Huma Abedin -- a close aide to Hillary Clinton is facing more questions about her activities

You can count on this:

In the unlikely event that Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky one day becomes president (by election or otherwise) she WILL grant herself a pardon.
The more these idiots talk about Magan Kelly and trump the more they deflect from the Clinton corruption which is what the Hillary lovers want. Flood the place with stupidity and ignore the real issues and the corruption of the "Demcratic" party front runner

That assumes two things that aren't necessarily true: 1) That there can only be one news story at a time 2) That a republican sending a letter has any particular significance.

Remember, there's not actually any evidence of any wrong doing. There's merely the insinuation of a suggestion. Which you oddly insist should be the only news story being covered, lest 'they' are trying to deflect.

If she were a Republican and not Hillary Clinton she'd have been indicted by now. Be honest with yourself for once. Classified documents, private servers, not to mention pay for play through the Clinton foundation. both the Clintons should be in federal prison
Did you know Hillary is the subject of a criminal investigation by the FBI now??

Well, no, she really isn't except in Right Wing Fever Dreams...

You do realize this is just going to be ANOTHER tired scandal you guys will huff about on Hate Radio and the Internet, and she'll walk away form this one, too, right?

Funny for some guy that hates rich people you surly love Hillary Clinton, who along with her corrupt husband as raked in 200 million dollars since 2001 for producing absolutely nothing..... crony capitalism at it's best
More incestuous,crony, corruption of the Clintons and their friends...

She went from full-time deputy chief of staff for Clinton to a part-timer, then started working for Teneo, a consulting firm led by former President Clinton aide Douglas Band.

The agency’s inspector general’s office this spring confirmed an investigation on the matter and on email exchanges between Abedin and Clinton.

Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has since 2013 led the effort to learn more about Abedin’s time at the State Department.

Last week, he sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry and others asking about an investigation into possible “criminal” conduct by Abedin over her pay and her possibly violating rules that govern vacation and sick time.

The purported State Department inspector general report found Abedin was overpaid by nearly $10,000 because she violated such rules while at the agency.

The 39-year-old Abedin, vice chairwoman of the Clinton campaign, is contesting the findings and has requested an administrative review of them, while her lawyer calls the report “fundamentally flawed.”
The Clinton campaign did not respond to a request Saturday for comment.

Abedin is married to former New York Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner, who resigned from Congress in 2011 over a sexting scandal.

Larry J. Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, told The Washington Times that only political insiders will even know Abedin's name.

“But she's another building block in the image of Clinton being conveyed to voters," he said. "More and more, the current Clinton campaign is starting to remind me of the Clintons in the 1990s. At times, their controversies came in waves and filled news pages. It's happening all over again for Hillary in this campaign."

Abedin made roughly $69,000 in the first quarter of 2015, which would put her on pace to make $276,000 this year, according to news outlets’ analysis of federal reports.

Clinton campaign Abedin s history at State Department poses liability for Clinton White House bid Fox News
Your lack of political acumen comes as no surprise – in essence, you're doing it wrong.

You're trying – and failing – to drive supporters of HRC away from her with this and other ridiculous lies; indeed, these unwarranted, unfounded attacks serve only to compel HRC's supporters to close ranks.

Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, HRC is extremely popular with democrats, enjoying a 73 percent approval rating among likely primary voters, where if she is the nominee, she'll have democrats going to the polls in large numbers.

Your only response to this is to nominate a republican candidate who will attract weak (“Reagan”) democrats away from HRC, along with democratic-leaning independents and moderates – weak democrats who may not like HRC, or want to vote for her, but will support her if the republican nominee is perceived to be too extreme and too far to the right.

Gotta get the facts out there through all the liberal diversions..You're welcome :thup:
If she were a Republican and not Hillary Clinton she'd have been indicted by now. Be honest with yourself for once. Classified documents, private servers, not to mention pay for play through the Clinton foundation. both the Clintons should be in federal prison

Really? Did Bush Sr. get indicted for Iran-Contra? Did Cheney get indicted for Plame-Gate? The problem with these fake political scandals is that they never end up touching the targets.

Funny for some guy that hates rich people you surly love Hillary Clinton, who along with her corrupt husband as raked in 200 million dollars since 2001 for producing absolutely nothing..... crony capitalism at it's best

What does that have to do with anything I just said? I pointed out the obvious. We have had 20 years of you guys screaming about the latest Clinton "Scandal", and nothing ever comes of them. If anything, the Clintons come out stronger. Bill didn't lose his job over Monica, but Newt did.
The more these idiots talk about Magan Kelly and trump the more they deflect from the Clinton corruption which is what the Hillary lovers want. Flood the place with stupidity and ignore the real issues and the corruption of the "Demcratic" party front runner

That assumes two things that aren't necessarily true: 1) That there can only be one news story at a time 2) That a republican sending a letter has any particular significance.

Remember, there's not actually any evidence of any wrong doing. There's merely the insinuation of a suggestion. Which you oddly insist should be the only news story being covered, lest 'they' are trying to deflect.

If she were a Republican and not Hillary Clinton she'd have been indicted by now. Be honest with yourself for once. Classified documents, private servers, not to mention pay for play through the Clinton foundation. both the Clintons should be in federal prison

Says you. You're now comparing the media response to a non-story to your *imagination*. Where you make up an alternate reality where you insist things would have played out as you assume they would.

That's nonsense. There's no evidence that Huma Abedin has done a thing that's illegal. And a partisan senator writing a letter demanding a criminal investigation isn't a story. There's nothing about your assumptions, fantasies, or imagination that works here. There's no meat on these bones.

And then, to conclude that the discussion of the single most watched political debate in American political history is a 'distraction' from your non-story? That's straight up delusion. Of course we're discussing the debate. Of course we're discussing Trump. And without evidence, there's nothing to the Huma Abedin story but baseless accusation and even more baseless insinuation.
If she were a Republican and not Hillary Clinton she'd have been indicted by now. Be honest with yourself for once. Classified documents, private servers, not to mention pay for play through the Clinton foundation. both the Clintons should be in federal prison

Really? Did Bush Sr. get indicted for Iran-Contra? Did Cheney get indicted for Plame-Gate? The problem with these fake political scandals is that they never end up touching the targets.

Plame gate was political theater. But Iran Contra was actually pretty significant. In all, I think about 15 people were indicted and 10 convicted. I mean selling weapons to an enemy of the United States? In violation of an embargo? To provide funding for rebel groups that Congress had *explicitly* prohibited?

That's some serious shit.
The more these idiots talk about Magan Kelly and trump the more they deflect from the Clinton corruption which is what the Hillary lovers want. Flood the place with stupidity and ignore the real issues and the corruption of the "Demcratic" party front runner

That assumes two things that aren't necessarily true: 1) That there can only be one news story at a time 2) That a republican sending a letter has any particular significance.

Remember, there's not actually any evidence of any wrong doing. There's merely the insinuation of a suggestion. Which you oddly insist should be the only news story being covered, lest 'they' are trying to deflect.

If she were a Republican and not Hillary Clinton she'd have been indicted by now. Be honest with yourself for once. Classified documents, private servers, not to mention pay for play through the Clinton foundation. both the Clintons should be in federal prison

Says you. You're now comparing the media response to a non-story to your *imagination*. Where you make up an alternate reality where you insist things would have played out as you assume they would.

That's nonsense. There's no evidence that Huma Abedin has done a thing that's illegal. And a partisan senator writing a letter demanding a criminal investigation isn't a story. There's nothing about your assumptions, fantasies, or imagination that works here. There's no meat on these bones.

And then, to conclude that the discussion of the single most watched political debate in American political history is a 'distraction' from your non-story? That's straight up delusion. Of course we're discussing the debate. Of course we're discussing Trump. And without evidence, there's nothing to the Huma Abedin story but baseless accusation and even more baseless insinuation.
there is an investigation right?
The more these idiots talk about Magan Kelly and trump the more they deflect from the Clinton corruption which is what the Hillary lovers want. Flood the place with stupidity and ignore the real issues and the corruption of the "Demcratic" party front runner

That assumes two things that aren't necessarily true: 1) That there can only be one news story at a time 2) That a republican sending a letter has any particular significance.

Remember, there's not actually any evidence of any wrong doing. There's merely the insinuation of a suggestion. Which you oddly insist should be the only news story being covered, lest 'they' are trying to deflect.

If she were a Republican and not Hillary Clinton she'd have been indicted by now. Be honest with yourself for once. Classified documents, private servers, not to mention pay for play through the Clinton foundation. both the Clintons should be in federal prison

Says you. You're now comparing the media response to a non-story to your *imagination*. Where you make up an alternate reality where you insist things would have played out as you assume they would.

That's nonsense. There's no evidence that Huma Abedin has done a thing that's illegal. And a partisan senator writing a letter demanding a criminal investigation isn't a story. There's nothing about your assumptions, fantasies, or imagination that works here. There's no meat on these bones.

And then, to conclude that the discussion of the single most watched political debate in American political history is a 'distraction' from your non-story? That's straight up delusion. Of course we're discussing the debate. Of course we're discussing Trump. And without evidence, there's nothing to the Huma Abedin story but baseless accusation and even more baseless insinuation.

Maybe you missed this part of the story...What do you consider to be a non-story again genius? Only low I.Q idiots would think that Trump's comments to Meagan Kelly in is worth all this media attention

A federal judge ordered the State Department to have Clinton, Abedin and Cheryl Mills, another Clinton aide when she was secretary of state, confirm they have turned over all government records and describe how they used Clinton’s private server to conduct official business.

They had until Friday to turn over the information “under penalty of perjury.
If she were a Republican and not Hillary Clinton she'd have been indicted by now. Be honest with yourself for once. Classified documents, private servers, not to mention pay for play through the Clinton foundation. both the Clintons should be in federal prison

Really? Did Bush Sr. get indicted for Iran-Contra? Did Cheney get indicted for Plame-Gate? The problem with these fake political scandals is that they never end up touching the targets.

Plame gate was political theater. But Iran Contra was actually pretty significant. In all, I think about 15 people were indicted and 10 convicted. I mean selling weapons to an enemy of the United States? In violation of an embargo? To provide funding for rebel groups that Congress had *explicitly* prohibited?

That's some serious shit.
Selling out the country for cash and personal gain is serious shit... The Clintons should be locked up
They've asked these questions already. Pretty soon it will be "revealed" by Jroc that Huma is (or was) Anthony Weiner's wife. Something widely known already.

25 years and you haven't laid a glove on the former Senator, Secretary of State, FLOTUS.... Don't you think it's time for a new strategy? Wait...what's that? All you know how to do is attack, smear, lie, and be as cruel as you can be? That's just sad.
Did you know Hillary is the subject of a criminal investigation by the FBI now??

Factually incorrect. But don't let facts interrupt you.

Actually you're wrong, the FBI confirmed that all their investigations are criminal in nature, including the hildabeast.
It's not a criminal probe, and they're investigating the security of her e-mails. Which since how she was sending and receiving them is perfectly legal, it is likely to determine if there was any chance something leaked.

Right, since her server was hacked, nothing could have possibly been leaked. LMAO
It's not a criminal probe, and they're investigating the security of her e-mails. Which since how she was sending and receiving them is perfectly legal, it is likely to determine if there was any chance something leaked.

Right, since her server was hacked, nothing could have possibly been leaked. LMAO
Not as bad as what was leaking out of Megyn Kelly's vagina last Thursday night. #TakeBackAmerica
The Clintons are expert liars under oath or not...

Judge wants Clinton certification on emails


A federal judge has ordered the State Department to ask Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to certify under penalty of perjury that she has turned over some of the work-related emails she kept on a private server during the four years she served as secretary of state.

U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan issued the order Friday in connection with a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit the conservative group Judicial Watch filed in 2013 seeking records about the employment status of Clinton aide Huma Abedin, who worked as Clinton’s deputy chief of staff but later transferred to a part-time job as a so-called “special government employee.”

Judge wants Clinton certification on emails - POLITICO
Plame gate was political theater. But Iran Contra was actually pretty significant. In all, I think about 15 people were indicted and 10 convicted. I mean selling weapons to an enemy of the United States? In violation of an embargo? To provide funding for rebel groups that Congress had *explicitly* prohibited?

That's some serious shit.

I disagree. I think the Iran part of it was well-meaning. We were trying to get hostages out of a dangerous situation. The Embargo was one the president could waive at his discretion, and he did.

The same with the Contra part. There's still no evidence Reagan knew about that, but the thing was Congress itself had wavered back and forth on whether to fund the Contras. Today we fund them, tomorrow we don't, then we just give them bandages, then we give them weapons again.

The thing was, no one was convicted of selling weapons to the contras or Iran. They were convicted of side crimes like "lying to congress" or "perjury". and a lot of those convictions like those of North and Poindexter were thrown out.

Furthermore, when you had Walsh indicting Cap Weinberger for Lying to congress when Congress stated they felt he had been honest with them and he was the guy who OPPOSED the whole scheme to start with, then you had political theater. Particularly when those charges were reintroduced two days before an election after a judge had already thrown them out.

There are a LOT of things I think Reagan did wrong. This wasn't one of them.

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