How to Save Social Security -- US Oil & Gas Bonds


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
As of now, the "Assets" in the Social Security "Trust Fund" are a special class of US treasury bond that can only be sold to the US Government. Think of is as Bernie Madoff taking your money and giving you a note saying "I'm gonna pay you back one day"

Obama has admitted several times now that the only way to pay retirees, is to continue to borrow from China and the Fed.

This will end

Rather then end in revolution and bloodshed, the solution is to have the bonds in the trust fund be payable in oil and gas reserves on federal lands.

Real Assets and very valuable assets

Thank me later
Interesting angle. But in order to liquidate those oil and gas assets (reserves) and convert them into something other than a promissory note, they would have to be extracted and sold. That said, the government's share would be roughly 12.5% of the value of reserves (assuming a 1/8th standard royalty).

Thank me NOW, bitch! :D
Interesting angle. But in order to liquidate those oil and gas assets (reserves) and convert them into something other than a promissory note, they would have to be extracted and sold. That said, the government's share would be roughly 12.5% of the value of reserves (assuming a 1/8th standard royalty).

Thank me NOW, bitch! :D

Not to mention that the system would then be tied directly to great environmental risks, thus providing even more impetus to the energy control of the nation.
Interesting angle. But in order to liquidate those oil and gas assets (reserves) and convert them into something other than a promissory note, they would have to be extracted and sold. That said, the government's share would be roughly 12.5% of the value of reserves (assuming a 1/8th standard royalty).

Thank me NOW, bitch! :D

Not to mention that the system would then be tied directly to great environmental risks, thus providing even more impetus to the energy control of the nation.

Not a problem. By not producing these reserves, the Government could build a portfolio of Carbon Tax credits and leverage those too!
Interesting angle. But in order to liquidate those oil and gas assets (reserves) and convert them into something other than a promissory note, they would have to be extracted and sold. That said, the government's share would be roughly 12.5% of the value of reserves (assuming a 1/8th standard royalty).

Thank me NOW, bitch! :D

Not to mention that the system would then be tied directly to great environmental risks, thus providing even more impetus to the energy control of the nation.

Not a problem. By not producing these reserves, the Government could build a portfolio of Carbon Tax credits and leverage those too!

Now THERE's thinking!
This would fund SS benefits with taxes paid by capitalists, the thieves who created the problems SS is facing.

dear, SS is a government program not a private sector capitalist program. How could any living human not know that????

See why we are 100% positive a liberal will be slow.

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