Huge Increases in Medicare for Seniors Under Romney/Ryan Plan

Aug 7, 2012
Medicare premiums under Romney/Ryan

AP: $200/month increase in Medicare premiums under Romney/Ryan

A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-partisan health care outfit, says that under the kind of voucher plan that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are proposing, Medicare costs could up $200/month in some states.

The study makes clear that it is based on the Romney/Ryan plan. And what they found are huge increases for most seniors.
What the fuck do you think Premiums are doing under Obama? Boy you people have no honor and just love to lie.

I don't respect you. People like you butcher millions of people because they speak against you too many times in history.
Medicare premiums under Romney/Ryan

AP: $200/month increase in Medicare premiums under Romney/Ryan

A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-partisan health care outfit, says that under the kind of voucher plan that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are proposing, Medicare costs could up $200/month in some states.

The study makes clear that it is based on the Romney/Ryan plan. And what they found are huge increases for most seniors.
Oh, is this the same Kaiser Family Foundation that was one of the main pimps and propagandists for Obolshevikcare?

Yup...I do believe it is.

Medicare premiums under Romney/Ryan

AP: $200/month increase in Medicare premiums under Romney/Ryan

A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-partisan health care outfit, says that under the kind of voucher plan that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are proposing, Medicare costs could up $200/month in some states.

The study makes clear that it is based on the Romney/Ryan plan. And what they found are huge increases for most seniors.

Forget it.

Every where we turn, there is evidence that R&R will break this country but the rw's are too busy lying for them and sticking the heads in the sand so they can say they didn't know.

Mark my words - if these two crooks are elected, the rw's will wail and cry and turn themselves inside out trying to blame anyone but R&R. Needless to say, just like always, you can bet they will refuse to take responsibility for their own votes as well.
What the fuck do you think Premiums are doing under Obama?

Under Obama, Medicare premiums are doing all right. Many seniors have seen them go down.

Seniors Get a Break On Medicare Part B Premiums - Kaiser Health News
Part B premiums for Medicare beneficiaries will rise less than originally anticipated next year, the Department of Health and Human Services announced Thursday.

For most beneficiaries, premiums will be $99.90 a month in 2012, a $3.50 increase over the $96.40 paid this year by a majority of elderly and disabled beneficiaries.
The people who joined Medicare during a year with a premium freeze got good news with the announcement. Those who signed up last year at a standard premium of $115.40 per month will see a $15.50 decrease next year, to the $99.90 level. Higher income Medicare beneficiaries, who must pay extra for Part B coverage, will also see decreases in their monthly premiums compared with this year.

Report: Enrollment up, premiums down for Medicare Advantage - The Hill's Healthwatch
Enrollment is up and premiums are down for private Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, which cover about one-fourth of Medicare's beneficiaries, according to a new report. [...]

The Kaiser Family Foundation found that this year, enrollment in the program grew by 10 percent — jumps were seen in all but two states — and that the average premium paid by enrollees dropped by $4.

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