We don’t need to save the whales anymore…. myth of wind energy is more important…

If you were alive in the last few decades around the 1980-90s you would remember the crusade to “save the whales.” Now we know that was just more bullsh*t. The dramatic video of whale crusaders fighting off whale hunters….a joke…….

The cult of the left exploiting the myths of man made global warming have sent out the mind pulse…..Wind Turbines must be erected….and if whales die …… so what.

Will we see heroic anti-whale killing boats knocking down killer wind turbines….?

Will we see heroic anti-whaling crusaders blocking the boats putting up wind turbines?

Not likely…..

The left has put out the command….turbines are more valuable to the cause than fake concern for whales…….

Everything the left does is for money, power and control……l

Follow the money and you will likely find lots of it going from the wind turbine companies to left wing charities….fake concern for whales doesn’t generate that kind of money..dead whales don’t generate that kind cash…..so dead whales are okay now…..
You wonder if those truly compassionate whale-loving Greenpeace folks of the past have morphed into today 's Green Energy Goons.
There is dumb and there is crick.

You have not proved your opinion, "whales fear drowning" so they beach themselves.

Temporary pounding? Nice, you prove you don't know shit about the process of building thousands of wind turbines offshore. The pounding will be constant for years

The strategy of NOAA, to allow whale to be killed.

An Offshore Wind Farm In US Gets Permit To Kill Up to 20 Right Whales​

Are you ever going to provide evidence indicating that a single whale has been killed by offshore wind construction or operation or admit that you have no such evidence or simply continue to lie?
Are you ever going to provide evidence indicating that a single whale has been killed by offshore wind construction or operation or admit that you have no such evidence or simply continue to lie?
You mean like deterministic evidence that hurricanes are becoming more powerful because of increasing atmospheric CO2 :rolleyes:
the high-decibel pile-driving and boat activity associated with installations of wind turbines for wind power, and the deaths of 60 right whales in the past year, whose habitat is in those very waters, and based on their environmental needs, cannot move someplace else.

Don't whales eat plankton and tiny fish?
Are you ever going to provide evidence indicating that a single whale has been killed by offshore wind construction or operation or admit that you have no such evidence or simply continue to lie?
NOAA gave kill permits to the wind industry so they can continue killing whales.
However, a recent case of a project developer getting a permit to kill upto 20 Right whales, an endangered whale species, puts the impact on the environment from these farms in the spotlight yet again.
NOAA gave kill permits to the wind industry so they can continue killing whales.

Does NOAA Fisheries authorize the death of whales as it relates to offshore wind development?​

NOAA Fisheries does not anticipate and has not authorized—or proposed to authorize—mortality or serious injury of whales for any wind-related action. Offshore wind developers have not applied for, and NOAA Fisheries has not approved, authorization to kill any marine mammals incidental to offshore wind site characterization surveys or construction activities. Marine mammals may respond to exposure to these surveys, for example, by avoiding the immediate area.

Does NOAA Fisheries authorize the death of whales as it relates to offshore wind development?​

NOAA Fisheries does not anticipate and has not authorized—or proposed to authorize—mortality or serious injury of whales for any wind-related action. Offshore wind developers have not applied for, and NOAA Fisheries has not approved, authorization to kill any marine mammals incidental to offshore wind site characterization surveys or construction activities. Marine mammals may respond to exposure to these surveys, for example, by avoiding the immediate area.
On a side note, the wind industry has hired me on a contract basis to inspect their equipment. That is right Crick, I now state I work for the Wind Industry. And what a joke it is, they admit they are their only for the free money from the government.

NOAA has and is in the process of issuing kill permits so that Offshore Wind can do as much if not more damage than Onshore wind.

Authorizations In Process​

The following Authorizations are in process:

TC Energy Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC's East Lateral XPRESS Project in Barataria Bay, Louisiana​

StatusPublic CommentIssued DateEffective Dates
In ProcessClosed----
Summary: NOAA Fisheries has received a request from TC Energy Columbia Gulf Transmission, LLC for authorization to take marine mammals incidental to the East Lateral XPRESS Project in Barataria Bay, Louisiana.

Park City Wind, LLC Construction of the New England Wind Offshore Wind Farm Project off of Massachusetts​

StatusPublic CommentIssued DateEffective Dates
In ProcessClosed----
Summary: NOAA Fisheries has received a request from Park City Wind, LLC for Incidental Take Regulations and an associated Letter of Authorization. The requested regulations would govern the authorization of take, by Level A harassment and/or Level B harassment, of small numbers of marine mammals over the course of 5 years (2025-2030) incidental to construction of the New England Wind Project. Park City Wind proposes to develop the New England Wind Project in two phases, known as Park City Wind (Phase 1) and Commonwealth Wind (Phase 2). Project activities that may result in incidental take include pile driving (impact and vibratory), drilling, unexploded ordnance or munitions and explosives of concern detonation, and vessel-based site assessment surveys using high-resolution geophysical equipment. If adopted, the proposed regulations would be effective March 27, 2025, through March 26, 2030.

Dominion Energy Virginia Construction of the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Commercial Project off of Virginia​

StatusPublic CommentIssued DateEffective Dates
In ProcessClosed----
Summary: NOAA Fisheries has received a request from the Virginia Electric and Power Company, doing business as Dominion Energy Virginia, for Incidental Take Regulations and an associated Letter of Authorization. The requested regulations would govern the authorization of take, by Level A harassment and Level B harassment, of small numbers of marine mammals over the course of 5 years (2024-2029) incidental to construction of the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Commercial project offshore of Virginia within the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf Lease Area OCS-A 0483 and associated Export Cable Routes. Project activities likely to result in incidental take include pile driving activities (impact and vibratory) and site assessment surveys using high-resolution geophysical equipment. The proposed regulations, if promulgated, would be effective February 5, 2024, through February 4, 2029.

Edited-meister copyright violation, go to the link for the rest of the information

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Only one of those many entities (several of which are doing LNG, not wind) applied for an LOA and those have not been granted. All but Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind are asking for IHAs. Thus none of these permits requested and/or granted are for permission to do anything but "harass" marine mammals. They are not expecting to kill any.

And, again, you have yet to provide a shred of evidence that any offshore wind construction or operation has killed a single whale.
so sad, everywhere there is wind turbines, there is death

crick states that the Offshore Wind Turbines only harass that whales.

NOAA issues permits allowing the harassment of whales

There are dead whales on the shores

Harassment? NOAA allows harassment of endangered species?

Harassment is making so much noise that they scare the living shit out of the Whales until they beach themselves and die. Sure, the noise, the harassment did not directly kill the whale, it was being out of water that killed the whales.

With so many proven ways to provide society with electricity, why use the method that will detrimentally disrupt our marine environment.
We are expected to believe, that this will not be an obstacle to whales, or fishing so humans do not starve to death.
so sad, everywhere there is wind turbines, there is death
The spate of whale showing up dead along the East coast began long before anyone was working on offshore wind towers.
crick states that the Offshore Wind Turbines only harass that whales.
I'm sure that whales do not enjoy hanging around pile drivers. But they have been exposed to them since pile drivers were invented in the early 18th century. When the noise begins, the whales leave, it does not force them to commit suicide.
NOAA issues permits allowing the harassment of whales
You claimed that NOAA had issued permits to kill whales. That turned out to be a lie. When are you going to admit that?
There are dead whales on the shores
Yes, there are. There have been for the entire span of time that whales have existed.
Harassment? NOAA allows harassment of endangered species?
The endangered species act gives NOAA that authority under certain specific conditions under which offshore wind construction falls. The same sort of permits - in much larger numbers - are issued for offshore oil drilling and production platforms. But those don't seem to bother you in the least.
Harassment is making so much noise that they scare the living shit out of the Whales until they beach themselves and die.
That is a lie. Harassment has a technical definition in the Marine Mammal Protection Act that someone "hired by the wind industry" ought to have known.


Under the 1994 Amendments to the MMPA, harassment is statutorily defined as, any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which--

  • (Level A Harassment) has the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild; or,
  • (Level B Harassment) has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering but which does not have the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild.
Sure, the noise, the harassment did not directly kill the whale, it was being out of water that killed the whales.
And nothing else was wrong with those whales? Are you claiming that the noise from those pile drivers caused them to commit suicide?
With so many proven ways to provide society with electricity, why use the method that will detrimentally disrupt our marine environment.
I really think that if you were honest, you would pass your employer the address to USMB and your nickname. If you stand by what you've posted here and believe that it demonstrates your expertise in the field, they should be pleased to read it.
The spate of whale showing up dead along the East coast began long before anyone was working on offshore wind towers.

I'm sure that whales do not enjoy hanging around pile drivers. But they have been exposed to them since pile drivers were invented in the early 18th century. When the noise begins, the whales leave, it does not force them to commit suicide.

You claimed that NOAA had issued permits to kill whales. That turned out to be a lie. When are you going to admit that?

Yes, there are. There have been for the entire span of time that whales have existed.

The endangered species act gives NOAA that authority under certain specific conditions under which offshore wind construction falls. The same sort of permits - in much larger numbers - are issued for offshore oil drilling and production platforms. But those don't seem to bother you in the least.

That is a lie. Harassment has a technical definition in the Marine Mammal Protection Act that someone "hired by the wind industry" ought to have known.


Under the 1994 Amendments to the MMPA, harassment is statutorily defined as, any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which--

  • (Level A Harassment) has the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild; or,
  • (Level B Harassment) has the potential to disturb a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild by causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not limited to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering but which does not have the potential to injure a marine mammal or marine mammal stock in the wild.

And nothing else was wrong with those whales? Are you claiming that the noise from those pile drivers caused them to commit suicide?

I really think that if you were honest, you would pass your employer the address to USMB and your nickname. If you stand by what you've posted here and believe that it demonstrates your expertise in the field, they should be pleased to read it.
dozens of whales dead, in a short time, at the same time the wind industry has begun seismic activity.

Crick, if you knew your ass from a hole in the ground, you would of figured out that the only reason kill permits are being given to the Offshore Wind Turbine industry, is they need them.
dozens of whales dead, in a short time, at the same time the wind industry has begun seismic activity.

Crick, if you knew your ass from a hole in the ground, you would of figured out that the only reason kill permits are being given to the Offshore Wind Turbine industry, is they need them.
If you knew your ass from a hole in the ground you might actually look up some facts.

Humpback Whale Strandings by State​

New Hampshire100000001
Rhode Island2301003211
New York4585912943
New Jersey3325404829
North Carolina4624334127
South Carolina100000001

2016–2023 Humpback Whale Unusual Mortality Event Along the Atlantic Coast

Offshore wind construction is underway in Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey. All three states show an increase in 2023 vs 2022 but none in excess of past, pre-wind years. And as the lot of you deniers are so fond of telling me "correlation is not causation. ; - )
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