HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech

Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.

Trump has no power to do this. Free speech rights only apply to governments. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this.

Did you read the EO? He has the authority to instruct the FCC, which is in the Executive Branch. He is not trying to impose anything on private companies. They can censor all they want, but if they do, they scan also be held liable for their content.

No they will not be. The federal government has no power to do anything. Social media is not bound by free speech. The FCC has no statutory authority to regulate the internet nor do I want them doing so. Why don't you clowns start your own social media company. Then you can do anything you want.

Wrong on All counts. Once the platform engages in censorship they encroach on free speech. The platform becomes the Christian Baker and the poster becomes the gay are very much mistaken.

Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.
Isn't his gold digger wife suppose to end bullying online? Why is he still going strong bullying people virtually?
Censorship is fascist. Right, ANTIFA??
And it's exactly what tRump is trying to do.
Uhh... An executive order against censorship is censorship? What?

libs just say shit. it does not mean anything. everything they say, is bullshit that should be dismissed, without consideration.
If that were true, you wouldn't be posting here.

true. liberals would be dismissed, their ideas would be considered based on their actual merits and the lies of liberals would be ignored.

people would realize that liberals' policies were designed to fuck them and ruin their lives and the country and they would be rejected.

people would stop being divided against each other, based on liberal lies.

i would not feel the need to come here and scream at assholes and morons, to make up for having to put up with the constant din of liberal lies and stupidities.

it would be a wonderful world. we would all live happily ever after.

except for you hate filled lefties.

unable to get your hate out of your insides, onto the rest of the world, it would fester inside of you and your lives would be a hell of trying to keep down a fountain of black bile, that was your soul, for bleeding out of your every pore.

which would be fine with me. as long as you did not get any of it on any of my stuff.
At least you admit you're full of shit.
Well for one, Obama being born in Kenya was not true; whereas it is true that Russia hacked us.

Actually, you're wrong on both points. He was born in Kenya, his wife admitted it. And Russia didn't hack us; they purchased some... wait for it..FACEBOOK ads. Oh, and they provided fake opposition research to THE HILLARY CLINTON campaign in an effort to keep Trump from being elected...

According to Obama, himself, no voting machines were hacked.

You birthers always crack me up. No, his wife never admitted it. And Yes, Russia hacked us....

Not sure you actually understand the meaning of the word hack.

For example .... guessing at someone's password until you get in -- that's hacking. Sending someone phishing email that looks legit but really baits them into entering their password -- that's hacking.

That's what Russians did.
Well for one, Obama being born in Kenya was not true; whereas it is true that Russia hacked us.

Actually, you're wrong on both points. He was born in Kenya, his wife admitted it. And Russia didn't hack us; they purchased some... wait for it..FACEBOOK ads. Oh, and they provided fake opposition research to THE HILLARY CLINTON campaign in an effort to keep Trump from being elected...

According to Obama, himself, no voting machines were hacked.

Oh God...Birtherism is still alive and kicking.

The Russians did hack us - the fact that voting machines were not hacked is irrelevant. They hacked and attempted to hack both political parties and who knows what else.

What did they hack? Hack has a definition. Google it.

We know that Obama's birth certificate was fake. His wife admitted he's from Kenya. I don't care where he was born. As a foreign born American, I have no problem with his right to be President. But he hid his birth and lied about it because he didn't want it to come up in the election - and, as is usually the case, the lie leads to more scrutiny than had he just dealt with it honestly... Haha. That's funny.. using honestly and Obama in the same sentence.
Well for one, Obama being born in Kenya was not true; whereas it is true that Russia hacked us.

Actually, you're wrong on both points. He was born in Kenya, his wife admitted it. And Russia didn't hack us; they purchased some... wait for it..FACEBOOK ads. Oh, and they provided fake opposition research to THE HILLARY CLINTON campaign in an effort to keep Trump from being elected...

According to Obama, himself, no voting machines were hacked.

You birthers always crack me up. No, his wife never admitted it. And Yes, Russia hacked us....

Not sure you actually understand the meaning of the word hack.

For example .... guessing at someone's password until you get in -- that's hacking. Sending someone phishing email that looks legit but really baits them into entering their password -- that's hacking.

That's what Russians did.
Well for one, Obama being born in Kenya was not true; whereas it is true that Russia hacked us.

Actually, you're wrong on both points. He was born in Kenya, his wife admitted it. And Russia didn't hack us; they purchased some... wait for it..FACEBOOK ads. Oh, and they provided fake opposition research to THE HILLARY CLINTON campaign in an effort to keep Trump from being elected...

According to Obama, himself, no voting machines were hacked.

You birthers always crack me up. No, his wife never admitted it. And Yes, Russia hacked us....

Not sure you actually understand the meaning of the word hack.

For example .... guessing at someone's password until you get in -- that's hacking. Sending someone phishing email that looks legit but really baits them into entering their password -- that's hacking.

That's what Russians did.
I'll take your word for what they did.
I certainly don't know. However I can tell you that a true hacking effort needs no phishing....or clueless respondant.
The Russian schools reverse engineer the browsing platforms bit by bit...byte by byte searching for minute irregularities that can be exploited. They have reportedly taken this effort to the level of an art using extreme computation in conjunction with boring software they have developed themselves. We're talking about whole buildings full of servers connected in tandem with as many as 100 remote monitoring stations all working on the same weak spot in the target platform.
Keeping them out is a major battle that takes constant counter effort....24/7.
Anyone who take them lightly is foolish.
And that's just Russia....China, Iran, NK,
And others are also at it around the clock.

The industry has nationalized itself by virtue of its insertion into politics.

In the age of Trump moderating voodoo horsecrap according to established science and medicine is "insertion into politics"

It's called freedom of speech. There is still a large contingent of flat earth adherents out there who although they are hopelessly lost are still protected by the first amendment. You cannot pick and choose what speech is protected.
When you do that you become government.... When you become government you become subject to regulation.


Freedom of speech applies to the government not private companies.
It does when the companies intefere with it.

They CAN ban if people violate their ToS, and regardless they ARE private entities. Even publishers like the media are not required to publish everything. They pick and choose.

Can bakers refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding?
They can.

Can you provide a link to your posts supporting that when the bakers in Portland were charged with a crime?
Censorship is fascist. Right, ANTIFA??
Is calling "FIRE!" in a crowded auditorium censorship?
Or shouting "BOMB" IN an airplane?I
Free speech cannot cause damage or injury to others.
Fake news and outright lies are damaging to rational communications, especially when ignorant people like you are involved.


But banning people on a platform for having the wrong opinion IS internet censorship.

You conflate it to shouting bomb in an airplane because your have a very, very low IQ.

No. This social media sites are privately owned and can choose what they allow up to the point of anything that would be damaging to the American people - like fake news and out right false information posed as correct information. In other words the entire portfolio of Conservative opinions.

It is not internet censorship since anyone that is censored can open their own social media site and post whatever they'd like - up to the point of anything that would be damaging to the American people - like fake news and out right false information posed as correct information. In other words the entire portfolio of Conservative opinions.
Bake my cake!
Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.
It will not last long as $$$$$ has a way of altering even the best of intentions.
Well for one, Obama being born in Kenya was not true; whereas it is true that Russia hacked us.

Actually, you're wrong on both points. He was born in Kenya, his wife admitted it. And Russia didn't hack us; they purchased some... wait for it..FACEBOOK ads. Oh, and they provided fake opposition research to THE HILLARY CLINTON campaign in an effort to keep Trump from being elected...

According to Obama, himself, no voting machines were hacked.

Oh God...Birtherism is still alive and kicking.

The Russians did hack us - the fact that voting machines were not hacked is irrelevant. They hacked and attempted to hack both political parties and who knows what else.

How did they hack us, by putting ads on Facebook?

I have no idea how. I'm not a hacker :dunno: But they hacked Podesta, the DNC, individual Republican targets, and the Illinois RNC as some examples.

I don't know what Podesta or the DNC actually had to do with the election. Plus those were pretty controversial anyway. Podesta's email password was actually P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D, and it's been said that the DNC server had no trace of online transfers, suggesting that whoever stole that information did it from the inside--not the outside.
^ has no ideo what hillary clinton's campaign chairman or the DNC could have to do with the election. cannot remember they daily ZOMG BOMBSHELL WIKILEAK threads of summer and fall 2016, where podestas recipes were shared to prove that hillary is the devil.
can rebleat every little rightwing tale such as the password being password.

to sum up, a particularly useless and typical trumptard.
Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.

Trump has no power to do this. Free speech rights only apply to governments. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this.

Did you read the EO? He has the authority to instruct the FCC, which is in the Executive Branch. He is not trying to impose anything on private companies. They can censor all they want, but if they do, they scan also be held liable for their content.

No they will not be. The federal government has no power to do anything. Social media is not bound by free speech. The FCC has no statutory authority to regulate the internet nor do I want them doing so. Why don't you clowns start your own social media company. Then you can do anything you want.

Wrong on All counts. Once the platform engages in censorship they encroach on free speech. The platform becomes the Christian Baker and the poster becomes the gay are very much mistaken.


You are the one who is mistaken. The platform has every right to censor material they find objectionable. Free speech rights bind the government not private entities.
They CAN ban if people violate their ToS, and regardless they ARE private entities. Even publishers like the media are not required to publish everything. They pick and choose.

Can bakers refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding?

They cannot refuse to bake a cake. They are a public accomodation. I don't necessarily believe they have to bake a wedding cake but they have to bake a cake.
Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.

Trump has no power to do this. Free speech rights only apply to governments. The Supreme Court has already ruled on this.

Did you read the EO? He has the authority to instruct the FCC, which is in the Executive Branch. He is not trying to impose anything on private companies. They can censor all they want, but if they do, they scan also be held liable for their content.

No they will not be. The federal government has no power to do anything. Social media is not bound by free speech. The FCC has no statutory authority to regulate the internet nor do I want them doing so. Why don't you clowns start your own social media company. Then you can do anything you want.
If you think the FCC has no authority over the Internet then you are woefully uninformed. Plenty of legislation has been past by Congress, decades ago, that does just that.
No they will not be. The federal government has no power to do anything. Social media is not bound by free speech. The FCC has no statutory authority to regulate the internet nor do I want them doing so. Why don't you clowns start your own social media company. Then you can do anything you want.

Then the Twazis have nothing to worry about, do they Comrade Traitor?
Oh God...Birtherism is still alive and kicking.

The Russians did hack us - the fact that voting machines were not hacked is irrelevant. They hacked and attempted to hack both political parties and who knows what else.

Wow, you moron Marxists are something else.

So, buying memes on Facebook is "HACKING"


Oops, I guess I just hacked USMB...


Look how stupid being a lying hack has made you.

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