Huckabee’s Alternative To Obamacare: The GOP Should Cure Cancer


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Today's GOP Idiot: Mike Huckabee

Huckabee’s Alternative To Obamacare: The GOP Should Cure Cancer

Fox-News-host Mike Huckabee is so fed up with hearing President Obama claim that the Republicans have made preventing people “from getting health care their holy grail,” he is calling on the GOP to adopt an innovative solution to solving the nation’s health care crisis: cure cancer!

Appearing on Fox & Friends on Monday, Huckabee said the GOP should advocate for a government-funded Manhattan-style project to “focus on a cure [for disease] rather than just focus on a treatment.” “We said in 1961 we were going to put a man on the moon and in a decade we did it. We said we were going to cure Polio and we did it in the 50s. We said we were going to build an atom bomb in the 40s and we did it. Where is that kinds of focus, funding and fixing it?” he asked.

The national commitment to curing diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and diabetes “has to be largely government funded because the government is the only entity that doesn’t have to have a return on investment,” he explained. “You put it in the hands of the private sector… [that] doesn’t make sense because there is no money long-term if you cure the disease.”


It's a Party of imbeciles. :lol:
So, Huckabee is advocating for government-funded Cancer research because the private sector is only interested in profiting, and you liberals find a problem with that?

And you guys said Mitt Romney was a flip-flopper..
Huckabee is wrong. Even if the GOP cured cancer the liberals would still want to destroy the country.
The tiny seed at the core of Huckabee's rant is the old conspiracy theory that doctors don't want to cure disease. It is an idiotic premise.
I mostly agree with Huckabee. I think the GOP should either cure cancer or give more tax breaks to the wealthy
The tiny seed at the core of Huckabee's rant is the old conspiracy theory that doctors don't want to cure disease. It is an idiotic premise.

He's right though; the money is in treating diseases, not curing them.
This is the same guy who said AIDS patients should be isolated from society and federal funding of AIDS research should be cut. He suggested Hollywood celebrities should pay for AIDS research.
The tiny seed at the core of Huckabee's rant is the old conspiracy theory that doctors don't want to cure disease. It is an idiotic premise.

He's right though; the money is in treating diseases, not curing them.

Unmitigated bullshit. I suggest you tell a doctor they are not interested in curing diseases. Let us know what his/her response is.
This article just goes to show that libs and progressives have absolutely no intention of actually "progressing."

Here's Huckabee, a "GOP Wingnut" advocating for government-funded medical research and Thinkprogress has to find something wrong with it.

So, you progressives believe the government is incapable of producing a cure for such diseases?
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The tiny seed at the core of Huckabee's rant is the old conspiracy theory that doctors don't want to cure disease. It is an idiotic premise.

He's right though; the money is in treating diseases, not curing them.

Unmitigated bullshit. I suggest you tell a doctor they are not interested in curing diseases. Let us know what his/her response is.

You average doc isn't conducting experiments to try and find the cure for cancer and other diseases in between patients.

But the sad reality is that pharmaceutical companies make a lot more money by providing ongoing treatment for a disease than by curing them in one shot.
No one is stopping Huckabee from curing cancer. If he has a cure or can provide a cure, he has the moral obligation to do so. I don't see how he has any right to spend other people's money to do that though.
So, Huckabee is advocating for government-funded Cancer research because the private sector is only interested in profiting, and you liberals find a problem with that?

And you guys said Mitt Romney was a flip-flopper..

No, dumbass. I'm pointing out Huckameenajad's political tone deafness, if he thinks the teabaggers will want to fund anything.

That's why he's an idiot.
No one is stopping Huckabee from curing cancer. If he has a cure or can provide a cure, he has the moral obligation to do so. I don't see how he has any right to spend other people's money to do that though.
^^^^ See? This is the view of the average know-nothing teabagger.

That's why Huckameenajad is an idiot.
It is a blatant redistribution of wealth from the wealthy to cancer patients
The national commitment to curing diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease and diabetes “has to be largely government funded because the government is the only entity that doesn’t have to have a return on investment,” he explained. “You put it in the hands of the private sector… [that] doesn’t make sense because there is no money long-term if you cure the disease.”


It's a Party of imbeciles. :lol:

Republicans head explode LOL!!

Huckabee just laid out why there isn't a cure...there is more money in the treatment than it is the cure. He also just inadvertently laid out the reason why Govt doing something about Global Warming makes sense more than private business. Because there is no return in making sure the water and air is clean :lol::lol:

Who knew...Govt IS good for something...:lol:
No one is stopping Huckabee from curing cancer. If he has a cure or can provide a cure, he has the moral obligation to do so. I don't see how he has any right to spend other people's money to do that though.
^^^^ See? This is the view of the average know-nothing teabagger.

That's why Huckameenajad is an idiot.

You mean that the government has the responsibility to exercise wise stewardship of our tax money? And the government also has Constitutional restrictions delineating what they can spend our money on? That any effort by the government, no matter how "noble" they claim their cause is, that is a deviation from the specific and limited powers granted to that government by the States and the People is corruption, abuse of power, and a crime against the people?

Then yeah. That's the average Tea Party view. The problem with the progressives in the Republican and Democrat party is that they seem to think they can seize power that the people have never delineated to them if they are trying to do things for "Our own good".

Ironically, your criticism of Huckabee is that he is as corrupt as you are.
No one is stopping Huckabee from curing cancer. If he has a cure or can provide a cure, he has the moral obligation to do so. I don't see how he has any right to spend other people's money to do that though.
^^^^ See? This is the view of the average know-nothing teabagger.

That's why Huckameenajad is an idiot.

You mean that the government has the responsibility to exercise wise stewardship of our tax money? And the government also has Constitutional restrictions delineating what they can spend our money on? That any effort by the government, no matter how "noble" they claim their cause is, that is a deviation from the specific and limited powers granted to that government by the States and the People is corruption, abuse of power, and a crime against the people?

Then yeah. That's the average Tea Party view. The problem with the progressives in the Republican and Democrat party is that they seem to think they can seize power that the people have never delineated to them if they are trying to do things for "Our own good".

Ironically, your criticism of Huckabee is that he is as corrupt as you are.

You don't think that curing disease is a wise use of taxpayer money?

This is why you are ignored and ridiculed.
Another cherry picked Media Matters/Newshounds scoop. It beats talking about real issues anyway.
Curing cancer wouldn't be a wise investment for our tax dollars?

^^^^ See? This is the view of the average know-nothing teabagger.

That's why Huckameenajad is an idiot.

You mean that the government has the responsibility to exercise wise stewardship of our tax money? And the government also has Constitutional restrictions delineating what they can spend our money on? That any effort by the government, no matter how "noble" they claim their cause is, that is a deviation from the specific and limited powers granted to that government by the States and the People is corruption, abuse of power, and a crime against the people?

Then yeah. That's the average Tea Party view. The problem with the progressives in the Republican and Democrat party is that they seem to think they can seize power that the people have never delineated to them if they are trying to do things for "Our own good".

Ironically, your criticism of Huckabee is that he is as corrupt as you are.

You don't think that curing disease is a wise use of taxpayer money?

This is why you are ignored and ridiculed.

Not when we have countless people and businesses who are conducting research using their own money. And not when the people have never given the government the authority to spend money in that regard.

The government has been delineated certain limited powers. Curing disease isn't one of them. In fact, it's completely irrational to think that the government is going to cure disease just because Congress tells it to.

The government was created to establish interstate commerce, provide for a collective defense against our enemies, and to establish a unified foreign policy. It has few powers delegated to it other than that. Any attempt to seize more power not granted to it, even if it's supposedly for our good is corruption.

But then you are an inherently dishonest person. I know the corruption doesn't bother you.

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