Human rights activist blames (Soros)NGO, for migrant mess. "Done to provoke Trump"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
And here I thought it was a spontaneous movement of ā€œmigrantsā€ coming here, they all woke up one day and coincidentally all decided to trek north.

We hrar itā€™s about leaving dangerous life-threatening conditions back home with their government and gangs and wanting asylum. Then Mexico offers asylum, but is declined because they want jobs in America. The story changes daily.

Of course it was organized by leftist groups, with the intent of invading the U.S.A. for political reasons!

Itā€™s a war, and treasonous Democrats donā€™t want us to defend our borders! Crazy!
I donā€™t give a ratā€™s aaa about human rights at the border. Let Mexico take care of them or block them at Mexicoā€™s southern border. Not our problem!!!!!!

Solalinde accuses NGO of deceiving migrants; He says that he was deceived along with the Central American and Mexican migrants, the caravan brought polleros (human traffickers) and armed persons to the city.

"Here the negative actor is the organization, Pueblo Sin Fronteras.", says Fr. Solalinde.

There is no greater champion for Central American migrants; Alejandro Solalinde Guerra is a Mexican Catholic priest and human rights activist. He is the coordinator of the South Pacific Human Mobility Ministry of the Mexican Bishopric and director of "Hermanos en el Camino", a shelter that provides Central American migrants with humanitarian aid and education.

The priest and activist Alejandro Solalinde Guerra accused the civil organization Pueblos Sin Fronteras (Towns Without Borders) for bringing the Central American migrant caravan to Tijuana to provoke the anti-immigrant policies of US President Donald Trump.

"They (Pueblos Sin Fronteras) are going to cause problems, as they are causing it internationally between the United States and Mexico, when in reality there was no need.

"Here is a negative actor is Pueblos Sin Fronteras, which has been dedicated to hauling people through caravans, they caravanned this migrant exodus.

They should not have done it, because they are activists, some are extremists, but above all I do not think they do it out of love for all, that's what I think," he said.

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Marxists play with people's lives to achieve political goals. If some of them die, all the better for propaganda purposes.
Whats that old liberal phrase?.....the ends justify the means....I've always been sickened by that liberal dogma....its them in a Obama's you have to break a few eggs to make an Omelette....what a heartless way of thinking....definitely worth fighting against....

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