How Will States that Ban Abortions Deal With Abortion Pills Sold Online?

Interstate commerce is governed by Federal Law not state.

Here's how California banned online ammo purchases from out of state (or in state):

(b) Commencing January 1, 2018, the sale, delivery, or transfer of ownership of ammunition by any party may only occur in a face-to-face transaction with the seller, deliverer, or transferor, provided, however, that ammunition may be purchased or acquired over the Internet or through other means of remote ordering if a licensed ammunition vendor initially receives the ammunition and processes the transaction in compliance with this section and Article 3 (commencing with Section 30342) of Chapter 1 of Division 10 of Title 4 of this part.
Interstate commerce is governed by Federal Law not state.


How would that preclude medications being treated like gun silencers?

If the federal government can make it illegal for a silencer retailer to ship to an address in Huntington Beach, why can't they make it illegal to for an "abortion pill" retailer to ship to an address in Mississippi...

How would that preclude medications being treated like gun silencers?

If the federal government can make it illegal for a silencer retailer to ship to an address in Huntington Beach, why can't they make it illegal to for an "abortion pill" retailer to ship to an address in Mississippi...

State government cannot do that.
There is a 3rd party you are leaving out here. A women's right is no more valuable than the baby's. Also, Roe v Wade did not abolish abortion, it gave it back to the states where it belonged. This is the United STATES of America.

Again tyranny by democracy is still tyranny. The Supreme Court should step in when privacy rights are ignored. This is between a woman and her doctor. There is no other party until the fetus becomes viable.
When you impose your religious beliefs on others and restrict their choice it is tyranny.
What religious beliefs? This is life and death, and has nothing to do with religion. The baby doesn't have a choice, so I guess you are for tyranny. It is the baby's body, so the baby's choice.

How would that preclude medications being treated like gun silencers?

If the federal government can make it illegal for a silencer retailer to ship to an address in Huntington Beach, why can't they make it illegal to for an "abortion pill" retailer to ship to an address in Mississippi...
The Federal Government aka Congress is going to do no such thing.
Again tyranny by democracy is still tyranny. The Supreme Court should step in when privacy rights are ignored. This is between a woman and her doctor. There is no other party until the fetus becomes viable.
Not tyranny at all. The baby's body, the baby's choice. Killing someone is not between a doctor and the person trying to commit murder. Stopping murder, and giving the victim an opportunity to live is not tyranny. Forcing someone to get the covid shot...that is tyranny.
Abortion Pills are now being sold on the Internet by at least 6 different companies. Prices range from $110 to $450. A site called has information on the pills and where to get them. These companies also offer mail forwarding so states with abortion bans will not be able to trace the address of a package back to the company. Also shipping the pills through the US mail is legal.

In Mexico abortion is not illegal. They leave that up to the various states, however women are protected against prosecution for having an abortion. In most Mexican states the abortion pills are available at pharmacies, some require a prescriptions which is readily available but other sell the pills over the counter and they are cheaper than buying them online. And they can be legally carried into the US.

The question I have is what are the states that ban abortion going to do about this? Will these abortion laws go the same route as the Prohibition law?

The abortion bans cannot stand. The stories of women being denied necessary reproductive healthcare because laws made by men with no understanding of biology or "birthing babies", are frightening. These laws cannot be allowed to stand. Women are dying, or being forced to give birth against their wills.
Cannabis can be sent through the mail? So, here inWashington where marijuana is legal, I can legally send some in the US mail to someone else?
Typo. It can not be sent thru the mail
The abortion bans cannot stand.
And they won’t.

By the end of this Century the right to privacy will again be recognized universally – either through the political process where anti-privacy rights Republicans are voted out of office or through the judicial process where a future Supreme Court overturns Hobbs.

But reactionary rightwing authoritarianism will eventually be defeated, as has always been the case in the past.

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