Hundreds Protesting Nationwide



One would be led to believe the issue is not the humanitarian crisis the Democrats and their media would lead you to believe, and that Americans are not particularly prone to coddle lawbreakers.

Hundreds Protest In Cities Across U.S. Against Trump's Immigrant Family Separations | HuffPost

So Soros organized another "nationwide protest" aye? Looks like half of his resource pool people got actual jobs and couldn't make it. Ofc HuffPo will tow the line. :abgg2q.jpg:
If the democrats want to run on protecting illegals this November, let them.
Meanwhile Trump houses Melania’s illegal, chain immigration parents.

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One would be led to believe the issue is not the humanitarian crisis the Democrats and their media would lead you to believe, and that Americans are not particularly prone to coddle lawbreakers.

Hundreds Protest In Cities Across U.S. Against Trump's Immigrant Family Separations | HuffPost

Obama claimed to have deported more illegal aliens than Bush. No protests. Kids were filmed in cages under Obama. No protests.

The double-standard continues.

Many children are separated from parents after parents break a law and get caught. Happens to citizens, too. Only one way to prevent it and that is obey laws. Liberals think they can pick and choose which laws to follow.

So, some like to protest because they believe they don't have to follow laws or face consequences when they break them. Actually, I blame Democrats. They practically invited people to enter illegally and didn't focus on how illegal it is to do so. People were definitely given the impression that we have no laws against illegal immigration and all they hear about are the rewards that await on the other side of the border. Under Obama, they started pouring in and demanding amnesty, as if they were entitled to it.

The left continues to ignore the vast difference between legal and illegal immigration. They do this on purpose so when anyone supports enforcement of our laws, the left can claim we hate all immigrants. They immediately go into a lecture on how immigrants helped shape the country. Funny, I don't recall people in the beginning marching in, refusing to assimilate, and making demands. They came through the front door and were proud to become Americans. They were proud to fly the flag. They learned English, didn't ask for handouts, and went right to work. Many started their own businesses through hard work. No one was offended by America's culture.

Now, they bitch about our flag and call it offensive. They demand that police officers and other government offices speak their language since they have no intention of learning English. They even want teachers to speak a dozen different languages in schools because they think it's their right to force Americans to serve them and make their lives easy.

While some come to work hard and dream of becoming Americans, others just want the free shit and intend to head back home once they've made enough money to retire on. Others, like the animals in the gangs and drug cartels are here to make money and do harm to anyone who crosses their paths.

None who enter illegally have a right to demand anything. They have a right to be deported. But, because of politicians on both sides who have catered to them, they deliberately have anchor babies here to get welfare benefits for them. They all know there is a danger of getting caught and deported. That has always been a possibility yet they decide to take that risk and then blame others when they are caught.

We must follow all laws on the books. Both sides have had the opportunity to change things. Neither side has. The left seems to prefer that illegals remain here so they can work for farmers and keep the cost of produce down. (Heard that argument a LOT). Illegals also get counted in the census and tend to increase electoral votes in sanctuary states, which benefits Dems because these people are all about freebies and getting away with breaking laws. Many vote because they are registered through motor voter. Dems allow illegals to vote and even run for office. And they will get the support of those here illegally and their family members who are here legally because they know the left caters to them and favors them over citizens.

Time to stop this. It's gone way too far and more continue to come because they can.


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