How's the boycott going? Gilad Atzmon's alligator tears


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Turning the table on Anti-semitism? Gilad Atzmon, a Jewish British musician, known for his mental disturbance of holding deeply anti-semitic hateful opinions on both the Jewish state and Judaism in genetal, is banned from performance, after the 'North West Friends of Israel' called to cancel his show.

Well, someone doesn't like it in Britian when the tables are turned, it seems. Imagine that.

BBC News - Gilad Atzmon gig cancellation criticised


Just a few of Gilad Atzmon "pearls" from his book, "The wondering who":

"I'm proud of being a self hating Jew".

"The Nazis were really...wicked. They did disastrous and inhuman things. But it doesn't make the Jewish ideology correct, because the Jewish ideology and the Nazi ideology are one and the same..."

"Many ask me about peace, and I tell them it's impossible to make peace with people (meaning Jews) who have yet to graspt the concept of "love thy neighbor". It's almost a paradox, because once they start loving their neighbors, they'll stop being who they are."

(As response to hurt Jews worldwide as "revenge" for Palestinians): "I don't know if that's alright or not to burn synagogues, but it makes sense; Israel is the country of the Jewish people, and every Anti-Jewish act is meant to hurt Israel".
he was raised in a secular family and after moving to england gave up his Israeli citizenship.
he is a jew only by accident of birth.
There will not be a state for the Palestinians with or without peace. The Christian and Muslim Palestinians will have a state when the demographics make it impossible for the Jews to rule over them.
There will not be a state for the Palestinians with or without peace. The Christian and Muslim Palestinians will have a state when the demographics make it impossible for the Jews to rule over them.
75% of Israel proper is Jewish. 20% is Arab and 5% other.
If Arabs ever do become a majority, it will be a loooooonnng time from now.

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