How to profit from trgedy

Actually Ryanair is no stranger to being a collective dick.

>> Ryanair has been criticised for many aspects of its customer service. The Economist wrote that Ryanair's "cavalier treatment of passengers" had given Ryanair "a deserved reputation for nastiness" and that the airline "has become a byword for appalling customer service ... and jeering rudeness towards anyone or anything that gets in its way".[90]

... The airline has repeatedly come under heavy criticism for its poor treatment of disabled passengers. In 2002, it refused to provide wheelchairs for disabled passengers at London Stansted Airport, greatly angering disabled rights groups.[93]

... Ryanair did not offer customers the possibility of contacting them by email or webform, only through a premium rate phone line, by fax or by post; however it does now have a webform contact option.

... On 17 June 2014, Ryanair announced a new campaign to re-invent itself as a more family-friendly airline. Speaking at the company's 2014 AGM, chief executive Michael O'Leary put it more bluntly, saying the airline needed to "stop unnecessarily pissing people off". << (Wiki)​

Perhaps they've abandoned that change of heart, for old time's sake.

Pogo...why don't you and Tommy start your own airline...and then you can treat passengers anyway you want...and charge whatever you want too..........

Sounds like people shouldn't fly this another one....that is also the magic of capitalism...competition.....

"Why don't you go fuck yourself, moron?"

Sooooo... how you like my impression of Ryanair?

Let's get back to the revenue part. Since it costs money to upgrade these flights, it makes sense that that cost be absorbed by the consumer. You just agreed that it costs money to operate an airline.

I haven't even posted about what it costs, other than a sarcastic retort to a moron who thinks anybody can just go start an airline like they can adopt a puppy.

What I actually DID post about was a long legacy of corporate attitude. One that the CEO himself acknowledged, which I quoted. And I didn't even post all of it.

Yes....anyone who wants to actually do the fucking work and not bitch like a whiny little girl.....sure, they can try to start a airline.......will they succeed...maybe, maybe not...but they definitely won't succeed acting like a whiny little bitch.......they can just cry and whine and kick their feet about the big, bad meany airline who did the one thing they couldn't do......create an airline and run it........

And you can do that overnight while you're in Brussels, just because you need to get home, can you?

I'll have to remember that next time I'm stuck somewhere --- I'll just start a car company and give myself one. :eusa_dance:

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