Humans Are not made to travel into Space. Its a waste of Money.

If we are going to spend much time in space we need lead space ships. Radiation in space is bad. Really , really bad.
then they need to stop teaching it as fact,,,
It is called the theory of evolution. Most people use the word 'theory' to mean an idea or hunch that someone has, but in science the word 'theory' refers to the way that we interpret facts. It begins with an idea, a hypothesis that explains some observed phenomenon. If enough evidence accumulates to support this idea, it moves to the next step, known as a theory. The theory and supporting evidence is published. Other scientists publish there research which may support or oppose the theory. Over time the theory becomes accepted or is rejected by scientists. However, it always remains a theory subject to change.

The theory of evolution, really natural selection was published by Darwin over 180 years ago. Since then there have been thousands of papers written supporting the theory most in form of papers and charts showing the evolution of various creatures including man. Most, but not all the evidence is archaeological.

When we say evolution is a fact, what is mean is a well accepted theory which is supported by a preponderance of evidence. The theory of evolution is taught as fact just as we teach the theory of gravitation or the theory of germs. All of which have been useful explanations of observations.
but what facts are there that prove humans came from non living matter???

I think your using the word facts instead of what it should be,which is information,,,because there are no facts that even come close to show life from nonliving matter
You've been mixing up two entirely different theories, the Theory of Evolution, which explains the evolution of the species and Abiogenesis, a theory that attempts to explain the beginning life. Evolution is well accepted among scientists and is treated as fact.

Abiogenesis at this point in time, does not address the creation of human life or any other species but rather the creation of organic compounds from non-organic compounds which are considered the building blocks of life. Although the occurrence of abiogenesis is uncontroversial among scientists, there is no single, generally accepted model for the origin of life. It's been demonstrated in the lab that most amino acids, the chemical constituents of the proteins used in all living organisms, can be synthesized from inorganic compounds under conditions intended to replicate those of the early earth.

In short, we understand a lot about the evolution of the species and how the building blocks of life could have been created on early earth. However, we don't have any accepted explanation of how organic molecules developed into the first species.
if we know so much about it then what were humans before they were humans???
or did we magically appear one day,,,

same goes for the whale issue

did the whale give birth to a cow or did it walk out of the ocean and magically turn into a cow???

or is it the reverse???
What were we before we were humans?
That is the question that the study of human evolution is answering. It began over 150 years ago and is still continuing. We do not have a single evolutionary ancestor but rather several which surely will increase as research continues. That's why the following chart is labeled "Possible Pathways to Evolution of Man". Today, our oldest discovered ancestor is Lucy, (Australopithecus afarensis) about 4 million years old, who is far more ape than than human with one very important characteristic, walking erect. Our most recent environmental ancestor is Homo erectus who lived about a million years ago. Our Ancestral first cousin, Naenderthal Man lived about 40,000 years ago and is believed to have been driven to extinction by modern man tens of thousands of years ago.


The following is a video documentary about the search to discovery where we came from. It's been dramatized a bit but the basic facts are correct. It's actually pretty interesting.

I think you mentioned not being able to find scientific evidence of evolution. Finding it is no problem. Understanding it is something entirely different because it is technical and requires knowledge of a number of branches of science. Scientific American has complied a rather extensive list of 6929 important scientific papers and articles on evolution that go back to 1849. So if you're really interested, which I doubt, have at it.

first off lucy is a fraud because all the bones were found in different places and some miles away,,,and neanderthal man is just area specific and in no way mean a different species of man ,,,we even have current man with the same characteristics,,,
now to say they got driven to extension by modern man,,,well how the heck does that happen???
and how did modern man come to be??? were they just there one day or did something give birth to them???,,,if so what???

sorry but all of it is just crazy thinking without some sort of proof and none exist so far
If we are going to spend much time in space we need lead space ships. Radiation in space is bad. Really , really bad.

There are many ways to deal with the radiation problem. One I favor is the ship generates its own magnetic field which directs the radiation around the ship. Also using water as a barrier is another practical way to shield the astronauts.
If we are going to spend much time in space we need lead space ships. Radiation in space is bad. Really , really bad.
I think that is a problem that we will solve. As we do longer space flights, better shielding will be developed. We have much better radiation suits now than we had 10 years ago and there going to get better. Most probably interstellar missions will not be launched from earth so using heavy metals such as lead will be much less of a problem. By far the most challenging problem is going to be developing vehicles that are fast enough so people that leave our solar system aren't dead 10,000 years before they reach their destination.
The Bible wasn't written as a science book
And yet, here you are, claiming it as scientific authority.

Yep, you're high. You can't even be coherent for 5 straight minutes.

That's not what I claimed. Science backs up the Bible like we found chickens came before the egg. We also discovered there are no aliens from SETI, Fermi, Drake, fine tuning, the great filter and more. We also found that evolution was based on circular reasoning which could make it a fallacy. That backs up humans were made in the image of God.
If we are going to spend much time in space we need lead space ships. Radiation in space is bad. Really , really bad.
I think that is a problem that we will solve. As we do longer space flights, better shielding will be developed. We have much better radiation suits now than we had 10 years ago and there going to get better. Most probably interstellar missions will not be launched from earth so using heavy metals such as lead will be much less of a problem. By far the most challenging problem is going to be developing vehicles that are fast enough so people that leave our solar system aren't dead 10,000 years before they reach their destination.

Creating an artificial magnetic field around the craft may be the best solution.

The only means of propulsion we have now is chemical energy and that ain't gonna get us very far.

If we are going Star Trekking around the universe we had better engineer a better propulsion system than chemical energy.

I honestly don't think we will go very into space. We would be pushing it to go visit Mars. I doubt we will ever get much further than that.

We have been spoiled by 100 years of science fiction into thinking that we can get out there but I wouldn't count on it.
The Bible wasn't written as a science book
And yet, here you are, claiming it as scientific authority.

Yep, you're high. You can't even be coherent for 5 straight minutes.

That's not what I claimed. Science backs up the Bible like we found chickens came before the egg. We also discovered there are no aliens from SETI, Fermi, Drake, fine tuning, the great filter and more. We also found that evolution was based on circular reasoning which could make it a fallacy. That backs up humans were made in the image of God.

Well, lets look at something. If something is "alien" to Earth, that means it wasn't from around here, it came from somewhere else other than Earth.

While God did create the Earth, He is not from here.

Therefore, God is an alien, SETI, Fermi and Drake just haven't been able to take His picture yet.
first off lucy is a fraud because all the bones were found in different places and some miles away,,

and neanderthal man is just area specific and in no way mean a different species of man

we even have current man with the same characteristics,,,
and explain to me how you can make these bones into this without a preconceived image,,,,


We dom the bacterial world, too.
Well, I'm sure that is comforting to everyone with bacterial disease and all those who died from it this year.

Or maybe that's just more magical horseshit based on an iron aged fairy tale ..

Why don't you explain how they dominate us? Give us some examples, how they dominate us and to what degree.

It sounds as if all you are doing is making assertions and not making a cogent argument that we can evaluate.

Can I say you failed again? You've lost the last two arguments.
If we are going to spend much time in space we need lead space ships. Radiation in space is bad. Really , really bad.
I think that is a problem that we will solve. As we do longer space flights, better shielding will be developed. We have much better radiation suits now than we had 10 years ago and there going to get better. Most probably interstellar missions will not be launched from earth so using heavy metals such as lead will be much less of a problem. By far the most challenging problem is going to be developing vehicles that are fast enough so people that leave our solar system aren't dead 10,000 years before they reach their destination.

Creating an artificial magnetic field around the craft may be the best solution.

The only means of propulsion we have now is chemical energy and that ain't gonna get us very far.

If we are going Star Trekking around the universe we had better engineer a better propulsion system than chemical energy.

I honestly don't think we will go very into space. We would be pushing it to go visit Mars. I doubt we will ever get much further than that.

We have been spoiled by 100 years of science fiction into thinking that we can get out there but I wouldn't count on it.

NASA has already tested an Ion Drive, and it worked very well.

Ion Propulsion
Power On!
Ion Propulsion System

Ion Propulsion | Technology – NASA Solar System Exploration
first off lucy is a fraud because all the bones were found in different places and some miles away,,

and neanderthal man is just area specific and in no way mean a different species of man

we even have current man with the same characteristics,,,
and explain to me how you can make these bones into this without a preconceived image,,,,


View attachment 259268

That's not a compelling argument.


These Mountain Gorillas Are Better at Posing for Selfies Than Most Humans
first off lucy is a fraud because all the bones were found in different places and some miles away,,

and neanderthal man is just area specific and in no way mean a different species of man

we even have current man with the same characteristics,,,
and explain to me how you can make these bones into this without a preconceived image,,,,


View attachment 259268

That's not a compelling argument.


These Mountain Gorillas Are Better at Posing for Selfies Than Most Humans

did I mention the bones werent even found in the same place and some a mile away
first off lucy is a fraud because all the bones were found in different places and some miles away,,

and neanderthal man is just area specific and in no way mean a different species of man

we even have current man with the same characteristics,,,
and explain to me how you can make these bones into this without a preconceived image,,,,


View attachment 259268

That's not a compelling argument.


These Mountain Gorillas Are Better at Posing for Selfies Than Most Humans

did I mention the bones werent even found in the same place and some a mile away

Doesn't matter. There are loads of problems with basing all of evolutionary theory on a single fossil assemblage. Paleontology is mainly story telling. That is why it is considered one of the softest of the sciences.
first off lucy is a fraud because all the bones were found in different places and some miles away,,

and neanderthal man is just area specific and in no way mean a different species of man

we even have current man with the same characteristics,,,
and explain to me how you can make these bones into this without a preconceived image,,,,


View attachment 259268


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