Huckabee is lying about Clemmons' criminal history, and his age


Dec 6, 2009
Mike Huckabee is flat out not telling the truth about Maurice Clemmons. The future cop killer was 17 at the time of his crimes in Arkansas, not 16, as Huckabee claims.

Also, there were numerous criminal incidents and felony convictions against Clemmons prior to the commutation.

He was also very violent in the courtroom. Get the full story here:
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no link

and you're lying if you claim huckabee "released" him
Clemmons would still be in jail in Huckabee had not commuted his sentence. Yes, he did release him. He knew the second he signed the commutation the Clemmons was go free.
no link huh....

and it is lie that huckabee released him....he could have stayed in prison another 47 years if the parole board had not released him....they also released him a SECOND time after he went back to prison....
you're lying that huckabee released him....the board did....and they did again in 2004
There, 16-year-old Maurice Clemmons embarked on a seven-month crime spree. He robbed a woman in a hotel parking lot, punching her in the face. He burglarized the home of a state trooper. He got arrested and expelled for bringing a pistol to his high school. Years later, Clemmons would write from prison that he "fell in with the wrong crowd" and "wanted to fit in and be accepted." He described his youth in rhyme: a "16-year-old misguided fool, whose own life he was unable to rule."

At 17, Clemmons was sentenced to 108 years in prison. To Clemmons' family, the sentence was outrageous. He was staring down time that seemed more suited to rape or murder.

Local News | A path to murder: The story of Maurice Clemmons | Seattle Times Newspaper
Clemmons would still be in jail in Huckabee had not commuted his sentence. Yes, he did release him. He knew the second he signed the commutation the Clemmons was go free.

That is the heart of all this. This is so true, it smacks the Hucksters fans in the face and there is NOTHING they can say to dispute this.
Yurt, click on the link I provided. Then click on the hyperlinks which clearly show Clemmons was 17 when he was arrested numerous times.

He was born in February 1972. Except for when he beat up a 7th grader & robbed him, all of Clemmons' crimes he was convicted of happened after April 1989...meaning he was 17.
Yurt, click on the link I provided. Then click on the hyperlinks which clearly show Clemmons was 17 when he was arrested numerous times.

He was born in February 1972. Except for when he beat up a 7th grader & robbed him, all of Clemmons' crimes he was convicted of happened after April 1989...meaning he was 17.

yeah, seattle, which i would think has a great stake in getting the facts right, said he was 16

so your claim that huckabee is "lying" about his age is as false as your claim that huckabee released him
clemons said he was 16:

Clemons wrote at the time:

Please keep in mind that before this crime spree I had at no time in my life ever been into any kind of problems with the law. I come from a very good Christian family and I was raised much better than my actions speak. (I'm still ashamed to this day for the shame my stupid involvement in these crimes brought upon my family's name.)
But, as mentioned I was only (16) sixteen years old and had just moved into a very crime ridden neighborhood. Where I was unable to resist the negative influence of the other neighborhood boys because I only wanted to fit in and be accepted because I'd just moved away from all my childhood friends and had no friends in Arkansas.

Clemons also added:

Where once stood a young (16) sixteen year old misguided fool, who's own life he was unable to rule. Now stands at 27 year old man, who has learned through the 'school of hard knocks's to appreciate and respect the rights of others. And who had in the midst of the harsh reality of prison life developed the necessary skills to stand along and not to follow a multitude to do evil, as I did as a 16 year old child.

Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - Documents: Maurice Clemmons' 2000 appeal for Arkansas clemency « - Blogs from
Anakin, The Examiner is not real news site. Like Associated Content, is is written by "citizen journalists", which means it is not edited by anyone but the poster, and it is not fact checked.

I'm no Huckabee fan, btw. I just wanted to point out that The Examiner is not credible.
Blaming Huckabee for what Clemmons did is on line with Rosie O'Donnell blaming the spoon because she is fat.
No one is blaming Huckabee for what Clemmons did. People are justifiably blaming Huckabee for letting Clemmons out of prison. If not for the commutation, Clemmons would not have been eligible for parole until 2015.

Again, read the article I linked to. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.

Clemmons was born in February 1972. Most of his crimes happened after April 1989. Do the math. He was 17. The Seattle paper got it wrong.

Also, click on the hyperlinks inside the article, which link to several newspaper clippings at the time, from Arkansas papers, which clearly identify Clemmons as being 17.

They also show the extent of Huckabee's lies about Clemmons' numerous offenses.
OK. You're correct in this but just one question or so... The question is did Huckabee do anything worse than all of the pardons Clinton tossed about just hours before he left the White House? What is the real point you are trying to make here? Are Republican dummies any more of a dummy than Democrat dummies?
The point I'm making is that the good preacher Mike Huckabee is lying about Clemmons, and the media is letting him get away with it.

Clinton is a scumbag and everyone knows it.

So is Huckabee, but people are blinded by his snakeoil sales. The blood of 4 cops and 2 dead Missouri women are on Huckabee's hands.
The point I'm making is that the good preacher Mike Huckabee is lying about Clemmons, and the media is letting him get away with it.

Clinton is a scumbag and everyone knows it.

So is Huckabee, but people are blinded by his snakeoil sales. The blood of 4 cops and 2 dead Missouri women are on Huckabee's hands.

And I suppose the asshole that killed them didn't have anything to do with it... Why is it that when somebody does wrong it's always somebody elses fault?
I am a fan of Huckabee and would still vote for the guy if he ran against Sarah Palin.

Now, against Obama. It depends how things turn out in he next couple of years. Even so, I do enjoy taking potshots at the Democrats!!

How do you like us moderates/indies now, Jackasses?
(The joke is that the Democrats are represented by the donkey--AKA jackasses, and assumed that the majority of moderates/indies want bipartisanship. No we do not. We want success and progress. Not necessary progressivism!!)
No one is blaming Huckabee for what Clemmons did. People are justifiably blaming Huckabee for letting Clemmons out of prison. If not for the commutation, Clemmons would not have been eligible for parole until 2015.

Again, read the article I linked to. THOSE ARE THE FACTS.

Clemmons was born in February 1972. Most of his crimes happened after April 1989. Do the math. He was 17. The Seattle paper got it wrong.

Also, click on the hyperlinks inside the article, which link to several newspaper clippings at the time, from Arkansas papers, which clearly identify Clemmons as being 17.

They also show the extent of Huckabee's lies about Clemmons' numerous offenses.

your article is not facts, it is opinion, and clemons said he was was pointed out to you, your source is not fact you have another source because seattle times and clemons himself says you're wrong
Blaming Huckabee for what Clemmons did is on line with Rosie O'Donnell blaming the spoon because she is fat.

exactly.....idiots like anakin fail to understand that clemons went back to prison and was again released by, not huckabee.....the board

it absolutely false to claim huckabee released him....

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