HW Bush broke his central campaign promise, as did Trump with the wall, Trump will also serve 1 term

Oddly enough, I have as much evidence, if not more, than you regarding your claim the Mexico will pay for the wall.
I mistakenly omitted the word "no"

The corrected post is >>you have no evidence for whatsoever, and you have no possible way to ever have evidence for it.

As for your latest idiotic statement how could you have evidence of Mexico not paying for the wall, when Mexico has no control over it ?
The evidence is in — the wall is not getting built because Mexico is not paying for it.


More tariffs would take care of that .

Reagan agreed to a compromise in which $2 in spending was cut for every dollar in tax increases. Democrats reneged. Reagan refused to raise the tax rates so there were some excise tax increases.
And closed loopholes/removed deductions. Coupled with the excise taxes you mentioned, he still managed to more than double the debt because of his rampant military spending.

At the same time, state/local taxes soared to make up for the lack of Fed funding for programs.
I was around during Reaganomics and the country enjoyed a nearly unprecedented prosperity. Kennedy advocated tax cuts to get the economy moving. In a speech to the Economic Club of NY, he said "In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now. The experience of a number of European countries and Japan have borne this out. This country's own experience with tax reduction in 1954 has borne this out. And the reason is that only full employment can balance the budget, and tax reduction can pave the way to that employment. The purpose of cutting taxes now is not to incur a budget deficit, but to achieve the more prosperous, expanding economy which can bring a budget surplus"

The economy did not start getting stronger until the last third of the Reagan tax cuts had taken effect.
Don't conflate the market, with the Reagan economy. Top marginal rate during Kennedy was 90%. It was 70% when Reagan took office. There was plenty of room to cut marginal rates, even though nobody every pays them.

His increased deficit spending destroyed the debt. Money was freed up for construction projects that were never finished, or even started. Remember when you would answer your phone, and a timeshare company wanted to give you a 'free' weekend in Fla if you sit through a seminar?

Strip malls/corporate parks sat unfinished or empty when the smoke cleared after Reaganomics. Bush paid the price for Reagan's folly.
Please illustrate this "deal" with documentation of course
The evidence is in — the wall is not getting built because Mexico is not paying for it.
It'll be built. Mexico can't avoid paying for it, and the tunnels will all be stopped. Navy and Coast Guard will take care of boats. Visa travel bans are already stopping air travelers. :Boom2::dig:
I have a degree in history and I was 32 when G. H. W. Bush's term ended. Electing Clintoon killed my Navy career.

You need to stop reading the DEM talking points emails.
Well, I've got a few years on you, so you have no excuse to make such silly claims regarding history. If your Navy career was 'killed', then you obviously weren't necessary anymore...Pilgrim.

Of course, if you were sheltered in a Navy position, you have no idea what the economy was like under Reagan/Bush.

And you definitely didn't pay attention to Clinton's campaign speeches. So you aren't aware that he told the electorate that taxes needed to be raised, especially given the taxpayer bailout of the S&Ls
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They've underestimated him for 3 years now. You'd think they would learn.
They can't learn.They're deranged.

It’s gonna be damn near impossible once Democrats take control of the House next month.
Democrats have nothing to do with it. The wall will be built by Mexicans. No need for us legislation. Mexico is forced to do it.
Not when you account for inflation.
Excuse me ? You're saying the economy has not soared since Trump took over ? You realize every liberal publication in America concedes the booming Trump economy. But if you choose to be a lone dissenter, no law against it.


Well the last quarter looks alot more like the first quarter...and Obama had several better than Trump's best ...so..what was your point again?
Nope, Democrats don’t have enough control in the Bouse to block it and Republicans control the Senate, where they can eliminate the filibuster and push the measure through.

Grow a pair and stop blaming the party which can’t prevent the wall.
You know damn well it was Democrats, with help from RINOs (Flake and other traitors)

All irrelevant. Mexico can't avoid paying for the wall.
Well the last quarter looks alot more like the first quarter...and Obama had several better than Trump's best ...so..what was your point again?
Don't know what the hell you're talking about with all the "quarter" talk, but Obama did NOT have any quarters better than Trump. His only measurable year was 2016. Before that was normal recession recoil. And 2016's best was only 2.3 (equivalent to Trump's worst)

Notice how the right side of this chart is a lot higher than the left side ? How appropriate. :biggrin:

Well the last quarter looks alot more like the first quarter...and Obama had several better than Trump's best ...so..what was your point again?
Don't know what the hell you're talking about with all the "quarter" talk, but Obama did NOT have any quarters better than Trump. His only measurable year was 2016. Before that was normal recession recoil. And 2016's best was only 2.3 (equivalent to Trump's worst)

Notice how the right side of this chart is a lot higher than the left side ? How appropriate. :biggrin:


So now the question us...Are you dishonest or just stupid?

I say both.

U.S.: real GDP growth by quarter 2011-2018 | Statista

Obama had quarters (that's what YOUR chart is measuring dolt) of 5.1%...4.9%...and 4.76%

In case you couldn't do the math....those numbers are ALL higher than Trump's ONE quarter of 4.2%

Now go sit in the corner

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