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So your response is that anyone who doesn't agree with you about spending priorities is a moron.
I would say that anybody that thinks it is a higher priority to secure a foreign nation's border than it is to securing our border then yes they are a moron.

The billions of dollars we gave to the Ukrainians could have built a secure border wall and hired a few thousand additional border guards, couldn't it? it could also have been used to do like Trump did and bribed the Mexicans to secure it from their side. That actually was a cost efficent way to do it.

I understand the desire to want the Ukrainians to prevail. I also have it. However, it is none of our business to be giving them our treasure for their war. Let the Euroweenies put up the money. They have a lot more at stake than we do.
It is better, cheaper, and far safer to do this now, before it gets worse later.
Get worse for whom?

The Euroweenies may have a little to worry about but not us.

The Russian conventional forces have proven to be a joke. Any NATO or modern military could stop them.

I'm tired of fighting other people's wars for them. We have been doing that ever since we intervened in WWI.

It is time to take care of our own shit. With being $30 trillion in debt we can't afford to keep other countries on welfare or fight their wars for them.

By the way, this is the message that Trump spouted during his administration.
I would say that anybody that thinks it is a higher priority to secure a foreign nation's border than it is to securing our border then yes they are a moron.

The billions of dollars we gave to the Ukrainians could have built a secure border wall and hired a few thousand additional border guards, couldn't it? it could also have been used to do like Trump did and bribed the Mexicans to secure it from their side. That actually was a cost efficent way to do it.

I understand the desire to want the Ukrainians to prevail. I also have it. However, it is none of our business to be giving them our treasure for their war. Let the Euroweenies put up the money. They have a lot more at stake than we do.
Again, there is no connection between securing our southern border and aiding Ukraine. The decision not to secure the border was not based on foreign aid expenditures.
Again, there is no connection between securing our southern border and aiding Ukraine. The decision not to secure the border was not based on foreign aid expenditures.
I told you the connection earlier. It is about national priorities. We are giving billions of dollars so the Ukrainans can secure their borders while we defunded protecting our borders. If you don't want to accept that then fine. We will have to agree to disagree.
I told you the connection earlier. It is about national priorities. We are giving billions of dollars so the Ukrainans can secure their borders while we defunded protecting our borders. If you don't want to accept that then fine. We will have to agree to disagree.
The fact that two things are happening at the same time does not mean they are connected. The opposition to building the wall began long before the Russian invasion and was based on political considerations, not on money.
The fact that two things are happening at the same time does not mean they are connected. The opposition to building the wall began long before the Russian invasion and was based on political considerations, not on money.

Can we be interventionists and have a secure border? Sure, we could but we ain't doing it.

However, we keep on being interventionists and running up more debt and many things that need to be done in this country (like securing the border) goes undone. Like I said, a question of priorities.

I understand where you are coming from on your position but I disagree. When I was younger I would have argued the same side as you. However, as I get older I developed more of a Libertarian viewpoint that includes staying out of other people's wars.

In this case let the Euroweenies deal with Putin and we work on the problems that the Left has fucked us with.
Can we be interventionists and have a secure border? Sure, we could but we ain't doing it.

However, we keep on being interventionists and running up more debt and many things that need to be done in this country (like securing the border) goes undone. Like I said, a question of priorities.

I understand where you are coming from on your position but I disagree. When I was younger I would have argued the same side as you. However, as I get older I developed more of a Libertarian viewpoint that includes staying out of other people's wars.

In this case let the Euroweenies deal with Putin and we work on the problems that the Left has fucked us with.

"Can we be interventionists and have a secure border? Sure, we could but we ain't doing it."

Agreed. There is no connection; they could both be done at the same time. No reason not to support Ukraine because of our southern border problems.
Get worse for whom?

The Euroweenies may have a little to worry about but not us.

The Russian conventional forces have proven to be a joke. Any NATO or modern military could stop them.

I'm tired of fighting other people's wars for them. We have been doing that ever since we intervened in WWI.

It is time to take care of our own shit. With being $30 trillion in debt we can't afford to keep other countries on welfare or fight their wars for them.

By the way, this is the message that Trump spouted during his administration.

That attitude is exactly what has gotten us into just about every single war.

Let’s start with World War One. The Germans refused to believe that any nation that powerful would actually be neutral and isolationist. They believed that the United States had chosen sides by selling arms and material to the British and French. This despite the fact that we were happy to sell to the Germans, but the Germans only had that one Submarine to carry cargo.

The Germans knew that if they resumed unrestricted submarine warfare, they would push us towards war. They then came up with a plan to keep us busy at home using your favorite enemy, Mexico as a puppet while they finished up in Europe. The Germans sank our ships, and plotted to take several states from us, for Mexico, because they didn’t believe we were Neutral after all.

Now, imagine if we had signed on to the Treaty guaranteeing the neutrality of Belgium. The Cause for war as far as Britain was concerned. The war would have ended three years earlier. Perhaps as little as two. Millions of lives would have been saved, and possibly the war would have been avoided as Germany realized that the Americans would honor their treaty obligations.

World War II. How did it become a thing? America refused to join the League of Nations. We refused to put teeth to the organization that we had imagined. Isolationists like you pounded on desks and said we would never again get involved in a foreign war. The world would be a very different place if America had gotten involved. The war would probably never have happened. Instead it happened, and again trade drew us into it. Our desire to sell our products to willing customers.

We could have turned the other way while China was ravaged by Japanese. We could have washed our hands of the Philippines. We could have just kept selling war materials to a nation that had for fifteen years been planning on war with us. But we would have ended up in the war anyway, because we are so powerful, that the enemies refuse to believe we won’t get involved.

Korea? Sure. The Secretary of State left Korea out of our Zone of Influence. Where we were interested. Where we would defend. Isolationism again. Korea wasn’t our problem. Japan and the Philippines were.

North Korea attacked. And if they had won, would have held a knife to the throat of Japan with the handle held by the Soviet Union. Look at a map. See how close the two are. Japan would have either had to be vigorously defended, costing many trillions more than it does now, or we had to get involved, or we could go home and leave all of Asia to the Soviets, and the Australians too. How long before we are surrounded? How long before we are an armed camp waiting for the inevitable to come?

It is that none of our business that led to 9-11. Remember Somalia? We got hit hard, and it was a debacle. It’s none of our business demands won, and bin Laden said that it proved that America was a paper tiger, if you hit them once, hard, they collapse. Imagine if we had stayed. Imagine if we had remained and established control of Somalia, and imagine if bin Laden decided the Great Satan was a formidable enemy who was not to be underestimated. We may have avoided 9-11. We may have avoided twenty years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq. We may have avoided all the expenses, material and in men, we had to pay later.

Imagine it this way. You find a board that needs painting on your house. You can paint it or ignore it. Let it be for now. If you do then later that entire area is going to be rotten. And the expense and effort is going to be greater to fix it.

We are dealing with a small rotted area right now. We can walk away, and find the entire house has to be rebuilt later.

It isn’t our business, has never worked to our advantage. We have things to do at home, always comes back to bite us in the ass.

Your attitude has gotten us into almost every single war. And that is the historical truth.
That attitude is exactly what has gotten us into just about every single war.

Let’s start with World War One. The Germans refused to believe that any nation that powerful would actually be neutral and isolationist. They believed that the United States had chosen sides by selling arms and material to the British and French. This despite the fact that we were happy to sell to the Germans, but the Germans only had that one Submarine to carry cargo.

The Germans knew that if they resumed unrestricted submarine warfare, they would push us towards war. They then came up with a plan to keep us busy at home using your favorite enemy, Mexico as a puppet while they finished up in Europe. The Germans sank our ships, and plotted to take several states from us, for Mexico, because they didn’t believe we were Neutral after all.

Now, imagine if we had signed on to the Treaty guaranteeing the neutrality of Belgium. The Cause for war as far as Britain was concerned. The war would have ended three years earlier. Perhaps as little as two. Millions of lives would have been saved, and possibly the war would have been avoided as Germany realized that the Americans would honor their treaty obligations.

World War II. How did it become a thing? America refused to join the League of Nations. We refused to put teeth to the organization that we had imagined. Isolationists like you pounded on desks and said we would never again get involved in a foreign war. The world would be a very different place if America had gotten involved. The war would probably never have happened. Instead it happened, and again trade drew us into it. Our desire to sell our products to willing customers.

We could have turned the other way while China was ravaged by Japanese. We could have washed our hands of the Philippines. We could have just kept selling war materials to a nation that had for fifteen years been planning on war with us. But we would have ended up in the war anyway, because we are so powerful, that the enemies refuse to believe we won’t get involved.

Korea? Sure. The Secretary of State left Korea out of our Zone of Influence. Where we were interested. Where we would defend. Isolationism again. Korea wasn’t our problem. Japan and the Philippines were.

North Korea attacked. And if they had won, would have held a knife to the throat of Japan with the handle held by the Soviet Union. Look at a map. See how close the two are. Japan would have either had to be vigorously defended, costing many trillions more than it does now, or we had to get involved, or we could go home and leave all of Asia to the Soviets, and the Australians too. How long before we are surrounded? How long before we are an armed camp waiting for the inevitable to come?

It is that none of our business that led to 9-11. Remember Somalia? We got hit hard, and it was a debacle. It’s none of our business demands won, and bin Laden said that it proved that America was a paper tiger, if you hit them once, hard, they collapse. Imagine if we had stayed. Imagine if we had remained and established control of Somalia, and imagine if bin Laden decided the Great Satan was a formidable enemy who was not to be underestimated. We may have avoided 9-11. We may have avoided twenty years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq. We may have avoided all the expenses, material and in men, we had to pay later.

Imagine it this way. You find a board that needs painting on your house. You can paint it or ignore it. Let it be for now. If you do then later that entire area is going to be rotten. And the expense and effort is going to be greater to fix it.

We are dealing with a small rotted area right now. We can walk away, and find the entire house has to be rebuilt later.

It isn’t our business, has never worked to our advantage. We have things to do at home, always comes back to bite us in the ass.

Your attitude has gotten us into almost every single war. And that is the historical truth.

We had no business being in WWI. It was a nasty spat between European Royal families.

Our interventionism in the Far East pissed off the Japs and that started WWII for us. I have no idea why we sent millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us.

The Cold War and the ensuing wars in Korea and Vietnam were a direct result from us being involved in trying to be be the World's Policeman.

That shit in the Middle East (including 911) that we have been involved in for the last 50 years was a result of siding with Israel and of course trying to protect the oil that we were too sorry to provide for ourselves back home.

The US have only been in three necessary wars.

The Revolutionary War to establish our independence.

The Civil War to protect against the Union invasion but we lost that one.

You could argue the Gulf War to make sure we had access to Middle East oil but even that is convoluted.

Great simplification but that is the truth.

I am a proud Veteran with a Veteran son and I use to be a Hawk but as I got older I wised up and realized war is mostly useless. There are times to fight but intervening when it is really none of our business is not cool. Unfortunately we do far too much of that.

My father was also a proud WWII veteran. Landed in Normandy. When he was younger he spouted the company line but as he aged he also came to the conclusion that wars are usually bullshit.

Your post reminds me of what I would have said a few decades ago before I wised up. Maybe you will evolve like I did. If not then fine. God bless.
We had no business being in WWI. It was a nasty spat between European Royal families.

Our interventionism in the Far East pissed off the Japs and that started WWII for us. I have no idea why we sent millions of troops to Europe when it was the Japs that attacked us.

The Cold War and the ensuing wars in Korea and Vietnam were a direct result from us being involved in trying to be be the World's Policeman.

That shit in the Middle East (including 911) that we have been involved in for the last 50 years was a result of siding with Israel and of course trying to protect the oil that we were too sorry to provide for ourselves back home.

The US have only been in three necessary wars.

The Revolutionary War to establish our independence.

The Civil War to protect against the Union invasion but we lost that one.

You could argue the Gulf War to make sure we had access to Middle East oil but even that is convoluted.

Great simplification but that is the truth.

I am a proud Veteran with a Veteran son and I use to be a Hawk but as I got older I wised up and realized war is mostly useless. There are times to fight but intervening when it is really none of our business is not cool. Unfortunately we do far too much of that.

My father was also a proud WWII veteran. Landed in Normandy. When he was younger he spouted the company line but as he aged he also came to the conclusion that wars are usually bullshit.

Your post reminds me of what I would have said a few decades ago before I wised up. Maybe you will evolve like I did. If not then fine. God bless.

As a fellow Vet I am no fan of war. But History tells a different story.

Let’s deal with the war. I would be hard pressed to be described as a Hawk. Even now I’m not demanding US troops in Ukraine. I’m saying provide them with weapons and military equipment including medical supplies.

I’m not calling in the Air Force to bomb the Russians. I’m saying provide as much support as possible to the Ukrainians.

Supporting freedom is worth it to me. It is worth it in the short term, and long.
As a fellow Vet I am no fan of war. But History tells a different story.

Let’s deal with the war. I would be hard pressed to be described as a Hawk. Even now I’m not demanding US troops in Ukraine. I’m saying provide them with weapons and military equipment including medical supplies.

I’m not calling in the Air Force to bomb the Russians. I’m saying provide as much support as possible to the Ukrainians.

Supporting freedom is worth it to me. It is worth it in the short term, and long.
That crap about "supporting freedom" is bullshit. Very few of our wars were to support our freedom. Most of the time we were fighting for somebody else.
As a fellow Vet I am no fan of war. But History tells a different story.

Let’s deal with the war. I would be hard pressed to be described as a Hawk. Even now I’m not demanding US troops in Ukraine. I’m saying provide them with weapons and military equipment including medical supplies.

I’m not calling in the Air Force to bomb the Russians. I’m saying provide as much support as possible to the Ukrainians.

Supporting freedom is worth it to me. It is worth it in the short term, and long.

That crap about "supporting freedom" is bullshit. Very few of our wars were to support our freedom. Most of the time we were fighting for somebody else.

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