Humans Are not made to travel into Space. Its a waste of Money.

We are only bound to earth by our own limitations in imagination. Necessity is the mother of invention. Where there is a will, there is a way.

We will venture into space, and we'll do it and not have to worry about space radiation... someday.
Sounds like the opening to Star Trek
Our sun is collapsing. Someday it will finally implode and then explode, and will wipe out our galaxy. Earth will be gone. We have to be long gone before that. The search for XO planets in the sweet zone is fast and furious at this very moment, and the discovery of those planets is happening as we speak.

Now we just have to have our government reveal the anti matter, anti gravity drive UFO technology to the world so we can all get to work reverse engineering it so we can get off this planet. But we can't travel through space even at light space. Space has to be folded. Time and space has to be warped. Why do you think even Star Trek calls the drive engines on the Enterprise WARP DRIVE? It's got nothing to do with speed. They are warping space.
I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:
There are several more books also. 2010 which was made into a movie. 2061 and now I guess 3001 which I haven't read.
The basic premise is that humanity is and always was being guided by a higher intelligence. The monolith appears at every major evolutionary event for humankind.
I believed 2010 was a much better movie then 2001. 2001 was beautiful in picture but many people did not understand it. Endless long arcs of photography in most parts of the move made it boring. The first half hour or so was primitive humans beating on each other until they went nuts seeing the bar of life. The ending scenes of 2010 showed the much more evolved humans getting ready to blow each other up until the bar of life shows up. But it was much more action packed.
I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:
There are several more books also. 2010 which was made into a movie. 2061 and now I guess 3001 which I haven't read.
The basic premise is that humanity is and always was being guided by a higher intelligence. The monolith appears at every major evolutionary event for humankind.
I believed 2010 was a much better movie then 2001. 2001 was beautiful in picture but many people did not understand it. Endless long arcs of photography in most parts of the move made it boring. The first half hour or so was primitive humans beating on each other until they went nuts seeing the bar of life. The ending scenes of 2010 showed the much more evolved humans getting ready to blow each other up until the bar of life shows up. But it was much more action packed.
2001 was overrated, overhyped nonsense
I always thought that part of the point was that we couldnt distinguish between gods and aliens.

Q: "Is it the work of gods, or aliens?"

A: "Whats the difference?"

As Arthur C. Clarke himself said..................

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Clarke's First Law: When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.

If aliens landed on Earth today, we would more than likely regard them as "god like" because they can travel between the stars, we can't. They probably also have some other tech that would simply blow the minds of both our top scientists AND top science fiction writers.
We would do to them exactly what we do to humans that aren't white, Christian, and speak English.

That would be a VERY bad idea. If they have the technology to make it across the stars, they will have a lot of other tech just as advanced, and if it's for defense or warfare, the human race would be screwed. Think about what happened when Cortez (advanced race) landed in Central America. He immediately enslaved the population and had them mine silver for him. And, because Cortez was more advanced than the Aztecs and Inca, they were swallowed up and are no more.
Since we are discussing aliens, they could be so different from us, that the concepts of violence, hate, love, good, evil, or even individuality, would not even exist. Many science fiction writers have theorized that alien beings might be so different from us, that any type understanding or even communication would be impossible.

And they would be wrong. Any culture, capable of traversing the vast reaches of space, will be able to understand other cultures. It may take a while, but it would happen without fail.
Your conclusions are based on human culture. Humans are naturally curious which helps us survive and advance. An alien culture may well have reached our level of advancement many millions of years ago. They have advanced so far that they travel the universe for reasons other than to explore and investigate. They have no curiosity about other cultures and thus no drive to understand them. In other words, they believe they have reached what they consider the pinnacle of knowledge.
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Maybe he was referring to the Firstborn. I'm sure to humans they would appear to be God.

I didn't read the book, so Clarke may have meant the monolith to be different. Did he bring up the Firstborn? Is the book worth reading?

However, the director and producer Stanley Kubrick did not follow the book, and I think took it in another direction. While the monolith could be an object planted by extraterrestrial intelligent beings, it could represent human's relationship with God. In this case, it follows an evolutionary God who created chimps and they learned to use tools. He had them develop, thrive and become all they could be. There was that spectacular cut where we are shown they had reached the point of conquering outer space and bring in the world of high technology. At the end, humans evolved into a more advanced version of themselves as a star child. Well, it's one interpretation.
I always thought that part of the point was that we couldnt distinguish between gods and aliens.

Q: "Is it the work of gods, or aliens?"

A: "Whats the difference?"

Who said that -- Clarke or Kubrik?

We know there is evidence for one while the ones who should have showed up by now is nowhere to be found.
We should explore space because there is a useful reason to do so. Not to amuse the public

We already know about space and that it's harsh. It even killed that alien that busts out of your chest.

We also have space station hotels planned, so what's left is Europa or Titan for possible colonization. I suppose they picked Mars because everyone knows about it.
Who said that -- Clarke or Kubrik? was a summary of my point.

Spare me your claims of evidence of magical sky daddies. Go pollute the religion section with that magical nonsense. This is the science section.
funny hearing you complain about magical and talking about science when you believe in evolution which is based on pure magic lacking in any science,,,
you think we all came from a rock,,,
Who said that -- Clarke or Kubrik? was a summary of my point.

Spare me your claims of evidence of magical sky daddies. Go pollute the religion section with that magical nonsense. This is the science section.
funny hearing you complain about magical and talking about science when you believe in evolution which is based on pure magic lacking in any science,,,
you think we all came from a rock,,,

Attention begging troll desperate to elicit responses....
A colony hundreds of feet down in the ocean is survivable
A colony light years away is much more vulnerable to natural disaster

I'd take the ocean colony. You probably would not be able to come back if something wrong happens with traveling light years away.
Spare me your claims of evidence of magical sky daddies. Go pollute the religion section with that magical nonsense. This is the science section.

Your science ends up as science fiction haha. Your aliens are still nowhere to be found. Neither are the abiogenesis life cells formed under a supervolcano. No ape has become bipedal. No chicken has grown dino feet.
Who said that -- Clarke or Kubrik? was a summary of my point.

Spare me your claims of evidence of magical sky daddies. Go pollute the religion section with that magical nonsense. This is the science section.
funny hearing you complain about magical and talking about science when you believe in evolution which is based on pure magic lacking in any science,,,
you think we all came from a rock,,,

Attention begging troll desperate to elicit responses....
maybe,,,but you still think we all came from a rock,,,

whats more magical than that???

So, anyhoo, we know all life here evolved on earth from a common, single celled ancestor. Some peole like to propose that the planet was seeded with life, or with DNA. But there is no good reason to believe that. That seed would have to have formed via abiogenesis or selection elsewhere in the first place. And all the necessary constituents were present here on earth. Since abiogenesis is already a foregone conclusion, insiting that it had to happen elsewhere is quite unnecessary.
So, anyhoo, we know all life here evolved on earth from a common, single celled ancestor. Some peole like to propose that the planet was seeded with life, or with DNA. But there is no good reason to believe that. That seed would have to have formed via abiogenesis or selection elsewhere in the first place. And all the necessary constituents were present here on earth. Since abiogenesis is already a foregone conclusion, insiting that it had to happen elsewhere is quite unnecessary.
and how do we know that???

the first rule of science is it has to be observed,,,and last I heard there are no people that are billions of yrs old that saw this happen

so your belief is based on magic or just make believe,,,and sure isnt science,,,

just face it,,,your belief is no different than any other religion,,,
Evolution is established fact, at this point. Anyone who doesn't know why needs to read up on that themselves. I suggest starting with a 7th grade textbook, for the introductory material.

Second, abiogenesis is a foregone conclusion. No rational, evidence based thinker would propose magic in its place, just as we wouldn't propose magic in place of star formation or fission.

Where once there was no star,there is now a star. What connects the two states is star formation.

Where once there was just an atom, there is now an atom and an alpha particle. What connects the two states is fission.

Where once there was no life,now there is life. What connects the two states is abiogenesis.

That's an academic matter not up for debate. Proposing magic takes one outside the realm of science and determinism, and, indeed, outside the realm of logic and evidence, as determinism and causality have been rejected by the one proposing magic.
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Evolution is established fact, at this point. Anyone who doesn't know why needs to read up on that themselves. I suggest starting with a 7th grade textbook, for the introductory material.

Second, abiogenesis is a foregone conclusion. No rational, evidence based thinker would propose magic in its place, just as we wouldn't propose magic in place of star formation or fission.

Where once there was no star,there is now a star. What connects the two states is star formation.

Where once there was just an atom, there is now an atom and an alpha partocle. What connects the two states is fission.

Where once there was no life,now there is life. What connects the two states is abiogenesis.

That's an academic matter not up for debate. Proposing magic takes one outside the realm of science and determinism, and, indeed, outside the realm of logic and evidence, as determinism and causality have been rejected.

if its established fact that means theres proof,,,

so where the proof???

what was a human before he became humans???
So, abiogenesis happened. Can anyone make a sound argument that it only happened once and will only happen once in the history of our universe? Of course not.

Only twice? Just as impossible to argue.

So we are left to accept that it almost certainly happened and will happen many, many times in our universe, despite our egocentric religious history to the contrary.

We call this, "Learning."
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So, abiogenesis happened. Can anyone make a sound argument that it only happened once and will only happen once in the history of our universe? Of course not.

Only twice? Just as impossible to argue.

So we are left to accept that it almost certainly happened and will happen many, many times in our universe. Despite our egocentric religious history to the contrary.

We call this, "Learning."
yeah learning magic,,,

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