Human Lungs Grown in Lab for First Time!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Researchers grow human lungs in lab for first time | Fox News

breakthrough that could one day revolutionize transplant medicine, researchers have successfully grown human lungs in a lab for the first time, Medical News Today reported.

Using portions of lungs from two deceased children, researchers from the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston created a scaffold-like structure by stripping one set of lungs down to just collagen and elastin – the main components in connective tissue.

The researchers then gathered cells from the other set of lungs and applied them to the scaffolding, before placing it in a chamber filled with nutritious liquid. Four weeks later, the team had a complete human lung – and they were able to successfully repeat the procedure using another set of lungs.

Cool beans.
Science is amazing and not only should be the focus of this nation but MUST. All of our lives would be so much better off doing so.

I expect the conservative movement to be against science as it is progress. Progress gives the little guy more power and freedom. Thank god 200 years ago businesses adopted machines to make our lives better!
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Science is amazing and not only should be the focus of this nation but MUST. All of our lives would be so much better off doing so.

I expect the conservative movement to be against science as it is progress. Progress gives the little guy more power and freedom. Thank god 200 years ago businesses adopted machines to make our lives better!

They had to as indentured servitude and slavery were all eventually banned.

This spurred innovation and progress.

What you call 'conservative' though is not real conservatism, it is simple greed that uses any ideology and religion it can to cover its tracks.

The idiots that call for free trade today and sit back and watch as our industry get sold off over seas, that let our competitors steal our patents and then use our own tech against us, are not conservatives.

They are people driven by greed tot he point of stupidity.

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