry I did not mean to insult Hillary Clinton by implying she'd actually sleep with a man. She'd probably have Huma do it for her, then have Huma do her.
Just now on Fox News, Judge Napolitano said:

'The Justice Department may not have what the House Intelligence Committee is asking for. Sources have reported to Fox News that The White House did not use US Intelligence to monitor Trump, but used the British intelligence agency GCHQ. The NSA has 24x7 access to every communication in America and can download those transcripts. They don't have time to read it all, but British Intelligence GCHQ also has access to all of this data and can review it at any time. Sources have reported to Fox that the GCHQ conducted the surveillance and reported the contents of the conversations to the West Wing.'

They just said that Obama used a foreign intelligence service in order to spy on Trump in order to get around the paper trail involved with a FISA warrant. Napolitano just made that accusation on TV.

Obama's wiretaps on Trump Tower conducted by International Intelligence, in an effort to circumvent U.S. surveillance law, courts

In other words, Obama conspired with a foreign Nation to attempt to alter the outcome of our election.

Remember kids, Liberals always accuse others of what they are guilty of in order to hide their guilt.

So your contention now is that Obama conspired with the Russians to help defeat the Democrats?

When you use the term "most likely" then you've already lost the argument.
That there is funny coming from you.
Every fucking post you put up contains words like: "Could have been", "If it happened", "Unnamed sources say", "Their are those you claim".

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