How to kill whales with offshore wind


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

How to kill whales with offshore wind

27 Sep 2022 ~~ By David Wojick

Just push them into traffic. The collision deaths would not be directly attributable to the wall of noise created by the OSW (offshore wind) project, so who would know?
Let’s focus on the monster Virginia phase 1 OSW project, even though the other ten or so East Coast projects multiply the threat. Note that if each huge OSW project kills just one whale a year, then extinction of the 300 or so remaining North Atlantic Right Whales is assured within the projects’ stated 30 year life.
Not that these 70 ton whales will be chopped up like eagles, but their bodies lying beneath the towers. Their deaths will be less obviously caused by OSW. Unlike the eagles, the “taking” of the whales will not have to be licensed, but it will still happen.
So the existence of the huge noise wall looks incontestable. Stretching 20 miles or more across the continental shelf, blocking the twice annual whale migration. Forcing the migrating whales into heavy traffic, to be killed.

So our Maoist Democrats so willing to destroy te fossil fuel industry include the deaths of millions of birds and now include Whales by use of sea borne Wind mills.
See more:
Since 1970, nearly half of all documented North Atlantic right whale deaths have been due to two human-related causes—ship strikes and entanglements in fishing gear.
Since 1970, nearly half of all documented North Atlantic right whale deaths have been due to two human-related causes—ship strikes and entanglements in fishing gear.

How to kill whales with offshore wind

27 Sep 2022 ~~ By David Wojick

Just push them into traffic. The collision deaths would not be directly attributable to the wall of noise created by the OSW (offshore wind) project, so who would know?
Let’s focus on the monster Virginia phase 1 OSW project, even though the other ten or so East Coast projects multiply the threat. Note that if each huge OSW project kills just one whale a year, then extinction of the 300 or so remaining North Atlantic Right Whales is assured within the projects’ stated 30 year life.
Not that these 70 ton whales will be chopped up like eagles, but their bodies lying beneath the towers. Their deaths will be less obviously caused by OSW. Unlike the eagles, the “taking” of the whales will not have to be licensed, but it will still happen.
So the existence of the huge noise wall looks incontestable. Stretching 20 miles or more across the continental shelf, blocking the twice annual whale migration. Forcing the migrating whales into heavy traffic, to be killed.

So our Maoist Democrats so willing to destroy te fossil fuel industry include the deaths of millions of birds and now include Whales by use of sea borne Wind mills.
See more:
Whale hunters have killed far more whales than any amount of windmills could ever dream of, but of course, according to conservatives, humans don't have any effect on anything, So manmade windmills can't possibly be having any effect on whales.
Ships make far, far more noise than do windmills. The OP's claim, that whales will flee the noise of the windmills but then, ignore the noise of the ships in order to run themselves into their propellors is pure nonsense. Navy sonars injure and kill whales by producing extremely high amplitude signals without warning which damages their sensitive hearing if they are too close to the vessel. A whale with damaged hearing will slowly starve and several have done so. The Navy modified their own procedures so that trained whale-watching lookouts were deployed prior to going active on sonar. Vessels would cease active sonar transmission if the presence of any whales within a certain range were detected. And when going active, their systems would be brought up at minimum power and slowly raised in an effort to drive any whales away before reaching injurious sound levels. Ships were also encouraged to minimize use of active sonar and use the minimum needed signal level. In the case of active warfare or the threat of active warfare, of course, all such rules were suspended. The sound level of a modern surface sonar can easily exceed 100 kW.

The primary problem with shipping and, perhaps, with offshore windmills, is that they increase the ambient (background) noise level and thus interfere with whale's sensory and communicative uses of sound. Here in South Florida, I can go to the beach at any time day or night, stick my head in the water and hear the sounds produced by large cargo vessels traveling offshore. I was a submarine sonar technician in the Navy and have spent over 30 years since leaving the service testing navy sonars and other sensors. I retired four years ago.
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Ships make far, far more noise than do windmills.

Depends on what they're doing ...


How to kill whales with offshore wind

27 Sep 2022 ~~ By David Wojick

Just push them into traffic. The collision deaths would not be directly attributable to the wall of noise created by the OSW (offshore wind) project, so who would know?
Let’s focus on the monster Virginia phase 1 OSW project, even though the other ten or so East Coast projects multiply the threat. Note that if each huge OSW project kills just one whale a year, then extinction of the 300 or so remaining North Atlantic Right Whales is assured within the projects’ stated 30 year life.
Not that these 70 ton whales will be chopped up like eagles, but their bodies lying beneath the towers. Their deaths will be less obviously caused by OSW. Unlike the eagles, the “taking” of the whales will not have to be licensed, but it will still happen.
So the existence of the huge noise wall looks incontestable. Stretching 20 miles or more across the continental shelf, blocking the twice annual whale migration. Forcing the migrating whales into heavy traffic, to be killed.

So our Maoist Democrats so willing to destroy te fossil fuel industry include the deaths of millions of birds and now include Whales by use of sea borne Wind mills.
See more:

But..........the whales?

Remember when they used to use boats to stop Japanese fishing boats from killing whales......?

We thought it was to save the whales, but, apparently, they just wanted to use wind turbines to kill them instead of harpoons.......

How many whales do you think will be killed by these deadly turbines vs. how many were killed by whalers?
But..........the whales?

Remember when they used to use boats to stop Japanese fishing boats from killing whales......?

We thought it was to save the whales, but, apparently, they just wanted to use wind turbines to kill them instead of harpoons.......

How many whales do you think will be killed by these deadly turbines vs. how many were killed by whalers?
At least the Japanese were using the whales for food. Now it's just senseless murder of the whales.
Ships make far, far more noise than do windmills. The OP's claim, that whales will flee the noise of the windmills but then, ignore the noise of the ships in order to run themselves into their propellors is pure nonsense. Navy sonars injure and kill whales by producing extremely high amplitude signals without warning which damages their sensitive hearing if they are too close to the vessel. A whale with damaged hearing will slowly starve and several have done so. The Navy modified their own procedures so that trained whale-watching lookouts were deployed prior to going active on sonar. Vessels would cease active sonar transmission if the presence of any whales within a certain range were detected. And when going active, their systems would be brought up at minimum power and slowly raised in an effort to drive any whales away before reaching injurious sound levels. Ships were also encouraged to minimize use of active sonar and use the minimum needed signal level. In the case of active warfare or the threat of active warfare, of course, all such rules were suspended. The sound level of a modern surface sonar can easily exceed 100 kW.

The primary problem with shipping and, perhaps, with offshore windmills, is that they increase the ambient (background) noise level and thus interfere with whale's sensory and communicative uses of sound. Here in South Florida, I can go to the beach at any time day or night, stick my head in the water and hear the sounds produced by large cargo vessels traveling offshore. I was a submarine sonar technician in the Navy and have spent over 30 years since leaving the service testing navy sonars and other sensors. I retired four years ago.
Weren't you the one just going on about man being responsible for the 6th GREAT EXTINCTION?
Whale hunters have killed far more whales than any amount of windmills could ever dream of, but of course, according to conservatives, humans don't have any effect on anything, So manmade windmills can't possibly be having any effect on whales.
Not in the latter since the 1960;s and the last 23 years
according to conservatives, humans don't have any effect on anything
I have a slightly different take... humans are affecting climate but not because of the GHG effect of CO2 - which is over exaggerated due to flawed models which more than triple the GHG effect of CO2 through nebulous claims of net positive feedback - but because of deforestation and urbanization which affect albedo. But there's no money to be made off of that because no one has the stomach to swallow that medicine or the courage to speak out about it. So instead they preach to western industrialized nations about the evils of CO2 when their emissions have been declining for almost two decades and ignore where the real growth of carbon emissions are occurring; developing and emerging countries with low per capita carbon emissions. There's way too much bias and emotion in the climate science community which is clouding their ability to be objective.
Whales beaching themselves is a regular occurrence. Why they do so has always been something of a mystery. My hypothesis is that, since whales evolved from seal-like creatures that spent some of their time on the shore, random mutations might "resurrect" those ancient genes and prompt the whales to repeat their ancient behavior of returning to the shore, with fatal results.
Whales beaching themselves is a regular occurrence. Why they do so has always been something of a mystery. My hypothesis is that, since whales evolved from seal-like creatures that spent some of their time on the shore, random mutations might "resurrect" those ancient genes and prompt the whales to repeat their ancient behavior of returning to the shore, with fatal results.

But they're NOT beaching themselves due to offshore wind turbines.

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