HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Damn! He did so badly the left can't even pretend he won. That is really, really an awful performance. On the other hand the left is still able to conjure up some racism with the mere use of the word boy. Doesn't matter the context, doesn't matter the intent all that matters is it is a trigger word and that is all it takes to set off the left.

HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome

Bewildered and lost without his teleprompter, President Obama flailed all around the debate stage last night. He was stuttering, nervous and petulant. It was like he had been called in front of the principal after goofing around for four years and blowing off all his homework.

Not since Jimmy Carter faced Ronald Reagan has the U.S. presidency been so embarrassingly represented in public. Actually, that’s an insult to Jimmy Carter.

Read more: HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome - Washington Times HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome - Washington Times
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Carter celebrates again after having yet another record broke by Obummer.
Damn! He did so badly the left can't even pretend he won. That is really, really an awful performance. On the other hand the left is still able to conjure up some racism with the mere use of the word boy. Doesn't matter the context, doesn't matter the intent all that matters is it is a trigger word and that is all it takes to set off the left.

HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome

Bewildered and lost without his teleprompter, President Obama flailed all around the debate stage last night. He was stuttering, nervous and petulant. It was like he had been called in front of the principal after goofing around for four years and blowing off all his homework.

Not since Jimmy Carter faced Ronald Reagan has the U.S. presidency been so embarrassingly represented in public. Actually, that’s an insult to Jimmy Carter.

Read more: HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome - Washington Times HURT: Obama the debater: Making Jimmy Carter look awesome - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

I think you are letting your enthusiasm get the best of you. I saw the results from two different focus groups of undecided voters; one had eight move to Romney's camp and eight moved to Obama's, while the other had eleven move to Romney's camp and thirteen move to Obama's camp.

We will know who the real winner was in about one week.
Bewildered and lost without his teleprompter, President Obama flailed all around the debate stage last night. He was stuttering, nervous and petulant. It was like he had been called in front of the principal after goofing around for four years and blowing off all his homework.
If J. Earl Carter's smile gets any broader his face will fall off. He just can't help it though as he's so excited about giving up his title come January and you would too at the thought of finally becoming only the second worst president in modern history, if not ever.
Jimmy Carter was a kind and honest man who was in way over his head. He was as ignorant as ignorance can be, but he was a GOOD man.

Obama is a liar, dishonest, a phoney, and the anti-Christ.

Don't insult Jimmy Carter by comparing him to Obama
Jimmy Carter was a kind and honest man who was in way over his head. He was as ignorant as ignorance can be, but he was a GOOD man.

Obama is a liar, dishonest, a phoney, and the anti-Christ.

Don't insult Jimmy Carter by comparing him to Obama

There is no insult because there is no comparing. Carter's head and shoulders better than the bumbling Barry.
Obama never had the experience or the education to be POTUS. We said it then and he is proving it now. It would be different had we not predicted what has happened but we did. What is simply amazing is that the left tries and blame the right for Obama's failings.

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