Husseins vp Binden called Osama and Talabani today to try to defuse tensions in Iraq


Nov 17, 2011
Hussein Obamas vice president Joe Biden called Osama and Talabani today to try to defuse tensions in Iraq, I hope it helps reduce the violence, what say you?

Baghdad (CNN) -- As recent bloodshed raises fears of renewed sectarian violence in Iraq, U.S. Vice President Biden has been calling Iraqi leaders in an apparent attempt to soothe political tensions, the White House said Saturday.

Biden telephoned Iraqi Council of Representatives Speaker Osama Nujaifi on Saturday and, a day earlier, spoke with Dr. Ayad Allawi, a leader of the Sunni-backed Iraqiya political bloc.

"The two Iraqi leaders described deliberations under way among all Iraqi political factions and parties in the run-up to a proposed national conference led by President Jalal Talabani," the White House statement said.
Biden calls Iraqi leaders as bloodshed worsens -
All around the mulberry bush the Hussein chased the Mitt. All around the mulberry bush, pop goes the Newt.
Hussein Obamas vice president Joe Biden called Osama and Talabani today to try to defuse tensions in Iraq, I hope it helps reduce the violence, what say you?

Baghdad (CNN) -- As recent bloodshed raises fears of renewed sectarian violence in Iraq, U.S. Vice President Biden has been calling Iraqi leaders in an apparent attempt to soothe political tensions, the White House said Saturday.

Biden telephoned Iraqi Council of Representatives Speaker Osama Nujaifi on Saturday and, a day earlier, spoke with Dr. Ayad Allawi, a leader of the Sunni-backed Iraqiya political bloc.

"The two Iraqi leaders described deliberations under way among all Iraqi political factions and parties in the run-up to a proposed national conference led by President Jalal Talabani," the White House statement said.
Biden calls Iraqi leaders as bloodshed worsens -

Very Saul Alinsky!
All around the mulberry bush the Hussein chased the Mitt. All around the mulberry bush, pop goes the Newt.
If Osama and Talabani dialog can help reduce bloodshed in Iraq, I say we do everything to encourage the peace process.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes and why are we in any part of the *Middle Beast*?
2. I say we leave them to destroy each other, sell them cheap arms for oil, to each and every clan, and send them Biden and Obama to decide who was right.:badgrin:

Granny says, "Dat's right - if dey lose Talabani it may just trigger a Sunni vs. Shia sectarian civil war...
Iraq without key mediator, with new crisis looming
Sun, Dec 23, 2012 - With Iraqi President Jalal Talabani being treated in Germany after a stroke, Iraq is without a key mediator as a new political crisis brews between the secular Sunni-backed Iraqiya bloc and the Shiite prime minister.
Talabani’s stroke may in itself spark turmoil — his resignation or death could cause a protracted dispute over his successor. The 79-year-old has sought to bring together feuding politicians, Sunni and Shiite Muslims, Arabs and Kurds, during political crises that have plagued Iraq in the past year. After Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said on Friday that 10 of Iraqi Finance Minister Rafa al-Essawi’s guards were arrested the previous day for alleged terrorism offenses, Talabani’s mediation skills will be sorely missed.

Essawi, a Sunni member of Iraqiya, told a news conference a “militia force” raided the ministry and his home “in an illegal act, without a judicial order,” and called on Maliki to quit “because he did not behave like a man of state.” He spoke to journalists alongside Iraqi Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi and Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlak, fellow members of the main Sunni-backed parliamentary bloc. Maliki expressed “astonishment” at “linking the issue of the detainees with political disputes” and “trying to pull the whole country toward sectarian strife.” However, a later statement from his office said some security force members “did not act professionally” during arrests made on Thursday, in an apparent admission of misconduct.

Iraqiya and other members of Maliki’s unstable national unity government have accused him of concentrating power in his own hands and moving toward a dictatorship, leading to calls for him to be removed from office. Maliki’s opponents ultimately lacked the parliamentary votes to remove him, but Essawi called on Thursday for no-confidence proceedings to be reopened. The arrest of Essawi’s guards comes almost exactly one year after Sunni Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi’s guards were arrested and accused of terrorism. Hashemi himself — like Essawi, an Iraqiya member — eventually took refuge in Turkey and has since been given multiple death sentences for charges including murder, as have some of his guards.

Talabani, a Kurd, was hospitalized on Monday after suffering a stroke, and was airlifted to Germany on Thursday for specialist treatment. “While on paper [Talabani’s] role is somewhat limited, his influence and mediation skills have gone a long way in smoothing over the country’s troubled political scene,” AKE Group analyst John Drake said. “Some may describe his position as ‘ceremonial,’ but he has made it a lot more active, simply though dialogue and discussion, which play a strong role in Iraqi politics,” he said. Should Talabani require replacing, choosing a successor would probably be drawn out, contentious and messy.

Iraq without key mediator, with new crisis looming - Taipei Times

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