How YOUR Senator Voted On Keystone XL

Keystone is not going to get built. It still has more environmental studies that are open, a lawsuit by Nebraska, and now lawsuits from Native American tribes, since the pipeline would violate legal treaties.

By the time all this is litigated, solar and other alternatives will have a much tighter grip and dirty oil will not be so attractive.
Keystone is not going to get built. It still has more environmental studies that are open, a lawsuit by Nebraska, and now lawsuits from Native American tribes, since the pipeline would violate legal treaties.

By the time all this is litigated, solar and other alternatives will have a much tighter grip and dirty oil will not be so attractive.

None of the "lawsuits" have any merit and mean nothing...the XL misses the Sioux reservation by 19's tossed out before it begins. The state of Nebraska has already been satisfied with the new route...And no environmental study could possibly prefer filling and offloading RR tanker cars over a sealed lose, loser.
Keystone is not going to get built. It still has more environmental studies that are open, a lawsuit by Nebraska, and now lawsuits from Native American tribes, since the pipeline would violate legal treaties.

By the time all this is litigated, solar and other alternatives will have a much tighter grip and dirty oil will not be so attractive.

Until solar plants are sued for killing off the wet nosed land turtle, and wind turbines are sued for playing "shred the eagle"

You "something from nothing" people are hilarious.
BTW....the REPLACED Senators who voted against this bill now have to find a new way to steal money.

Sometime in January, 2015, the same bill will pass by a count of 63-37. All you Obozophiles have done is waste tax dollars we could have used by a couple months. If that's worth smoking your kale and dancing to wiccan chants, good for you.....but the XL will be built and you can't stop it.

Full list of Dems who voted AYE:

Begich, Bennet, Carper, Casey, Donnelly , Landrieu :boohoo: Hagan, Heidkamp, Manchin, McCaskill, Pryo,r Tester, Warner, Walsh.
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BTW....the REPLACED Senators who voted against this bill now have to find a new way to steal money.

Sometime in January, 2015, the same bill will pass by a count of 63-37. All you Obozophiles have done is waste tax dollars we could have used by a couple months. If that's worth smoking your kale and dancing to wiccan chants, good for you.....but the XL will be built and you can't stop it.

Full list of Dems who voted AYE:

Begich Bennet Carper Casey Donnelly Landrieu :rofl: Hagan Heidkamp Manchin McCaskill Pryor Tester Warner Walsh.
The only surprises for me are Carper and Casey. And Warner, to an extent. The rest are Blue Dog Democrats.
The people who voted against this should be real frikken proud of themselves. they don't care about "infrastructure or jobs" for the people in this country. they only care about , THEIR CUASE against BIG OIL

Employment Estimates
Estimates for job creation statistics for the Trans-Alaska Pipeline’s construction continued to fluctuate from the time it was first planned until the labor was set. In March of 1973, Alyeska estimated that the pipeline would employ 26,000 people in construction jobs. These numbers were later dropped significantly to 18,000 construction jobs in October 1973. By January of 1974, once union contracts for the labor had been negotiated, Alyeska estimated that “perhaps 13,000” jobs would be created, “at its peak.” During the summer of 1974, when initial work on the pipeline was just getting started, the labor force was estimated to grow to more than 14,000 workers by the following spring, when the pipe-laying would begin. When the company began hiring in earnest in March 1975, they estimated that between 14,000 and 18,000 workers would be required that summer. The chart below shows the fluctuations in job predictions for construction workers preceding hiring.

In reality, Alyeska employed 21,000 workers during peak construction in the summers of 1975 and 1976. Despite the fact that Alyeska kept dropping its estimated job numbers, the company employed more workers then all their prediction except for the first. By numbers hired, the project was a huge success. But, how do these estimates compare to the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline, and what does this teach us?
The table below illustrates the fluctuations in construction worker job predictions for three different sources: Trans-Canada, the U.S. federal government, and a study conducted by a the Global Labor Institute at Cornell University’s College of Industrial and Labor Relations. Trans-Canada’s job predictions follow a generally similar path to Alyeska’s, in which the job estimates tend to decrease as the project approaches its start date.

Pipe Dreams How Many Jobs Will Be Created By Keystone XL - Forbes
Keystone is not going to get built. It still has more environmental studies that are open, a lawsuit by Nebraska, and now lawsuits from Native American tribes, since the pipeline would violate legal treaties.

By the time all this is litigated, solar and other alternatives will have a much tighter grip and dirty oil will not be so attractive.
Construction will begin on or before January 21, 2016
The stuff has to have chemicals added to it & be heated to flow. It cost more to extract move & refine than its worth

If that were true they wouldn't be doing it. Companies aren't in the business of losing money, but you already knew that. Propagandize away
My Communist Senators voted No, they support Obama running down the US Economy

and yet our economy is doing better than under any rightie president since Nixon.

so there ya go.

Yeah, most people on government assistance in U.S. history. Record number of adults living with their parents. Go tout that record in 2016.
Once again, the bubble headed progtards are in here in LOCK STEP against something that is GOOD for America and our energy independence, not to mention the thousands of jobs it will create and the boon to our economy. They don't really know WHY they're against it, they're just against it, because they've been TOLD to be against it. So like the good little preprogrammed, indoctrinated, brain washed sheeple they are, they're against it.

Simply mind boggling, the lock step ignorance and stupidity of these people. Hyper ultra partisan dumbass hacks.
In case you hadn't noticed, they're calling the US Saudi America these days. We don't need this crap. If the Koch brothers want to sell it, let them convince the much less bought-and-paid-for Canadian government to get it to market.
BTW....the REPLACED Senators who voted against this bill now have to find a new way to steal money.

Sometime in January, 2015, the same bill will pass by a count of 63-37. All you Obozophiles have done is waste tax dollars we could have used by a couple months. If that's worth smoking your kale and dancing to wiccan chants, good for you.....but the XL will be built and you can't stop it.

Full list of Dems who voted AYE:

Begich, Bennet, Carper, Casey, Donnelly , Landrieu :boohoo: Hagan, Heidkamp, Manchin, McCaskill, Pryo,r Tester, Warner, Walsh.
Didn't save many asses did it!!!!!!

Both Utah senators are Koch suckers. Big surprise.
And George Soros and Powell Jobs contributed as much or more to the Democrat effort. So what?

Those are the type of people voting for our lives. Their senators are , Koch suckers.
man oh man, we are DOOMED
Please do some research on George Soros. THAT is the kind of man buying YOUR vote.

the want to IGNORE all the big money lobbyist that gives to THE Democrats. like environmentalist with BILLIONS of dollars who want to stop oil so they can make money off, GREEN enegry
Both Utah senators are Koch suckers. Big surprise.
And George Soros and Powell Jobs contributed as much or more to the Democrat effort. So what?
I probably gave the impression that I'm a big fan of Democrats when I'm not. The only thing positive I can say about them is that they're not Republicans. Tell me what Soros and Powell have done and maybe I'll condemn them as harshly as I do the Kochs.
Both of PA Senators voted for the passage. Nice to see some bi-partisan common sense from my elected officials.

so when it's a rightwing issue, it's bi-partisan to vote for it?

and when it's a liberal issue, it's patriotic to obstruct?


That's not what I am claiming in the least. I am come from an energy producing state. It isn't uncommon to find Democrats, Republicans, and Moderates supporting this pipeline.

And there will be no benefit to your energy producing state from the pipeline.

The 42% decrease in the environmental impact and increased safety from rail care and truck accidents that result in oil spills and have caused fatal explosions and fires would benefit everyone.
Of course those are scientific facts in Obama's State Department findings and Democrats only believe in science when it fits their agenda.
Both Utah senators are Koch suckers. Big surprise.
And George Soros and Powell Jobs contributed as much or more to the Democrat effort. So what?
I probably gave the impression that I'm a big fan of Democrats when I'm not. The only thing positive I can say about them is that they're not Republicans. Tell me what Soros and Powell have done and maybe I'll condemn them as harshly as I do the Kochs.
Soros' currency trading record is pretty much common knowledge to anyone that ever looks at the dark side of their icons. Why not do a bit of research.

As for Powell Jobs, I'm sure she is a nice lady, but she does spread around Steve's apple bucks to any Progressive that asks.
The stuff has to have chemicals added to it & be heated to flow. It cost more to extract move & refine than its worth not to mention the catastrophic environmental impact of that powder keg.

Heavy crude from Canada and North Dakota will replace the heavy crude presently being refined and bought from Venezuela. Think what the first oil tanker spill from across the Gulf of Mexico would cause.
Do you really think money spent in Canada for oil is worse than spending it in Venezuela?

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