Hundreds of Illegals in NYC line up for free phones, healthcare, food, school supplies

Many businesses will take advantage of the illegal immigrants willingness to work for low wages and benefits. That will mean lower wages and benefits for American citizens.

I agree with that . However that doesn’t make my statement any less valid Didn’t realize that bringing in FENTANYL counted as a occupation
Just because migrants came here without your permission doesn't mean they came here illegally. They're here legally. Otherwise, local authorities could have had them detained at an immigration processing center.

I swear, whether we're talking about an FBI raid on a former president or legal immigration, conservatives seem to have this problem of failing to realize that the law just isn't whatever the hell they think it is. The law is what's on the books and enforcement of the law is also further stipulated through criminal and administrative procedures. They call it the rule of law for a reason - so that people can't just use the justice system to suite their own political purposes. At that point it ceases to be the rule of law, and becomes the rule by men. And that doesn't usually work out too well.
why arent the lib crowd rushing out to tell these people what a horrible racist nation this is and that they should run for their lives at once
I agree with that . However that doesn’t make my statement any less valid Didn’t realize that bringing in FENTANYL counted as a occupation
I never did either until you mentioned it, but drug smuggling is an occupation and often illegal immigrants carry the drugs across the border and that probably covers the expense the cartels charge for crossing the border.
I agree with that . However that doesn’t make my statement any less valid Didn’t realize that bringing in FENTANYL counted as a occupation
I take it pknopp
I agree with that . However that doesn’t make my statement any less valid Didn’t realize that bringing in FENTANYL counted as a occupation
i take it that pknopp things smuggling FENTANYL is a good 👍 thing
I never did either until you mentioned it, but drug smuggling is an occupation and often illegal immigrants carry the drugs across the border and that probably covers the expense the cartels charge for crossing the border.
It’s worse then that! Now they’re bringing it in to look 👀 like CANDY 🍭.
It’s worse then that! Now they’re bringing it in to look 👀 like CANDY 🍭.
This fact is getting little attention in the media.


This Saturday, April 23, 2022, evidence photo provided by the Alameda County Sheriff's Office shows seized 92.5 pounds (42 kilograms) of illicit fentanyl displayed in Alameda, Calif. The Alameda County Task Force discovered a fentanyl manufacturing lab Friday, April 22, after serving two search warrants in the cities of Oakland and Hayward, Calif., said Lt. Ray Kelly, a spokesman for the sheriff's office. One kilogram has the potential to kill 500,000 people. The DEA says that just 2 milligrams of fentanyl can be lethal depending on a person's body size, tolerance and past usage. (Alameda County Sheriff's Office via AP)AP

The US Drug Enforcement Administration recently sent out a warning about “brightly-colored fentanyl used to target young Americans” on Tuesday.

According to CNN, the DEA’s partners in law enforcement retrieved brightly-colored fentanyl as well as fentanyl pills in 18 states in August.

“This trend appears to be a new method used by drug cartels to sell highly addictive and potentially deadly fentanyl made to look like candy to children and young people,” the DEA stated.
I think it’s cowardly of you to address my statements. Why make a bad situation worse ?

It doesn't work that way. Answer my question and then I'll answer any follow up questions.

Are there millions of illegals working here?
It doesn't work that way. Answer my question and then I'll answer any follow up questions.

Are there millions of illegals working here?
What does that have to do with the continued influx of illegal immigrants?
Point is; Immigrants built this country but we are no longer into nation building but nation survival. Unlimited immigration will destroy this nation and Republicans nor Democrats want to stop it because it does not affect them but it will eventually and then it is too late. We do not have the natural resources to maintain the present population such as water and the ability to maintain the food source because the soil is so contaminated. The present unlimited immigration is only contributing to the present poverty like this. GOD HELP US>


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They are all coming here to live under bridges? There aren't millions here illegally working?
They will work and they will create jobs and contribute to the economy. Unlike lazy Americans who would rather live under the freeway homeless.
Point is; Immigrants built this country but we are no longer into nation building but nation survival. Unlimited immigration will destroy this nation and Republicans nor Democrats want to stop it because it does not affect them but it will eventually and then it is too late. We do not have the natural resources to maintain the present population such as water and the ability to maintain the food source because the soil is so contaminated. The present unlimited immigration is only contributing to the present poverty like this. GOD HELP US>

They will work and they will create jobs and contribute to the economy. Unlike lazy Americans who would rather live under the freeway homeless.

Seems your replies counter each other.
They will work and they will create jobs and contribute to the economy. Unlike lazy Americans who would rather live under the freeway homeless.
Another stupid hypocritical comment on why some are mandated to follow our laws while others aren’t
MAYBE they can rip all the torn underwear off the trees and recycle ♻️ them.
I agree with that . However that doesn’t make my statement any less valid Didn’t realize that bringing in FENTANYL counted as a occupation
if we did not have so many drug addicts, drugs would not be coming across the border, If not Fentanyle it will be the overuse of legal drugs like marijuana. And oxycontin prescribed by doctors.
Another stupid hypocritical comment on why some are mandated to follow our laws while others aren’t
MAYBE they can rip all the torn underwear off the trees and recycle ♻️ them.
WHEN the President himself did not follow the laws. lol Neither do his supporters.
This is the problem..

The annual Earth Overshoot Day is set to occur on July 29 this year, three days earlier than last year.

That's the day in 2019 when we will have used up all the resources that Earth's natural systems can provide and replace in a year, according to the Global Footprint Network.

Or another way to think of it is like this: Let's say we've got a certain amount of food that has to last us all year. We'll have eaten all of it by July 29. Everything we're eating after that, we're taking from next year's supply, and the year after and so on.

But it's not just food we're doing it with.
Un controlled immigration is a contributing factor over populating and no one, right or left does not care.
WHEN the President himself did not follow the laws. lol Neither do his supporters.
Deflection; The one things Dems are good at. What do “ his supporters “ have to do with the illegal hoards coming into this Country with the increase of Fentanyl deaths over 300 percent?
We have covered this over and over. That is not what the law requires.

LOL.......someone seems to be "triggered".
Undocumented immigrants, including DACA holders, are ineligible to receive most federal public benefits, including means-tested benefits such as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, sometimes referred to as food stamps), regular Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Undocumented immigrants are ineligible for health care subsidies under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and are prohibited from purchasing unsubsidized health coverage on ACA exchanges.

Legal immigrants use federal public benefit programs at lower rates than U.S.-born citizens.(Even though illegals work and pay into the system they will never benefit from)

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