How YOUR Senator Voted On Keystone XL

Here's the real reason the Democrats vote NO. It has nothing to do with the Environment. That oil makes it to market either way. It is only a matter of HOW it makes it to market. In fact, the railroads are MORE environmentally destructive than the pipeline would be. Guess who benefits with the use of the railroads? Yeah, you guessed it. . .

Buffett’s Burlington Northern Among Pipeline Winners
Buffett s Burlington Northern Among Pipeline Winners - Bloomberg
Warren Buffett’s Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC is among U.S. and Canadian railroads that stand to benefit from the Obama administration’s decision to reject TransCanada Corp. (TRP)’s Keystone XL oil pipeline permit.

Buffett owes over a BILLION DOLLARS in back taxes....Barry finds the old thief very attractive. :gay:


Warren Buffett Owes 1 Billion in Back Taxes FrontPage Magazine
Those tarsands should not even be extracted for anyone. Stick to producing maple syrup & Crown Royal :cheers2: bitchez!!! Toro
It's surprising how partisan the MSM has made this issue. It really isn't about the environment, it's about money and jobs. Railroads are far more damaging to the environment. . . unless there is an earthquake. :wink:

Keystone XL Pipeline Facts: Pros and Cons

Keystone XL Pipeline Facts Pros and Cons
It's surprising how partisan the MSM has made this issue. It really isn't about the environment, it's about money and jobs. Railroads are far more damaging to the environment. . . unless there is an earthquake. :wink:

Keystone XL Pipeline Facts: Pros and Cons

Keystone XL Pipeline Facts Pros and Cons

so you get your news from an entertainment website known for "Behind the Music That Sucks"? okie dokie....

now reality:

Once the project is completed, operations would require 35 permanent employees and 15 temporary contractors, the State Department report says.

The Senate is about to vote on Keystone XL. Does the pipeline still matter - The Washington Post

the only money is to Trans Canada and other multi-national corporations. the problem is not the "mainstream media", it is about people not thinking for themselves and thinking if it is mainstream (meaning not extreme lunatic BS) that it is somehow all unreliable.
The stuff has to have chemicals added to it & be heated to flow. It cost more to extract move & refine than its worth not to mention the catastrophic environmental impact of that powder keg.
it would probably also be helpful frank to stop throwing around terms like "communist" which have actual meaning.
here you go extraction dupes:

Feinstein Remarks on Keystone XL Pipeline - Press Releases - News Room - United States Senator Dianne Feinstein
According to the National Energy Technology Laboratory, by the time oil from Keystone makes it to a car in the form of gasoline, it has already produced 80 percent—80 percent—more greenhouse gas emissions than typical crude oil.

Here’s how the math works out.

Producing, refining and combusting oil from Keystone will release up to 27 million metric tons more carbon dioxide every year than would be produced from burning the same volume of crude oil.

Those additional emissions are equivalent to the emissions of 5.7 million cars on the road, or eight coal-fired power plants.
Once again, the bubble headed progtards are in here in LOCK STEP against something that is GOOD for America and our energy independence, not to mention the thousands of jobs it will create and the boon to our economy. They don't really know WHY they're against it, they're just against it, because they've been TOLD to be against it. So like the good little preprogrammed, indoctrinated, brain washed sheeple they are, they're against it.

Simply mind boggling, the lock step ignorance and stupidity of these people. Hyper ultra partisan dumbass hacks.
Once again, the bubble headed progtards are in here in LOCK STEP against something that is GOOD for America and our energy independence, not to mention the thousands of jobs it will create and the boon to our economy. They don't really know WHY they're against it, they're just against it, because they've been TOLD to be against it. So like the good little preprogrammed, indoctrinated, brain washed sheeple they are, they're against it.

Simply mind boggling, the lock step ignorance and stupidity of these people. Hyper ultra partisan dumbass hacks.

thanks for just proving :up: that you haven't read the thread Pole Rider.
Glad my two voted no.

but I love the pretend concern of the right for the 44 permanent jobs that would be created by endangering our environment and enriching multi-national corporations.

maybe they should put their passion into an infrastructure program that would create real jobs.


oh...and for the idiots who run around saying "don't vote", voting matters as you can see, which ever way you come down on this issue. (and every other issue)

and thousands of construction jobs are a bad thing? When people tout other infrastructure jobs they get all giddy when talking about the construction jobs created.

44 jobs on the Pipeline only, which ignores the additional jobs created at the feed end, and at the discharge end, and the increased refining jobs. Yes, the feed end jobs go to Canadians, but is that a bad thing?

How many permanent jobs does a solar plant or a wind turbine generate?
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Glad my two voted no.

but I love the pretend concern of the right for the 44 permanent jobs that would be created by endangering our environment and enriching multi-national corporations.

maybe they should put their passion into an infrastructure program that would create real jobs.


oh...and for the idiots who run around saying "don't vote", voting matters as you can see, which ever way you come down on this issue. (and every other issue)

So those jobs are fake ones?,you have no idea what you are blabbering about. A pipeline system this size once complete will have many more than 44 jobs,it will provide thousands while it is under construction.

it's comical.....when obama wanted the gvmt to take control of GM the "logic" was that it would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs "downstream" if GM went under.

...the idea that a pipeline (used to easily transport the only reliable source of energy in the world) will only provide "44" jobs is LMAO funny.
Typical distortion.
Glad my two voted no.

but I love the pretend concern of the right for the 44 permanent jobs that would be created by endangering our environment and enriching multi-national corporations.

maybe they should put their passion into an infrastructure program that would create real jobs.


oh...and for the idiots who run around saying "don't vote", voting matters as you can see, which ever way you come down on this issue. (and every other issue)

So those jobs are fake ones?,you have no idea what you are blabbering about. A pipeline system this size once complete will have many more than 44 jobs,it will provide thousands while it is under construction.
You remain an ignorant fool. Educate yourself.
Once again, the bubble headed progtards are in here in LOCK STEP against something that is GOOD for America and our energy independence, not to mention the thousands of jobs it will create and the boon to our economy. They don't really know WHY they're against it, they're just against it, because they've been TOLD to be against it. So like the good little preprogrammed, indoctrinated, brain washed sheeple they are, they're against it.

Simply mind boggling, the lock step ignorance and stupidity of these people. Hyper ultra partisan dumbass hacks.

thanks for just proving :up: that you haven't read the thread Pole Rider.
Well, turd licker, I know the truth gets your Depends in a pinch as much as anyone here, because it's spot on about you, queer bait.
BTW....the REPLACED Senators who voted against this bill now have to find a new way to steal money.

Sometime in January, 2015, the same bill will pass by a count of 63-37. All you Obozophiles have done is waste tax dollars we could have used by a couple months. If that's worth smoking your kale and dancing to wiccan chants, good for you.....but the XL will be built and you can't stop it.
Both of PA Senators voted for the passage. Nice to see some bi-partisan common sense from my elected officials.

so when it's a rightwing issue, it's bi-partisan to vote for it?

and when it's a liberal issue, it's patriotic to obstruct?


That's not what I am claiming in the least. I am come from an energy producing state. It isn't uncommon to find Democrats, Republicans, and Moderates supporting this pipeline.

And there will be no benefit to your energy producing state from the pipeline.

I am not so sure about that considering my state ranks high in the production of steel and other primary metals. My state will benefit from the construction of the pipeline.

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